What is sleep?


Because nobody ever lets Kibum sleep.


Onew pestering Key for food during the wee hours of the morning.


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neon_fighter #1
Chapter 1: Aw this is uber cute!!!!
ShawolVIP #2
Chapter 1: Key is me - I can insult all I want but never say no to someone in situations like this XD
puppy_love #3
Chapter 1: Wow .....love key in here lol
minhosnoona #4
Chapter 1: this is amazing!!! I love how Key made him food just to shut everyone up!
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaa~ i just love this so much!!! x3 I'm reading it and near the end I'm just melting and keening into my own hands trying not wake up my roommates xD This is so perfect I could die <3 great job!
Chapter 1: P.s.- I feel like the title is really speaking to me right now! ^^;
Chapter 1: I love that Key caved and made something for Jinki! ^^<3 I also love how everyone was defending Key against Jinki too~ heeheehee~ ._. But seriously, being up in the wee hours of the morning do crazy things to you. Not that I speak from experience… ><;; lol~ ;P loved it bunches~ ^^<3
CreoleCocoa95 #8
Chapter 1: Aww Jinki and Key are super cute together, lol I mean how often do you find Jinki getting love hmm??≧﹏≦
Chapter 1: O m g... Cuteness overloaded :33

Love this story so much!!! Thank you for sharing this story author ><
Onkey is adorable <333
Chapter 1: I like Key's and Onew's characters here<3 no. Scratch that. I love everyone's characters here!:3