Chapter 25

After All This Time




“Welcome children. I’m about to unveil my sacred kingdom. Charan!!!” Mr. Jung laughed hysterically as he opened the door to his laboratory. The girls laughed giddily and jogged their way inside the lab. Luhan and Yifan followed behind them and gaped at the sight of Mr. Jung’s one of a kind laboratory. “Wo-oaw…” Every corner looks really clean, and the sight of racks displaying different kinds of small plants is very calming. It appeared like nature had just invaded the whole laboratory, looking like Mr. Jung made his own replica of forest Elysium.


They just finished with the Kimchi marinating when Mr. Jung told the youngsters he’ll show them his laboratory. The mothers back in the living room were finishing cleaning the mess and were discussing about the dinner.


“Wow, look at these orchids! Have you really got them from the mountains, uncle?” Luhan asked and examined the specimens on the table, where the plants were shaded under the bright imitation of UV lights. Soon, the other youngsters surrounded the table too and listened to Mr. Jung’s explanation about them.


“Yes, I got them from the mountains of Gyeongpo.” Mr. Jung said.


The curious children would ask the elder about some related things they’re curious about, like: “Are they poisonous?” “Is it a new kind?” “Can they be bought in flower shops?” “How can you reproduce them?”


And from time to time, Luwen would steal some glances at Yifan. It was so obvious that Luhan’s younger sister has a liking towards Yifan. With Jaein’s sensitive senses, she can’t help but recognize it. And until now, she was still wondering why she is growling inwardly every time she caught her staring. No, she can’t be jealous. Not jealous! Not jealous!


“Children? Come back here and let’s eat the dinner!” Mrs. Jung called from the kitchen an hour later.


“Alright honey, we’re coming!” Mr. Jung yelled and told the youngsters to fill out the room.


When they came back in the living room, a middle-aged man in his Hawaiian printed polo and summer trunks greeted them. “Hi kids! Look whose back?”


“Papa!” Luwen shrieked and jumped unto her father for a hug.


“Hi appa!” Luhan grinned and gave his father a welcome hug too.


Mr. Xi caught a view of Jaein and Misoo smiling at him. “Oh come on, won’t you like to give your Uncle Zhiping a hug too?”


The two girls shyly smiled but then gave their uncle Zhiping a bear hug.


“Hi honey! I’m glad you made it here!” Auntie Lulu gave her husband an embrace too. Mr. Xi’s appearance today is really surprising. For the fact that he allots more time in the port to administer his business, he still managed to come here and join the family bonding.


“Yes, yes. It’s been a while since I joined the harvest. Now…” Mr. Xi clasped his hands and smiled at the children, “Who wants to eat a salmon barbeque?”


“Me!” The youngsters beamed in unison. He laughed at their answer and called his eldest child. “Gege?”


“Pa?” Luhan answered and faced his father.


“Please get the container in the van. I brought some fresh fish meats for you guys.” Mr. Xi grinned. “Let’s add some barbeque for tonight’s dinner.”


“Yes, papa.” Luhan smiled and tugged Misoo’s arm to come with him. Mr. Xi smiled at the sight of them walking out. He flinched in surprise to see a new face inside the house.


Yifan bit his lip and bowed at him. “Good evening Mr. Xi, I’m Yifan.”


Jaein smiled and laid a hand on Yifan’s shoulder. “He’s from our school, uncle. And he’s also our classmate.”


“He’s a Jiangsu native, darling.” Auntie Lulu added.


“Really?” The middle-aged man laughed and took a better look on Yifan’s figure. Then he took his hand and shakes it. “Nice to meet you, Yifan.”


“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Xi.” Yifan smiled back.



Later that night, they settled a long table in the backyard and prepared the dinner together. The boys are responsible for the barbeque while the ladies are doing the fruit slicing, utensil arranging, and etcetera.


They ate the dinner in smiles. Mr. Xi shared some funny stories he encountered as a manager in the port. Mr. Jung kept reminding them to eat more vegetables and how nutritious they are. Apparently, the elders were dominating the conversation and the youngsters would just complement their talk.


After the dinner, as they got out from the house to start prepping their things for departure, the elders made a brief talk about their plans for the following harvest. As Luhan bids Misoo goodbye, he pinched her cheeks so hard that it became red. Misoo got furious and they both ended up in a goose chase, with Misoo trying to get a revenge on Luhan.


While Yifan places the big container in their truck’s back compartment, he noticed a presence behind him. After placing down the object, he turned around and was not surprised to see Luwen. Ever since the younger girl introduced herself to Yifan, he had been aware of Luwen’s occasional glances and how she would make brief conversations towards him.


“Yi-Yifan oppa…” Luwen blushed and bit her lip.


“You need something, Luwen?” Yifan asked, not a hint of annoyance had laced down his deep voice.


Oppa,” she took a breath and said, “Luwen likes you,” she finally uttered.


Yifan blinked in surprise. He gulped and cleared his throat. Okay, he did not expect she would make a confession, for the fact they just met today.


He put out a sly smile and composed the right words to say something.




Your POV


I just placed our bags in the front seat when I saw Luwen coming closer towards our truck. After closing the door, my gaze followed to where she was actually heading.


A gasp escaped my lips when I discovered she was heading towards Yifan. The boy turned around and faced Luwen.


I glanced back at the elders who were still discussing in the veranda, and to Luhan and Misoo still chasing each other outside the greenhouse. With an intention, I tiptoed my way to the other side of the truck to hide and eavesdrop at Yifan and Luwen’s conversation.


“You need something, Luwen?” I heard Yifan asking.


Peeking through, I saw Luwen blushing and stared at his eyes with a purpose in mind. Then she spoke, “Oppa… Luwen likes you.”


I cupped my mouth in surprise. Wow, this is totally unexpected! All the time, ever since we came here, I’ve been aware of Luwen stealing glances at Yifan. I keep convincing myself that she’s just having a minor crush towards him. But, sweet biscuits! I totally didn’t expect she would make a confession. Gosh, she’s so straightforward. Hold on… and they just met today! Could love really bloom that fast? Holy macaroni!


I vaguely saw Yifan smiling, but the smile never reached his eyes. He must’ve been surprised to hear Luwen’s sudden confession. He took a sigh and nodded his head uneasily. He must be thinking of something to say back.


Omo, why can I feel my heart thumping so loudly this time? Like it would jump out of my chest anytime soon. And, why am I sweating? Why do I feel nervous?


On the second thought, why am I afraid to hear Yifan’s answer? Could it be possible that he likes her too? Luwen’s a good girl, and what I like about her is those pair of somnolent eyes which Luhan also owns. She would be a perfect girl that would suit Yifan’s handsome standards. It’s undeniable they would make a good couple.


Wait, why do I even care?


I looked back to where they are standing. Seems like Yifan still hadn’t made a reply. My heart made some flutters when he smiled and leaned closer to Luwen. I thought he would kiss her, but his mouth directed towards her left ear, and then he whispered.


What did he say? Did he reject her? Did he say he likes her too?


Luwen gasped and stared back at him. She whispered something, like asking for a confirmation? I don’t know. I can’t decipher the movements of her lips when she spoke. And from this distance, I can’t still hear what she said.


Yifan smiled and leaned closer again. He whispered once more to the girl and I couldn’t clearly understand them, but I managed to hear some phonetics from what he said. Did he say he likes eating brownies?


Yifan stepped back and bowed at her. And then he walked away, leaving Luwen with the mix of confusion and shock plastering her face.


What did he say? Why is Luwen’s expression like that?


I got out from my hidden spot and walked past Luwen as I can see that the elders are done discussing and were now bidding goodbye to each other.


“Jaein unnie,” I froze from walking when I heard Luwen’s thin voice calling me.


I swallowed a lump on my throat and slowly turned around to face her. “Yes, Luwen? You need something?”


I was taken aback when she smiled at me. But the trace of her teary eyes made me wonder if she’s happy or sad.


She walked towards me and forcibly shook my hand. I looked at her frowning. “Okay?” I chuckled, seriously confused at her action. “What’s this for?”


Luwen took a breath and smiled again. “Congratulations. Good luck, unnie. You deserve better.” And then she pulled out her hand and ran her way to their van.


Now, I’m the one left in wonder. What does she meant by that? Congratulations for what?


“Jaein?” I turned around and saw Yifan eyeing me skeptically. “What are you still doing here? Kaja. Auntie’s waiting in the truck.”


With blinking eyes, I nodded. “R-right.”


I saw him smile before walking towards our truck. My foot slowly made some steps way back to where our vehicle is parking, wondering about what Luwen just told me. Why is she congratulating me? I deserve better?


I noticed Yifan turned around at me and sighed.


And in the next moment, I feel like my world is spinning and my heart stopped beating, or so I thought it was. Yifan took my hand and intertwined his fingers in mine, pulled me faster towards the truck and opened the front seat door for me. Like a prince helping her princess to enter the grand sedan.


I vaguely saw him smirking when he closed the door and before he made his way to the backseat.


Gah, diarrhea! This is really confusing!




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I'll post the 47th chapter by this weekend. Stay tuned! :D


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Sorry for not updating. Trueasian18 unnie is kinda busy too, we're organizing a Kpop event in our place. But she'll try to update just for you gals ^^
Hi thanks for subscribing trueasian18-unnie's story ^^
kpoplover1028 #3
Chapter 55: ㅠㅠ Author-nim~ u should have updated this story~~~~~~
I ship Luhan & Misoo so much!!!
Please update & I'll love u more~~~ 하트하트♥♥
Chapter 55: Such a cute couple!! ^^
Chapter 55: ah~ yifan must be so happy hmm (/.\) i like how you have the unusual event to make a sweet scent like this <3
Chapter 54: omg sooooo cute >< Fanfan, you such a tease. lol ;p
Chapter 54: owiee such a cute moment of them! :3 kkk~
yeah, Yifan looked more open to Jaein now ^^