
The Love Letter


A woman dressed in white knocked on the door of her eleventh patient of the day. It was a twenty-one year old boy with Batten’s Syndrome. He had been showing symptoms for over a year and spent the past six months in the hospital.

His name was Do Kyungsoo.

At the moment he was lying on his bed, sleeping. He could no longer walk and he could barely speak or see. However, for some reason, the woman in the white robe had chosen him as one of the patients to participate in her clinical trial.

She wasn’t sure what it had been that made her feel hopeful for that boy, who, three months ago had been almost declared dead by other doctors.

Perhaps it was his smile that never faded – or the fact that he made everyone else smile along.

“Come on in.” A soft, whispering voice greeted her.

It was him again.

The dark-skinned boy with the piercing eyes and the serious expression.

“You came to visit him again?” She asked tilting her head on the side.

“I come every day.” The dark-skinned boy, explained without showing any emotion. “How is hyung doing?” He asked and finally she recognized the familiar anxious tone that all people had around her.

“When you came running to my office last year, crying and begging me to save your hyung, I really thought it would be pointless. I never expected him to recover. But, your hyung is full of surprises." She smiled encouragingly and the boy in front of her bit his lower lip.

"He’s doing better.” She assured. 

“Is he? Is he really? The-then…” Tears started running down his handsome face.

“The medicine seems to be working. You can expect things to get better from now on. His speech is already improving and in a year he might even be able to walk.” She nodded and offered him a chair, because more than the sick boy, his friend looked even weaker and distraught at the moment.

“I have one question, though.” She asked after checking the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure. “What do you do, when you come here, every day?”  She couldn’t help but feel that whatever it was, helped the young patient just as much as her treatment.

The dark-skinned boy stared at her for a while before loosening up and answering the question.

“I read to hyung.” He said matter-of-factly.

“Books?” She raised an eyebrow curiously.

“No.” The boy shook his head. “Letters. Letters that I wrote for him.”

“Why letters?” The woman dressed in white spotted the pile of open letters next to her patient’s bed.

“Because letters are special. Because hyung likes letters.” It was simple as that and yet somehow the woman felt a deeper meaning behind the boy’s words.

After asking for his permission she picked up one of the letters and read,



January 2015




Happy New Year! Did you like the cake I bought for you? I thought of taking you out for New Year’s but Doctor Kim said it’s not time yet.

Aish! You know how much I hate it when someone says ‘no’ to me, don’t you? But she’s okay, I suppose. She takes care of you, so I won’t say anything bad to her.

Is your body feeling better?

Ever since you started taking that trial medicine you’ve gotten so much better. You seem stronger now. Just like the cool and pretty Kyungsoo-hyung that I know.

Sehun and Suho-hyung said you talked to them last week when they visited, but you haven’t talked to me yet…

I guess I deserve the cold treatment, since I took so long to answer your letters.

Last year, in your letter, you said I should make all my dreams come true. But what can I do, when all I want is you?

And I won’t give up, I won’t leave you again. Please, be my dream forever!

As for your dreams, no matter how hard it is, keep fighting for them. You’ve already gone so far, I’m sure you’ll make it to the end.

This year, let’s go to the ice skating rink and eat home-made cookies. Let’s go see your mother too, because she called and said she misses you.

Let’s love each other this year too, hyung.


Your Jongin





A/N: So... What do you think?

I just couldn't kill him off... I couldn't. 

Hope you enjoyed this epilogue!

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment!!!


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shirochanLulu #1
Chapter 2: I literally cried at this chapter.

at least he didn't die but but but.. the feels man the feels... huhuhuhuhu
shirochanLulu #2
Chapter 1: I frickin knew it!!!

sweet_lovemeowy #3
Chapter 2: T^T this is so beautiful.. I couldn't help but feel touched. Thank u for writing this lovely kaisoo fic I've ever read.
sweet_lovemeowy #4
Chapter 1: Ohmygoodness! Kyungsoo why you didn't tell jongin you were sick!? And here you there suffering alone without him :-O. T^T
sleepysoo #5
Chapter 2: sweet stories..
using letter for expressing their feelings, i like that idea :D
Krisyeolsdaughter #6
Chapter 2: awesomeawesomeawesomee <3 perfect ten *jazz hands* love this story <3
pirinola #7
Chapter 2: Why kaisoo fics always makes me cry?. It's a wonderful story, so well written, full of emotions, thanks for writing.
Chapter 2: i swear kaisoo is like the greatest angst OTP evahh... their angst never fail to make me cry.. n now excuse me authornim, i have to go and find some kaisoo fluff to heal my heart (im exaggerating >.< ) hahahha.. but authornim this story is good. by good i mean reallyyyyyyyyy good. do u believe me authornim? do u? >'___'
ThePearlescentBluE #9
Chapter 2: i love you for not killing him
i got a heart attack reading the last part of chapter 1
and then ah! the beautiful ending....
Chapter 2: aaawwwww *tears*
just sad... ugh ;_;