The biggest casanova

'Project X'

You stood there, outside EXO-K's dorm, starting to think that no one was sane anymore- including yourself. Seriously, what the hell has gotten into them? You wondered, completely dumbfounded before the same door swung open once again.

"J-Ji-Eun-ah" Sehun called, cautiously stepping out. Like the others, you didn't remember getting him the clothes he was wearing. A black jacket over his bare body and a pair of dark blue jeans. His hair swirled and messed up perfectly. It was as if they hired a professional beautician for a full makeover or something. You shot him a look before crossing your arms. 

"Yes, Sehun?" You asked him in a sarcastic tone. Something was going on, it didn't take much to realize.

Sehun scratched his head, starting to get nervous already."E-Er...You look...really pretty today"

You paused at the rather normal compliment before glancing down at your clothes. You were still in your worn out jeans and dark green workers t-shirt and your hair was in the messy bun you had put up for work. "Er...thanks Sehun...I guess i could say the same to you" You smiled back.

Sehun sheepishly smiled at your compliment, rubbing the back of his neck as he blushed. You gave him a look and walked off shaking your head, Sehun suddenly remembering what the point of the bet was a face palming himself. I forgot the staring bit!~

You speed walked back to your bedroom and flung yourself onto your bed with a heavy sigh, turning your head to the side, jumping out of your skin when a face greeted you only a few inches away. "OH MY GO-" You flinched yourself up, forgetting about the top bunk and and smacking your head right onto the plank of wood. "Owww~" You cried, rubbing your injured forehead. 

"Accident prone as always" The charismatic voice spoke up, greeting you from your bed. You shot the figure daggers. 

"Haha, very funny, " You mumbled, quickly rolling off your bed and standing back up on your two feet. "Get off my bed Kai, you're contaminating it" You ordered whilst making shooing gestures with your hand, however Kai just shrugged his shoulders and purposely sprawled himself out even more. 

"Nah~ It's too comfy" He sniggered, expecting you to manually yank him off yourself, but instead you just stood there and glared at him.

"Whatever...At least you're wearing proper clothes though" You huffed, seeing as how the zip on his jacket was actually made useful. "You should really stop with the casanova acts you know, i think you're starting to influence the others" You cringed slightly, walking over to your desk and searching through your draws for something. 

Kai carefully hopped himself off your bed. "What makes you think i'm the one influencing them?"

"Please. The smirks, the fashion, the 'friendly' gestures- don't think that i don't know when something has your name written all over it"

"Sorry to disappoint but i'm not why they're doing it~" He sung, gradually stepping closer to you. 

"Well who else would..." You finally realize the meaning behind his words and twisted your neck to face him. "AHA!" You suddenly yelled in his face, a little surprised since you hadn't realized he was already right behind you at the time, making you automatically step back before continuing. "So they're doing it for something! SPILL. NOW! OR ELSE I'LL..." 

You paused when you notice Kai's longing gaze as he gradually closed the distance between you. "You'll what...?" He asked, his captivating gaze almost impossible to break. 

"I'll..." You shuffled backwards until your back hit against your desk, Kai suddenly finding the chance to lean his hands over the desk behind you, trapping you between his arms as his face came inches away from yours. 

W-What is going on here!? You thought as you felt your face starting to burn red. Your heart hammered heavily on your chest as he bent down and propped his forehead onto yours. You could feel his intense glare even with your eyes directed to the floor. 

"Go on Ji-Eun...What will you do to me?" He deliberately murmured, goose bumps raced down your spine as you felt his warm breath hit your cheeks. You forced your eyes to look up; now glaring into his dark eyes that were only a few centimeters away; his gorgeous face made you weak at the knees, but you refused to show it.

"This isn't...some lame attempt to seduce me, is it?" you attempted to glare him down, but it was a battle you couldn't win. The edge of his lips curved into his signature smirk. 

"Why?...Are you falling already, Ji-Eun?" 

"Pfft! I'm not falling for anything"

"...Are you sure about that...?" He swiftly slipped one of his hands behind your neck, his gaze fell to your lips as your eyes widened.

H-He wouldn't. You held your breath, unable to breathe as your heart skipped beat after beat. The second he moved coser, you violently shoved him away by his shoulders. "YA!" 

"AH!" Kai suddenly cried, wincing as he clutched onto his right shoulder. You jolted, shocked by his reaction. 

"D-Did that hurt?!" You stuttered, confused. Your shove couldn't have that much of an impact on him- surely, especially someone with Kai's kind of build. 

"No, It's nothing" He said with a faint chuckle. But you didn't trust him and glared at his shoulder in thought.

"Take off your jacket" You snapped suddenly.

"What?" This time it was Kai's eyes that widened at you. You shot him a look before crossing your arms. 

"Take off. Your jacket." You bluntly ordered with a serious tone of voice. Kai scoffed from shock. 

"You're asking me strip?" He gave you a look, a little smirk at the edge of his lips.

"I meant your shoulder, stupid!" You smacked him lightly on the arm before your sharp eyes detected his small wince. At that, you quickly grabbed his hand with one hand and rapidly pulled up his sleeve with the other, revealing a hint of the scorching red burn mark above his elbow fold.

Kai hurriedly snatched his arm back and rolled his sleeves down before you could notice, but it was too late. "Is that from the other week?" you asked, referring to the Luhan incident. 

He looked away, not replying to your question and pretending to act nonchalant as he straightened out his jacket. You took that as a yes. Your jaw dropped before angrily smacking his other uninjured arm. "You idiot! I thought you said you healed easily! It's been weeks and it's still like that?!" You thought back to the last couple of weeks, wondering why it was only now that you'd realized he was still hurt. Either he covered it up really well or you were just too stupid and blind to have noticed. "And you've been working downstairs as well! Why didn't you tell me!?" You scolded, tempted to hit him again but thought it's be too harsh to hit an injured person- even if it was Kai.

The boy awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, unsure of how to reply. You rolled your eyes at him as you suddenly tugged at his hand. "Come here! You need to get that treated or-"

"I'll be fine" Kai said, holding you back.  He noticed the worry in your eyes and softened, his heart melted by your concerned expression. For a moment, he'd forgotten the purpose of the bet and shined a sweet smile at you as he gently clasps your hand. "I'm serious" Although you would have thought he'd be lying, he seemed pretty convincing. 

"...Fine...If you say so" You sighed, turning back to your desk and resuming to your search. 

"What are you looking for anyway?" He asked. 

"My mothers necklace" You turned around and glared at him accusingly. "You didn't move it, did you?" You blamed.

Kai scoffed. "And i'd do that- because...?" 

"I don't know, you had no problem moving it last time" You brought up the situation that you will probably never let go off. But Kai just gave you a look, his eyebrows knitted together curiously.

"...was that..." Kai struggled to pick the right words. "Why you cried that time?"

"When have i ever-" You were about to argue when the memory popped up in your head again. You were so frustrated that time that you probably didn't notice your tears escape your eyes at the time. "Oh...right" You awkwardly cleared your throat before turning away from his blank face; knowing that it was the first time you'd ever cried in front of a guy. Kai stepped closer and stood beside you, taking a look around your cluttered desk before pinching the handle to the handle of your mini plastic cupboard and finding the cushioned box sitting there untouched. He glanced at you with a smug smile

"Found it" He stated. 

"..." You paused for a second before quickly pushing the mini plastic draw back. "Thanks" You said, not looking him in the eyes. Kai chuckled, finding your embarrassment amusing. "Anyway, i know something's going on, you might as well spill it now" you propped your hands on your hips. He laughed even harder. 

"Not my fault that the guys aren't subtle enough"

"Yeah, do you really think i'd expect D.O to visit without a proper reason?" 

"...D.O?...Do Kyungsoo?" Kai raised an eyebrow, making you chuckle at the boys full name.

"Yeah, the whole 'we missed you' thing? not exactly his kind of language if you know what i mean" 

"But he was-"

"Oh yeah, where's Baekhyun? I havent seen him since i went out..." You thought outloud before leaving Kai to standing alone, dumbfounded at your last few statements. After a moment of thought he laughed at himself. You were overconfident Jongin, even after all that, you still havent won the bet yet...



A/N: It's been a while since i updated and yes i realize it's not the most interestng or well written chapter- HOWEVER- Can you guess what's happening this time?  i know you're probably all sick of the stare dare already but- there will be a winner soon, i promise ;) ~

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update