Day one

Our family


Taemin woke up and stared at the ceiling, memories of the day before rushing into his head but he dismissed them as ridiculous. That couldn’t have happened. But he wasn’t in his own bed. And normally, his mother was on the couch.

He was so deep in thought that he didn’t notice a certain diva walk into the room. “Taeminnie!” he yelled, making Taemin jump about a mile. “You’re so cute!”

Taemin frowned. He wasn’t cute. He was manly! “What’s the time?” he asked.

“Ten-thirty. You slept in and the others are out doing stuff.” Taemin nodded. He’d been really tired. “Oh and I’m making cookies if you want to help,” said Key smiling. Taemin smiled back and nodded again.

They walked into the kitchen and Key got out a recipe book. “Taeminnie, can you turn on the oven to 180o?” Taemin nodded. It seemed that Key had a nickname for him. He didn’t mind it though. He’d been called worse.

“What next?” asked Taemin while turning on the oven.

“Mix this,” said Key handing him a bowl. Taemin mixed it while Key was measuring out other ingredients.  Soon, they were ready to put in the chocolate chips.

“Can I have one?” Taemin asked before remembering he was supposed to be being manly. Oh well. There were chocolate chips. They were worth it.

“Sure,” chuckled Key handing him some. They finished the cookies and put them in the oven and soon the house smelt like cookies.

Taemin heard a key in the lock and saw Onew with two other guys. “Key made cookies!” yelled Onew. They were all in the kitchen in seconds asking for some. Key handed them a cookie each.

“Don’t forget to thank Taemin! He helped,” exclaimed Key rather loudly. Taemin felt a blush spread across his cheeks. “Aww! He’s so cute!” Key said hugging him.

Taemin was not cute. He was manly.

Key introduced him to the others. The short one was Jonghyun and the tall one was Minho. Minho hadn’t said much. Taemin was kind of curious. He wanted to know more about the mysterious Minho. 

I'm sorry it's really, really short! School starts tommorow so I had a ton of last minute homework to finish! 

On a completely unrelated topic, I got more chickens! Now we have five. Unfortunately, my family is evil and they think Onew is a bad name for a chicken. I renamed one Onew though... not that you really care but I had to tell somebody who actually knows who Onew is! Anyway, I'll try to update regularly. R&R

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