Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

I'll Remember

A  B I T T E R  D A Y


The smell of anesthetics lingered through the intensive care unit at Seoul Hospital. Seoeun was lying down on the hospital bed inert. The sound of her steady heartbeat filled the room. Her eyelids were closed and most of her body was wrapped around with gauze in result of her accident.

Sitting beside her with his head hung low was none other than Kim Sunggyu. He felt remorseful and at fault for what happened. He couldn’t believe the fact that not only did he made Seoeun suffer physically, but emotionally and mentally too. He already called it quits with the other girl because he couldn’t bear the reality of Seoeun getting hurt even more because of him.

, it’s all my fault Seoeun. Never were my intentions to hurt you this badly. If only I could turn back time. Sunggyu’s eyes filled with sorrow and remorse as he softly gazed at Seoeun.

Just moments ago

     “Hello sir, are you a family member of Ms. Kim?” Doctor Choi questioned. Sunggyu got up from the chair and bowed respectfully.

     “Uh, yes Doctor Choi. I’m her fiancé,” Sunggyu felt as if a sharp knife stabbed him when he mentioned the word fiancé since him and Seoeun were supposed to get married. It was his fault all of this was happening.

     “Well, Ms. Kim’s x-ray scans show no damage to the brain. She lost a fairly amount of blood, but she’s stable now.” Dr. Choi informed but had a hint of gloom in his voice.

     “So, when will she be able to come home?” Sunggyu eagerly asked.

Dr. Choi had a sad look in his eyes. “I’m afraid she won’t be coming home for a while. I’m very sorry, but it seems that she is in a coma.”

     “What?! But you just said she was fine, w-what’s wrong then?” Sunggyu’s voice became alert and worried.

     “Her brain is fine, but I’m afraid the impact of the car is what caused her to be in this state. I assure that she will wake, but only time will tell.” Dr. Choi patted Sunggyu on the shoulder trying to soothe him.

Sunggyu slumped back into the chair and just sat there trying to register in all the information.

Seoeun-ah…wake up. Please, I need you.

3 months later

Seoeun’s eyelids began to slowly lift open. Sunggyu had been at the hospital ever since the accident constantly visiting her. He immediately held her hand when she began to move. “Seoeun! Seoeun! Can you hear me?!” Sunggyu excitedly questioned. “I’ll go get the doctor!” He said as he sped out the hallway.

“U-ugh” Seoeun groggily opened her eyes adjusting to the light that shed through the blinds. When she was able to see she noticed that she was in a hospital. What happened? Why am I here? “Ow…” Seoeun gripped her head in pain. She tried to prop herself up in order to get a better view of her surroundings.

Sunggyu came barging into the room with Dr. Choi alarming Seoeun. She looked a bit aloof with what was going on.

Doctor Choi casually walked towards her bed and took out a small flashlight to examine her eyes. He checked each pupil and set the flashlight back into his pocket. “I’m Doctor Choi Seunghyun. How are you feeling Seoeun-ah?” He calmly asked.

     “I feel a bit dizzy, but more importantly, what am I doing in a place like this?” She eagerly said as her eyes scanned the room while locking eye contact with Sunggyu. She found him very dashing, the way his hair brushed right above his eyes and the way his lips curved into a smile.

     “That’s quite normal for person who has been in a car accident.”

Seoeun was shocked with the news. “Car accident?! I don’t even own car!”

Dr. Choi chuckled at Seoeun’s expression. “No you were hit by car. It nearly cost you your life.”

     “What?! That’s even worse!”

Sunggyu was captivated by Seoeun’s liveliness that he was staring long enough till she caught him off guard with a question that broke his heart to pieces.

     “I’ve been meaning to ask, but who’s this guy?” She questioned as she attentively looked at Sunggyu.

Dr. Choi made a heavy sigh and averted his eyes from Sunggyu not wanting to see his hurt expression. The room grew silent. Seoeun still wondered if what she said was offensive.

Sunggyu silently left the room to get some air not wanting Seoeun to see his tears. He made his way to the waiting room of the hospital and sat down on the chair. For a brief moment, he thought everything was going to be fine since she has woken up, but that question shattered his heart. He just covered his face and sobbed into his hands.

Back in the room, Dr. Choi took it upon himself to explain to Seoeun that Sunggyu was her fiancé.

     “I-I don’t understand. I would have definitely remembered if I had a fiancé. But this is getting ridiculous. First, you tell me I was in an accident, and now you say I have a fiancé. This is too much for me to handle.” Seoeun gripped her head in pain from all the overwhelming news.

Dr. Choi assured Seoeun that it was normal for people to lose a part of their memories, especially ones that traumatized them.

     “I think you should rest. It’s been a long day." He patted her head. "Goodbye, Seoeun-ah. Sleep well.” Dr. Choi smiled and slightly bowed as quietly left the room to give her some rest.

What happened that caused me to forget?

And with that final thought, Seoeun dozed off to slumberland.

Next Day

Sunggyu entered Seoeun’s hospital room to find her still asleep. He walked towards her bed and tenderly kissed her forehead. She is so beautiful when she’s asleep. Sunggyu smiled softly but felt sadden when he remembered what happened yesterday.

“Did you really forget about me, jagiya*?” Sunggyu asked the sleeping Seoeun.

*equivalent to the english term for sweetie, honey, darling, love, etc.

Yay! second chapter is up!

do tell me if this story is progressing too slow or too quickly. ^^

Hopefully most of you figured out that the doctor was none other than the handsome T.O.P

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re-wrote first chapter~ c:


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Chapter 3: you should add an "angst" tag 'cause gurrl this is really making the waterworks run ;~;
BETHamphethmine #2

Please update soon and keep up the good work :)

Chapter 2: Update soon <3 it rocks!! Heehee gyu sounds like a jerk xD