
The Ex-Girlfriend


Your POV

It wasn’t even my normal wake up time when a devil opened the curtains letting the fiery rays of the sun hit me awake. Ugh, I’m so going to cut this devil’s horns.

“WAKE UP!!!”

“Urgh…” I groaned, sitting up. “Bae—Kyungsoo?”

“Expecting your lovely husband to wake you up?” He raised his eyebrow, “Maybe not today. He left for Christmas shopping with the others.”

“Christmas shopping on the 24th? Wow! So early,” I groaned sarcastically. Are they that busy that they barely have time for Christmas? Oh geez. It’s Christmas!

“And we’re catching up in a few. So wash up and get dressed because whether you like it or not, we are going.” Kyungsoo gave me a small tap on the head before turning on his heels, leaving the room. “I’ll be cooking breakfast.”

At the mention of breakfast, I scrambled off the bed and huddled into the bathroom. I cannot keep food waiting. However, the moment I stepped into the bathroom, instead of taking a bath and singing off-key, I was engulfed in deeeeeeeeeeep thought.

That deep.

Or high because my brain’s probably flying up so high it reached another galaxy. To think, how many galaxies are there besides Milky Way? What if there is a planet identical to Earth in another galaxy and there are also people living in there? Moreover, what if they also wonder if we exist?

“WHOOAAAA…” I exhaled. I probably sounded like a geek and you’re all like ‘GEEK ALERT’

But what if—

“BYUN SOOJI HURRY UP YOU MORON!” I heard Kyungsoo shouting.





“Do we really have to go with them?” I huffed, putting on a thick winter coat. It’s freezing outside and nobody in the right state of mind wants hypothermia. Well, I do. But for others, not for myself.

“Yup! And a little reminder, Exo-M’s joining us tonight.”

I thought I was just going to buy six gifts. But now they’re twelve. Tch… alright, let’s maximize this thing and use all the money in my poor wallet. Twelve gifts plus nine more plus one more and another one and another one.

Wait… maybe let’s just buy everyone in SM Entertainment a gift, how about that?


“The pants look good on you by the way.” He placed a cap on his head and hopped into the van.


Baekhyun’s POV

EXO, check. Taeyeon sunbae-nim, check!!!!! Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun sunbaes, check! Hmm… who else..?



“You shop so fast, hyung!” Sehun gaped at my push cart. Yeah, I bought all my gifts in just one store. Hey, I’m not in a grocery store okay! I’m just avoiding inconvenience.

Yes, Byun Baekhyun is as wise as a fox.

“You’re done?” Suho hyung’s eyes widened. He wasn’t even holding anything except for his wallet.

I was about to nod my head when I saw Kyungsoo with Sooji. And they’re coming towards us.

Is this reality or what? Sooji in jeans.

I gulped.


This is ridiculous! We’ve known each other for two months and something days but it’s only today that she wore pants! So funny!!!!!

But, I admit, she looks good wearing those pair of jeans.

“FINALLY! YOU MANAGED TO WAKE HER UP!” Chanyeol shouted, earning malicious stares from the other shoppers.

Okay, maybe I should buy her a gift too.


No One’s POV

“We thought you’re done shopping.” D. O. smirked, looking at the four members who barely held anything.

“Baekhyun’s done.” Kai pointed his thumb to the back but when he turned around, Baekhyun wasn’t there. “Where’s hyung?”

“Tss…” You hissed.”I’ll part with you guys. I pre—“

“I’ll come with you Master!” Sehun clung onto your arm and dragged you away.

While you were shopping, your phone rang for a text message. You quickly checked it and read the message.

Danshin: You are going to our dorm for our Christmas party, ok.

“Sounds fun. Seems like I really need to buy these peasants something.” You sighed. The thought of buying gifts didn’t appeal to you. If before you’ve only bought something for four people, kindly add eighteen more people.

“Got a problem?” Sehun asked, checking up on you.

“Nah!” You shook your head. ‘Twenty-two people—oh! GOOD IDEA!!!’

“Appa? Can you buy… yeah… yes, yes… twelve boys and ten girls… Names? Uh… Kuris, Shoemin, Chen, Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Ray, Tao, Baekhyun, Jongin, Chanyeol and Taemin… uhuh, those are boys. Girls… uhm… Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyunnie, Sooyoung-ie, Yoona and Lu—Hana!”

You continued on giving off the details to your father about the gifts. This way, you are able to give without spending a single cent. Bwahahahahahahahaha!




“Maybe not.” Sehun heaved a low sigh, shaking his head as he put the panda plushie down.

“Oh… Sehuna? You like pandas?” You curiously looked at him. “Hmm… do you want me to buy you underwear with panda plushies on them?”

“Nah… I was supposed to buy it for someone but maybe not.” He sounded upset.


“I don’t know. She might take it wrongly.” Sehun pouted, “I like her ever since but she’s got a boyfriend now.”

“So? What’s wrong with giving her something? It’s Christmas!”

“Yeah but I’m really scared. I don’t want to get involved into another fight with her boyfriend. Aish… I thought I have moved on.”

“Wait wait wait I’m confused. Okay… so you like this girl but she’s taken?”

“Yeah but before she even met that playboy, we were childhood friends. She even liked me and confessed to me when we were eleven. But I turned her down because we were too young.” He sighed, “When we met again, I thought we could be together but I guess people change.”

“ for you.” You scoffed, “Why didn’t you ask her if she’d give you a chance? Who knows?”

“What about you? Why didn’t you ask Luhan hyung if he’d give you a chance when he broke up with you?” He turned the question back to you. “Why didn’t you come running to ask him to come back to you?”

You were taken aback by his questions. Was this a trap question? Did Luhan tell him to do this?

“What… Sooji?”

“Let’s not talk about this, Sehun.”


“Slave, remember?”

Sehun hissed and stayed silent. He just knew recently about you and Luhan and he wanted to know what really happened. Of course what he told you was true but he was also curious about you and his best friend.

After getting Sehun’s presents wrapped at the wrapping station, you accompanied him back to his hyungs and left without notice.




“Hey, where’s your wife?” Kai asked while Baekhyun and Sehun were answering messages on the fanboard.

“I don’t know. You should know, you’re her best friend.” Baekhyun said, not looking away from the computer. He was busy flirting with his fans.


Meanwhile in SNSD’s dorm…

“EORIDAGO NOLLIJI MARAYOOO… SUJU—“ Sooyoung san obnoxiously while you and the other members sang and danced along.

“Yah! Next song! Next song!” Jessica tugged on Sooyoung’s sleeve. Having no reply, she stormed out of the dorm and frolicked in the snow, taking pictures of herself.

“Where did Jessica go” Sunny asked when she saw Jessica get out of their dorm.

You stopped singing along and looked around. “I don’t know. Sleeping?”

“As always, Jung Sooyeon.” Taeyeon shook her head. “—GIPEUNNIN GEOL!”




After replying to the last fan, Baekhyun shut the computer and stood up. There were only a few hours before Christmas.

“Hyung! EXO-M’s coming and Sooji’s still missing.” D. O. complained.

“Aish… where is that girl?” Jongin popped his knuckles. He sent you multiple text messages and even tried calling you but you weren’t picking up.

“Where could that girl be?” Suho bit on his lips, “Sehun did she tell you her whereabouts?”

Sehun shook his head.

“Hmm… I think I know where she is.” Baekhyun nodded his head and ran out of the dorm, putting on a thick coat that would keep him warm in the freezing snow and bringing his bag that had gifts for his nine precious girls.




“Oh Baekhyun… are you here to give us your gifts?” Yoona chuckled, opening the door for Baekhyun. “Your wife’s inside.”

Baekhyun bowed politely and entered the dorm and placed his gifts for them under the Christmas tree. It was… a mess. There were confetti and Christmas wrappers everywhere.

Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Sunny and you were huddled in front of the television singing and dancing. Seohyun was trying to clean up the big big mess. Hyoyeon and Yuri were playing dance revolution. Tiffany was taking selcas. Yoona was checking on the refrigerator and Jessica is missing.

“Oh boy…” Baekhyun looked at the eight girls dreamily. His dream has come true. He is inside SNSD’s dorm.

“Baekhyun?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow and nudged you, “Sooji, yer husband hazzz come to fetch yaa!”

“Ha?” You turned around and rolled your eyes. “Tsk… what time is it anyway?”

“Nine in the evening, I think?” Tiffany answered.

“Pfft… bye.” You bid farewell to them and took the gifts your received into your arms.

“Wait wait.. Baekhyun, before you leave…” Taeyeon rushed into their bedroom and came out bringing two albums. “HA! There, Baekhyunnie, Merry Christmas!”

You looked at the two albums Baekhyun received from Taeyeon. One was their fourth album with Taeyeon as the cover and the other was the same album you got him from Japan.

“Tchh…” You suddenly grew furious. Your liver was twisting and turning, producing bile and your diaphragm was going nuts, almonds, cashew and pistachio.

You stomped your way out of their dorm and hurried outside.

“He’ll probably throw the one I gave him.” You pouted, feeling bad that you even bought him an album. If only Chanyeol didn’t trick you into buying stupid Baekhyun something.

A/N: Merry Christmas!! I should've posted this yesterday but ugh T___T I'll try to post the other chapter today though ^^

@shimanrui: Waaah thank you!!! :>

@ehminnie_18: MEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHE sooji does not love you back loljk

@Vip0202: It's okay! just pm me the details ^^

@pandagirl753: Quite mean??? VERY MEAN!!!!

@myADDiCTION22: NAMAGA! joke!!! ewan ko lol! Yan pa =)))

@JonzkMaalum: lol hahahhahaa

@sunflee_: aww it's fine. Sehun's okay nowwww :> He and Luhan can make hunhan kids in the future loljk




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Hii thankyou so much for bringing this story back!!
Chapter 56: Love reading this.
YourPrincessV #3
OMG ITS BACK!!! I had this in my bookmark to read and then it was gone now its back! THANK YOU!!!
Chapter 56: Author-nim!!! Where is the sequel?? T^T huhuhuhuhu
-kimmyeons #5
Chapter 56: I just finished this story and I gotta say I AM SUPER ANNOYED WITH SOOJI'S BEHAVIOUR. I get it that not all lovers act like real lovers and they tend to bicker and insult each other but ASDFGHJKL I thought she's going to change and she didn't looks like she's a cold princess or in this case, cold human being? Lol. Is2g idk what to say but some of your chapters like the april fools one really get me chuckling and such and you're an awesome talented crack author and I'm just saying about how I dislike Sooji's personality and such. I mean come on, she doesn't have fats but she's working out and idk but that just blow off my self esteem as a girl. Nonetheless, its a fanfiction. I got no hate on this. Thank you for creating this story, I guess. Eventhough it didn't made my day by being funny as I thought, I'm glad I found this fic. And I doubt you're gonna read this, heh. Thanks again.
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 54: awww this is so cuuuute! Love this story ❤
yifanutella #7
Chapter 18: author-nim bisaya ka? taga asa ka? omg
balooni #8
Chapter 56: Awwwwww I love the story <3 and god you're the cutest author-nim ever!!!!you're soo cute,I said that before but....hope you actually have the time to read this comment cuz ik I read the story kinda late by a year or so..keep it up!! ;* <3 <3