First meeting

Our family


Taemin was walking around the park near his house kicking stones along the ground. It was a cold Friday evening. The sun was setting and the cold wind made him shiver. He pulled his coat up over his face to warm him up a little but it wasn’t helping. He had an idea.

He started to run. He ran all around the park then started running through the streets. Soon, he was sweating and panting. He stopped near his house. He couldn’t run any further, but he was warm.

He walked into his house where his mother was lying on the couch watching television. Her eyes were unfocused and he could smell alcohol and smoke on her. “Shut the door!” she yelled without even looking up. He shut it then went up to his room.

In his room, he started on his homework, only coming down to grab some food. At around ten, his dad got home. He dreaded this time of day most of all. He heard his dad yelling and swearing then walking up the stairs. It wasn’t difficult to hear exactly where his father was in the house since he was about as light on his feet as an elephant – and that was when he was sober.

He wasn’t exactly small. Sometimes Taemin wondered how he fit through the doorframes. His father opened the door and stood, swaying slightly, in the doorway. “Boy,” he said, slurring slightly. “I need some money.”

Well, Taemin couldn’t say he wasn’t expecting it. His dad always took his money. This time, he decided, would be different. “No,” he said quietly.

“What was that?” asked his father coming up and grabbing his arm. He flinched. His father had really sharp fingernails and they were digging into his arm.

“No,” he said again, louder this time. “Why should I?”

His father held his arm tighter. “Because I’m your father, that’s why.” Taemin wrinkled up his nose. His father’s breath reeked of alcohol. Taemin saw spots of blood appear on his arm. He didn’t care how stupid this was. He was going to stand up for himself. “So, where is it?” his father asked again.

“No. It belongs to me. You can’t take it!” he yelled, struggling to escape from his father’s grip.

“That’s it,” said his father, releasing his arm. “Get out.”

“B-but –“ started Taemin.


Taemin suspected his father would destroy his room looking for the money while he was gone but he had to go before he got angrier. This was about a seven out of ten. He didn’t want to be around to see any higher. His father pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face.

He decided to head back to the park he was in earlier. Hopefully he could return in the morning when his father was asleep. Luckily he was a deep sleeper.

His stomach rumbled. He’d had some instant noodles while he was doing his homework but that was about all he’d eaten that day. He wondered if he should run again but he was still tired from before. He left the park and just walked. Eventually, he got to a fast food restaurant. His stomach rumbled again and he searched through his pockets, trying to find change. He had a couple of coins but not enough to buy anything.

Next to him was another boy, maybe a few years older than him staring through the window. He was drooling slightly. Taemin couldn’t help it. He let out a chuckle. The boy turned around. “I can’t afford it!” he said. Taemin gave him a blank look. “I want to buy chicken but they raised their price and now I can’t afford it.”

Taemin started laughing. This guy was such a weirdo. “I’ll add my money if I can have some,” he offered holding out the coins. The guy thought about it for a while then took the coins.

“We’ll split 70-30,” said the boy. Taemin got the feeling this guy might possibly like chicken. Just maybe. They walked into the shop and ordered chicken. While they were waiting, they talked. He found out this guy’s name was Jinki but he preferred to go by Onew, and that he was out for a midnight snack. They sat eating their chicken and talking some more.

Onew wanted to know why Taemin was out as such a late hour. It was nearly midnight after all. Taemin didn’t know why, but he felt like he could trust Onew. “M-my dad kicked me out,” he said, looking at the ground. Almost instantly, he regretted telling the older boy. What kind of weirdo tells stuff like that to someone they barely know?

Onew smiled. “Come stay with us!”

“I couldn’t,” Taemin said, turning red.

“We have a spare bed. You wouldn’t be intruding.”

Taemin was about to refuse again when Onew grabbed him by the wrist and headed towards his house. Soon they arrived. It was a tiny little place with the paint peeling off and an overgrown garden. Onew opened the door to see a man sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea. “Where have you been?” he asked. Onew help up the container that had once contained chicken. “And who is this?” he asked, spotting Taemin.

“This is Taemin. His dad kicked him out.”

The man hugged him. “You’re so cute! I’m Kim Kibum but call me Key or Umma,”

Taemin stifled a yawn. “Sorry,” he said almost immediately, starting to blush.

“Why are you apologising? I’ll go make you a bed. The others are asleep but I’ll introduce them to you in the morning.” 

Onew said goodnight to them and headed off down the corridor. Key came back a few minutes later with some blankets and pillows and set them up on the couch. “Sleep here for now. We’ll find you somewhere better to sleep tomorrow.”

Taemin thanked him and got under his blankets. He wondered how he was going to tell them he was only going to stay overnight, since Key had some idea he was going to stay forever but he was so warm and comfortable he fell asleep almost immediately.

Hi! Walking-in-the-rain here! This is my first real story here so please be nice! I'm sorry for any errors! Please R&R!

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