
'Project X'

“Han Ji-Eun…Ji-Eun…Han Ji-Eun!”

You flinched violently when a voice finally brought you back to planet earth. You were in homeroom, you realized when your homeroom teacher was glaring daggers at you whilst some very familiar giggles and chuckles could be heard.

“Thank you for joining us” He said with a monotone voice.

You cleared your throat before quickly murmuring an apology, too embarrassed to even lift your head away from your desk. Kai gazed at you from the side as well as letting his eyes wonder round the classroom, inspecting the laughing and teasing faces that were still mocking you and didn’t fight back the urge to scowl at them with disgust.

He still had no clue why the students were so harsh on you. And it could just be in his imagination, but for the past couple of weeks, it seemed to be getting worse. Was it just some sort of dimension difference? He couldn’t understand how you could endure and ignore them so well without complaining and it was worrying him. Actually, you’ve been worrying him since the Xiumin incident. Since then you seemed so lost in your thoughts, like your head was in the clouds. You were drifting off, not only in school but during work too and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like how you seemed to be suffering on your own without telling them.  Every time any of the members asked if you were alright, he could tell you forced a smile. He knew there was something up…he knew since that day; when he watched you from the upper bunk.

You flinched once again when the bell went and quickly packed your things away. After heaving your heavy school bag over your shoulders, you took a step forward, tripping over the table legs. “Whoa-!” Before you could crash to the ground, you felt a strong grip grab you from both sides of your arms.

Kai smirked, “And I thought your clumsiness subsided” He teased, still not letting you go.

You cleared your throat, “T-Thanks” You said, shuffling a little for him to release you.

Kai narrowed his eyes at you, “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’ll be fine” You said, trying to hold up your smile; a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. You glanced around the class and notice how the girls were glaring daggers at you. You were used to them now though, so you just let it go. “See you at lunch then maybe” You bid farewell before dashing out of the classroom.



You once again flinched when a loud voice bellowed your name. This time you were in music, with Ji-Hoon staring you down. The chuckles and giggles could be heard again. Man, not again! You sighed at yourself.

“Do you need to take a moment?” Ji-Hoon asked softly, catching you by surprise. You looked up and met his eyes that were looking at you with…something glistening in his eyes…sympathy?

“N-No, I’m sorry. I’ll listen” You told him, your eyes darting to the music sheets in front of you to show you that you’d focus this time.

Ji-Hoon exhaled, his eyes glancing towards a certain male sat beside you who at that moment was gazing at you, concern in his eyes.

Baekhyun would be lying if he said that it wasn’t the slightest bit awkward with you. You’ve barely exchanged words since the…’incident’. But as well as the other members, he noticed how different you’ve been acting since then. He wasn’t sure why, but he was silently hoping that it wasn’t because of the…because of what he did. Was it too rash? It worked though, you both came out alive. 

“Mr Byun” Ji-Hoon called after the bell rang, signalling the end of class and the beginning of lunch. You and Baekhyun flinched ever so slightly before knitting your eyebrows at the teacher. Well this was new; you were expecting him to call you up after class for being too distracted- like he always did. Ji-Hoon glared at Baekhyun for a second before motioning for him to ‘come here’.

Baekhyun couldn’t help but stare back with a look of suspicion before turning back to you. “Go on ahead; tell the others I’ll be there in a second”

You sighed before nodding your head and heading out of the classroom along with everyone else, leaving Baekhyun and Ji-Hoon in the class alone. Slowly, Baekhyun walked over to Ji-Hoon, tryin ghis best to cover up his injured leg. 

“Is there a problem?” Baekhyun questioned.

Ji-Hoon crossed his arms in thought and clicked his tongue, “How should I put it…” He thought out loud. “Although as a teacher I should never meddle with other students business and lives out of school…” He thought out loud once again, causing Baekhyun to furrow his eyebrows at the man. “Would you say you are close to Miss Han Ji-Eun?” He suddenly asked, his eyes directly nailed on Baekhyun.

Slightly surprised by the question, Baekhyun couldn’t answer straight away, “W-Well, sure, I guess” He stuttered.

Ji-Hoon nodded whilst twisting his lips, “Then you could probably tell that she has a lot on her mind right now” He sighed.

Baekhyun nodded, secretly worried that he would ask why, because if he did then he wouldn’t know how to answer.

“I won’t ask why” Ji-Hoon said, almost as though he’d read Baekhyuns mind. “But as her teacher, I’m rather concerned. It happens every year around this time of month”

Baekhyuns was suddenly intrigued, his ears prickled up. “It…happens every year?”

Ji-Hoon nodded. “You notice these things when you’re someones teacher for so long…” He said, a menaingful smile tugged at his lips.

“Why are you telling me this?” Baekhyun asked, curiously.

“Just thought that it might help you…Since you’re close to her then you’ll probably be able to help her out more than I can” He smiled at Baekhyun. But there was something else in his eyes; a story that he wasn’t willing to tell yet.

“So…every year?” Baekhyun repeated, still doubting his teachers words.

Ji-Hoon nodded yet again, “Although I feel that it seems to be a very bad case this year. If she keeps this up then I’m afraid that it will affect her grades”

“Something tells me you’re not just worried about her grades though” Baekhyun told him, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Ji-Hoon. There was something about him; something oddly familiar about the eyes behind those frameless glasses that Baekhyun couldn’t quite put his finger on.

Ji-hoon chuckled, “I guess I worry too much about my students” He said, “You guys cheer her up for me, okay?” He patted Baekhyun on the shoulder before turning away to clean the chalk board.

Although he wasn’t sure, Baekhyun took the gesture as a dismissal, so he bowed politely to his teacher before making his way out of the room.

"Oh, Baekhyun?"

He turned back around and noticed a grateful smile on the other males face.

"You did well...Take care of you leg" He winked before turning away again. Baekhyun was taken aback and glared at the teacher in bewilderment. He'd been covering it up so well, he wasn't even limping or could he tell?

Choosing not to ponder on it, Baekhyun bowed once again and left the classroom, extremely curious. His deduction must have been wrong about you then. It wasn’t just the incident with Xiumin that’s been on your mind, there was something else, and it was an annual thing…what could it be? 


You wandered out of the classroom and into the main building wondering what it was the Ji-hoon could have wanted to talk to Baekhyun about. Maybe because he was still knew there were some things that he wanted to help him with. But still, you couldn’t help but be curious.

Your trail of thoughts came to a stop when you confronted an oh-too-familiar face. Her face didn’t look too please. “Hello Ji-Eun” Oh how you don’t miss that high pitched voice and the view of her too bare legs.

“Hello Hana” You said in a monotone voice, trying to walk pass her when she suddenly grabs your wrist and pulls you back.

“Listen when I talk to you, ” She growled. You rolled your eyes.

“What is it Kwon Hana-shi?” You asked her calmly, although you really weren’t in the mood to even see her face.


“They’re late” D.O huffed as he leaned against the lockers in the corridor. All five of them had been waiting for you and Baekhyun to get back from class. Some girls walked past them, giggling and trying to flirt, but the five never responded. Although Suho would sometimes smile out of common courtesy, the other members couldn’t be bothered.

“Yeah…should we go find them?” Sehun asked, directing the question towards their leader.

“Do you know where they’re classroom is?” Kai raised an eyebrow, already knowing the answer even before Sehun smiled sheepishly.

“Nope” The maknae chuckled. Chanyeol flicked the younger male in the head and shook his head.

Almost as if on cue, Baekhyun turned the corner and immediately noticed the other members…however you were nowhere in sight.

“Speaking of the devils” D.O chuckled as he saw Baekhyun making his way to them, but when the members realized that you weren’t with him, their eyebrows knitted, “Or devil”

“Where’s Ji-Eun?” Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol asked in unison.

“We thought she was with you?” Chanyeol replied.

“I got held back so I told her to go ahead…she’s still not here?”

The members glanced at one another, all thinking the same thing. Something wasn’t right. They could just sense it.

“Where could she have gone?” Suho wondered out loud.

“Did she go home?” Sehun pondered.

“No, she would have told us first” Kai answered, biting on his bottom lip right after.

Baekhyun thought deeply, “If she’s not here yet then maybe she went the other way. They’re two routes to go to the canteen from music, she must have gone the long way around” He deducted with a hardened expression.

“Why would Ji-Eun go the long way?” Chanyeol asked.

“You’ve noticed what she’s been like. Her heads in the clouds, she’s not thinking straight”

“Er, sorry to interrupt” A small unfamiliar voice suddenly joined in the conversation. The six boys turned their heads, noticing a petite girl standing there, a pink notebook in her hand. Baekhyun recognized her as the quite one that sat at the front of the class in his music class. “Um, if you’re looking for Ji-Eun, I think that she might be by the locker in the west wing” She said with a quiet, timid voice.

The boys glanced at each other.

“How do you know?” Suho asked her softly.

The girl pressed her lips together into a thin line before replying, “I-I overheard Kwon Hana and Jongki talking about it before…I-I wasn’t eavesdropping but, you know, I just kind of heard…how she was going to wait for her there and…”

Before she could finish, Kai sprang into action, dashing down the hallway. Baekhyun followed suit, forgetting about his injury and holding in the shooting pain as he ran.

“Wait! Kai! Baekhyun!” Suho called, but to no avail, the two were gone, followed by the other members. “Thank you” Suho said politely before following the others.


You could tell Hana was getting frustrated by the way she wrinkled her nose and twitched her eyebrows. “As a representative of the school, I know that everyone is wondering the same thing…do you know what they’re wondering?” She said, sugar-coating her words and blinking innocently.

“Why you’re a representative?” You answered straight-forwardly.

Hana held in her anger, “No. They’re wondering why the six hot transfer students are hanging around someone like you” She said through her gritted teeth. 

Once again, you rolled your eyes. Out of all days to have this conversation, she picked today?

“Go ask the transfer students if you’re so curious” You huffed, violently snatching your arm back and turned around to walk away, however, you meet with another familiar face.

“Hello there song-bird. Long-time no see” Jongki cooed.

You were suddenly getting a really bad feeling about this. Now that you thought about it, the last time you spoke to them was back in Latte café when….eh oh. You decided to try and make a run for it, but Jongki suddenly grabbed your arms from behind and held you back.

“Get off!” You struggled in his grip, but they were too strong.

“We still haven’t thanked you for that excellent customer service” Hana seethed whilst advancing towards you. “I’ll ask you again…how do you know the transfer students?”

“Why is it even bothering you so-“

“I asked you nicely, now answer me, !” Hana shouted and you flinched at her sudden outburst. These two were really pushing you to the limit.

“Why do I have to answer?! You’re not my mother!” You argued, trying to snatch your arms back, but Jongki’s grip only tightened, starting to hurt you as your arm muscles weren’t as flexible as he was bending them.

Hana scoffed, a glimmer of arrogance reflected in her eyes, “You wished you ing had one don’t you?”

You froze on the spot, feeling something pull your heart down to the pit of your stomach as your eyes widened at her. “What…What did you say?”

Hana grinned victoriously, “So I guess the rumours are true. Your family must be totally ed up, what? Your mother committed suicide or something? Can’t blame her right, giving birth to a like you must’ve been hard”

Your fists clenched and your vision began to blur. Commit suicide? Was that a legit rumour? How dare she-

Suddenly, you felt Jongki’s grip on you loosen along with the sound of a pained cry from behind you.

“I dare you to repeat what you just said, wrench” A deep voice seethed.

You turned around and noticed Chanyeol standing beside you, a look of almost murderous intent in his eyes. “Chanyeol?” You urged before turning around. There you found Jongki crying in pain on the ground with D.O standing seemingly innocently beside him.

You felt an arm wrap around your waist and flinched before realizing it was Kai. “I guess our customer service must have been really good, they’re back for more” He smirked.

Hana’s eyes widened. This wasn’t how the plan was supposed to go. Under the murderous gazes, Hana turned around, ready to leg it out of the scene, however she bumps into two other extremely hot guys.

“Did you call Ji-Eun a ?” Sehun growled, gritting his teeth.

“Er, I-“

“Take it back now” Sehun commanded “Or else I’ll-“

“Easy there maknae” Suho said, his voice dropping an octave. His usually friendly expression dropped into a very unimpressed frown. “Although it’s tempting, we shouldn’t do anything too drastic”

Hana turned back around and recognized another familiar face, one that was boring holes into her head because of his glare. She gulped at Baekhyun, feeling herself flush a light shade of pink as she looked at him. “What? You’re going to hit me or something?” She scoffed, trying to build back her confidence.

Baekhyun didn’t react, he continued glaring at her before he responded, “I don’t abuse animals”

Her jaw dropped. D-did, did he just call me an animal?! She felt like screaming, she was that angry. How dare they? Who do they think they are to call her such things?

“You think that was ing funny?” Baekhyun seethed, his voice laced with venom. “You think that words can’t hurt?”

Hana was speechless, her lips trembled as she stood there, suddenly feeling small.

“Take it back” Chanyeol growled. Hana almost flinched when she saw him. The boy was fuming, glaring at her as though he was ready to break every bone in her body. “Now”

Hana’s eyes wondered around her. She was surrounded was hot boys, a dream come true, but this wasn’t how she expected it. They were looking at her like…like she was a criminal, like she just murdered someone and even more- they were protect you. One of them had his arms around you. She felt like she just lost. She felt defeated.

She let out a high-pitched shriek to let out her frustration before turning around, shoving Sehun out of the way and running off.

“…Guys, you…” You yourself was speechless. The members turned around to you, their shoulder relaxed and their eyes softened.

“Sorry we’re late” Kai said. You turned to him, only realizing how close he was however deciding not to care at the moment. He stared into your eyes, noticing how glossy they’d looked and feeling his heart clench. She’s almost crying. Those words must have really hurt her.

Suddenly, Kai felt himself being shoved by a taller male, “Ji-Eun-ah, that wrench didn’t hurt you anywhere did she? Did that bastard do anything inappropriate?” Chanyeol panicked, quacking checking your hands and arms for any scratches or bruises.

But you just stood there, perhaps looking a bit gormless before shaking our head, “N-No…I’m fine, he just…” You turned to check on Jongki and your eyes widened. He was unconscious on the floor, the culprit standing casually next to the body. “D.O! What did you-“

“Don’t worry, he’s not dead” He shrugged, “The bastard is just lucky that I didn’t break an arm or two” He said, prodding Jongki’s stomach with his foot, satisfied with the results. 

“Are you alright?” Baekhyun asked gently, noticing the blank, dazed look in your eyes.

“Yeah…I’m fine” You said powerlessly, “I...I should go to work…the yogurt store needs extra help and my last two lessons aren’t that important anyway...Thank you guys...I'll see you at home” You explained, not meeting anyone’s eyes as you adjusted you school bag and started walking.

“Ji-Eun…” Suho called quietly as you passed him. The boys just watched you walk out of the building and out of sight, feeling their hearts drop.

“That Hana girl’s a !” Sehun snarled, still not letting it go. After overhearing such words, he was fuming along with everyone else.

“Let’s follow her” Chanyeol suggested. 

“No” Suho shot down the idea, “Ji-Eun probably wants to be alone…” He reasoned. 

The boys sliently agreed...Kai sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. As if she wasn't depressed enough... 

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update