The Only Exception

The Crush

No one speaks to their crush.

At least not for people like me. There are a lot of aggressive girls out there who would do whatever to make a first move, to make their crush notice them, to make them like them back. Not stereotyping people, but I think girls that act that way are girls who have a crush on a boy just because of his physical appearance. Or merely ual attraction. Something that I, as an introverted, closed-book person, find really disturbing. It's as if their dignity has been locked up in a room, or in a locker, whose keys have been lost and not to be found forever.

I have a crush on a boy.

Yea, right. Everyone has that. Well, not everyone, but I can swear or I'll not eat ice cream for five years that everyone my age has had at least a crush on one boy one time in their lives. If not, then it's them who should stop eating ice cream.

Every time I have a crush on someone, it always becomes a highlight of my life. ...not that I've had a lot. Maybe two. Okay, three. Okay, okay, maybe four. Yeah, four. And this boy is the fourth. I am not the kind of person who easily falls for someone, and you can call me a hypocrite, but I really don't. Our generation , that's why.

I always have this check list and this distillation system to filter people I can really have a crush on. Once I feel someone is a little more special than the others, I will look at him closely. I will find out how he really is like, his background, family, the way he thinks about some things in particular, and so. 

Okay so now I sound so much like a stalker. But no. The distillation system is working.

For people like me, who never really become the center of attention, having a crush has its own story. And I am going to tell you one. Out of four boys I've had a crush on throughout my entire life, I've chosen one for you to listen to. The crush that hugely differs from the other three, the crush that crushes my check list and my distillation system. The only one that didn't have to go through my filter.

The only exception, a boy named Byun Baekhyun.


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Chapter 3: baekhyun can you not?? XD how i wish i am just another nornal girl to have a crush on someone outside the kpop world haha
green_teax #2
Chapter 3: So.. beautiful.
Every sentence, every word you used is very magical. I can even feel through Haemi's fantasy, haha. ^^
The plot was nothing less than elegant. I can't help but impressed by your efforts into writing.

By the way, you put (,) at the ends of some dialogues. Example: "The bus is coming,"
It's the end of the paragraph so you should put (.) instead. Same goes to: "I insist," "Get on," "I go by bus," etc.
Well, hope I helped! ^^
Wow, I love it! :)
It's really well written and not cliche either!! ^^
Chapter 2: Oooh, he's actually talking to her?! Can't wait to read more, I love your style of writing it's really good :)
Chapter 1: Ooh I like, update soon!