Who Are You

The Ex-Girlfriend


“Sooji looks really pretty on her graduation picture!!!” Xiumin mused, pointing at Sooji’s picture in the yearbook. “She doesn’t look like a bully.”

“Not at all.” Chen cautiously chuckled. He didn’t more things to be thrown at him. Especially, a couch. “She’s like an angel from the heavens. A fallen angel to be exact, Satan’s spawn.”

“Hey, I heard that.” You jabbed his temple.

“Hey!!! I thought you were in the kitchen.” He blinked, startle. He scrambled off to the side where Kris was sitting, holding the other yearbook. “Sooji looks really pretty, aye?”

“No wonder those rascals are competing for her.” Kai chuckled, shaking his head.

“Rascals? You mean who?” You pulled Kai out of the couch and took his seat. Very nice, huh?

“Stupid people who got glaucoma after getting locked inside a cave 500 miles away from the Alps.” Kai answered, satirically.

“What a pity.”

“Hyung, don’t I look good here, too?” Sehun pouted, wiggling his . “Why do you keep talking about Sooji? Can’t it be me-time today?”

“You’re being very mischievous, Oh Sehun.” Suho shook his head. “Though, in your pictures, you look very…”





“…MANLY!!! I ge—”

“Ridiculous. Ah… that’s the word!” Kris sneered, high-fiving Suho.




“Why are you up so early?” Baekhyun asked, munching on his toast.

“No reason.” You shrugged and hurried out of the house. Today was your college entrance test and you didn’t want to bother Baekhyun about it. He’s pretty busy for their upcoming comeback, which they have been preparing for so many months.

After your test, you walked out casually from the room and called Luhan.


“Mind if you pick me up from the university?”

“Not at all. Be there in a few.”

“Bye.” You hung up. “Just let me pass that test for heaven’s sake. I don’t want to be a housewife for the rest of my life.”

“And I certainly do not want to work for my father’s hell hole of entertaining frogs.” You scoffed, waiting for Luhan at the entrance of the university.  “But I don’t mind being a photographer. As long as the pay is decent and I don’t get to take pictures of bodies…”

“Uhm… hello?” Luhan hollered, beside you. He had been trying to catch your attention for the past five minutes but you were too busy talking to yourself.

“Late.” You gave him an annoyed look, checking your invisible watch. “You’re treating me lunch.”

“I sneaked out from practice. I need to get back soon before Manager finds out.” Luhan frowned.

“You ungrateful .” You grumbled. “Who am I again?”

“Le—Byun Sooji?”

“Uh yeah that’s me. But who is—forget it. You’re treating me lunch.” You gripped on his sweater and dragged him to a restaurant.




“Luhan hyung???” Sehun dramatically called out. He was sitting on the floor, beside the glass window, looking like the miserable guy in music videos. “Luhan hyung… where are you…”

“Sehun has gotten creepier ever since…” Tao shook his head, tossing his empty water bottle into the bin.

“Couldn’t agree more.” D.O. chuckles from the side, “But where is Luhan hyung?”

“You should treat me lunch next time.” Luhan’s voice emanated from outside. They all whipped their heads to the door to see Luhan getting into their practice room with Sooji.

“No.” You replied.

Baekhyun frowned to himself and side-eyed the mirror. ‘She’s still going for that e, huh?’

“Where were you, hyung? We had to stop practicing because the managers are looking for you!!!” Chanyeol worriedly said, making Luhan’s eyes round. “Kidding.”

“Hey, I brought you guys lunch!!!” Another female voice appeared by the door. It was Yoojung. On her hands were twelve lunch boxes, specially made for the members.

“Yoojung!” Xiumin stood up and rushed to her, getting his share. “Did you prepapre steamed buns?”

“Of course, oppa.” She giggled, walking towards the others and leaving the boxes on the floor. “Figured you’d be too tired to even bother eating lunch.”

“You are unbelievable.” You mouthed to her. “Could you excuse us?”

They nodded. You opened the door and got out, dragging Yoojung with you. Why was she here? Didn’t you make it clear to you to stay away from Baekhyun?

“What do you think you’re doing?” You half-yelled.

“I’m friends with them.” She shrugged dismissively. “I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“Didn’t I tell you I didn’t WANT to see you again?” You snorted, “With Baekhyun?”

“But we’re friends.”

“No.” You shook your head, “How much?”

“What?” She sputtered.

“How much do you need?”

“I don’t need any—”

“HOW MUCH DO YOU FREAKING NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM BYUN BAEKHYUN?” You screamed at her, enraged. She has gotten deeply into your nerves. “Name your price.”

“Zero.” Yoojung scoffed, “You know what? You’re a dope. You’re so pathetic. Do you think I’m someone you can buy?”

“Yes.” You smiled, “What? Go ahead. Do you want to debut? I can do that. I can give you everything you want.”

“Who are you? Seriously, who are you?” She creased her forehead. “You hired me to stick close to Baekhyun because you liked Luhan. Now you’re paying me to stay away from Baekhyun? Who are you? You don’t work here.”

“That’s for me to know and you to never find out.”

“You can’t stop me from being friends with them. I don’t ca—”

“I know you do.” You smirked, reaching out for your wallet. You took a couple of notes and handed it to her. “If you need more, tell me.”

“Bu—” The door slammed right in front of her. Her shoulders slumped. Who are you to boss her? Who are you to Baekhyun that you want him all for yourself? Who are you to Luhan that you hired her to make you jealous, so Luhan would jealous? “Whatever. You can’t stop me. Baekhyun is mine. He has been mine ever since he stepped foot on this building. Mine.”




A/N: Seems like it's not just Baekhyun and Luhan having a war, huh? lololol Hmmm... I noticed I haven't used the POVs for a while so maybe in the next chapter? And did you guys miss Yoojung? Sooji is so bad 


@lenusui: hahahahhaha ikr cuties ^^

@ParkHeeRa: HAHAHAHHA DI PA AKO!!! pahinga muna ;___; pero ka-miss

@pinkypn: idk maybe she just prioritizes studies even though it doesn't really show ^^ 

@lei-jjang: HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA ridiculous guys tbh

@parkgail: IT IS ON! lmao

@143SakuraLove: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAR!!!!!!

@AkaruiHoshi: I hope this doesn't disappoint you though :<

@nana-light: idk man but luhan and baekhyun are too cute to be fighting but hahahahahhahahahahahah XD yiiiiiie~~~

@myADDiCTiON22: naks naman!!! congratulations ^^ sa march na ba graduation mo? feel ko nga di na ko makakagraduate eh! >< wag ka mag-aalala may ganti si sooji jay sehun! timang lang ang walang ganti!

@PurpleAngelSJ: MEHEHEHHEHEHE + yoojung!!!

@jetidalwave: Don't worry!!! BaekJi moments are coming soon! Omg I'm so excited !!!!!

@viqueen: awww someone has to be broken hearted but i'll see what i can do ^^


@pandagirl753: omg you're so cute!!!!!

@Biginshattest: We'll see ^^

@chuchudie: HAHAHHAA I LOVE IT TOO <333333 they shall be coming soon. i miss baekhuyn and sooji already

@LUckyLuhan: WAR!!!

@trollingtrishy: WORLD WAR IV??? Shouldn't it be II first or...? PARTY PARTY!! well they wanted to do it anyway psh... Awww little mean, huh? XD Thank you so much!!! I'm really happy to write because you guys are happy to read ^^ You also make my day, do you know that? :)

@an0nymous: Aigoooo lmao. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAA ABBIE PLSS T___T ok i was supposed to do a double update but since you mentioned that i'll just update on the 14th bwahahahahhaa >:)))

@capitalHS: omg!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THEN!!! ^^


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Hii thankyou so much for bringing this story back!!
Chapter 56: Love reading this.
YourPrincessV #3
OMG ITS BACK!!! I had this in my bookmark to read and then it was gone now its back! THANK YOU!!!
Chapter 56: Author-nim!!! Where is the sequel?? T^T huhuhuhuhu
-kimmyeons #5
Chapter 56: I just finished this story and I gotta say I AM SUPER ANNOYED WITH SOOJI'S BEHAVIOUR. I get it that not all lovers act like real lovers and they tend to bicker and insult each other but ASDFGHJKL I thought she's going to change and she didn't looks like she's a cold princess or in this case, cold human being? Lol. Is2g idk what to say but some of your chapters like the april fools one really get me chuckling and such and you're an awesome talented crack author and I'm just saying about how I dislike Sooji's personality and such. I mean come on, she doesn't have fats but she's working out and idk but that just blow off my self esteem as a girl. Nonetheless, its a fanfiction. I got no hate on this. Thank you for creating this story, I guess. Eventhough it didn't made my day by being funny as I thought, I'm glad I found this fic. And I doubt you're gonna read this, heh. Thanks again.
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 54: awww this is so cuuuute! Love this story ❤
yifanutella #7
Chapter 18: author-nim bisaya ka? taga asa ka? omg
balooni #8
Chapter 56: Awwwwww I love the story <3 and god you're the cutest author-nim ever!!!!you're soo cute,I said that before but....hope you actually have the time to read this comment cuz ik I read the story kinda late by a year or so..keep it up!! ;* <3 <3