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People change, but feelings don't || STAR sequel


Little Mix - DNA  

[[A/N: Okay so I did say that has been a couple of years since STAR debuted…which was 2012 lol. But I’m going to use some of the events that happened this year…Okay it is hard to explain but just try to understand haha. If it is REALLY confusing please feel free to tell me and I will try explain it the best I can ^-^]]

“Here’s your raspberry ice cream ma’am” Hyomin paid the woman and walked back to the park, “Can I have some” someone asked her, she turned around but her eyes were quickly covered by their hands,

“Yah what are you doing” she yelled, trying to remove their hands while at the same time she tried not to drop her ice cream…too late. The small punnet of ice cream slipped out of her hand and fell ‘plop’ on the ground.

The person’s hands immediately disappeared revealing an innocent looking Baekho; Hyomin looked at her barely eaten ice cream now melting into the grass to Baekho who was still smiling innocently. “Yah you owe me more ice cream” she slapped his shoulder and dragged him back to the ice cream store.

“Back so soon” the lady smiled, “Ye, my boyfriend here dropped my ice cream on the grass so now he is going to be a sweetheart and buy me a new one” Hyomin squeezed Baekho’s arm as he pulled out his wallet. “How sweet so the same?” Hyomin nodded, “But can I have it in a Large cup” she smiled; the lady looked at Baekho then back to Hyomin and just smiled and nodded.

“Why are you getting a large” Baekho sighed, “Because you dropped my small one so you can buy me a large one” Hyomin fluttered her eyelashes cutely, “How many guys have you tricked with that eye smile” Baekho laughed, Hyomin looked away and smiled.

The lady came out with her ice cream and Baekho paid for it happily, “Ah” Hyomin said to Baekhyun holding out a scoop of her ice cream, Baekho opened his mouth and she placed the spoon in his mouth, “Aigoo…so cute” the woman said before the two left the shop,

“Do you think people recognise us” Hyomin asked walking around the park with her arm linked with Baekho’s, “I wonder that a lot too, I think they notice us more when there are camera around” he shrugged, Hyomin just nodded eating another scoop of her eye cream.


“Lee Hyomin” the teacher called out her name, she raised her hand and plopped it back on her desk tired after practice that morning. Form class went by quickly unfortunately for Hyomin she had dance next, just what she need. She walked to her locked slowly; once she opened it she leaned her head on the cold metal and closed her eyes resting for just a few seconds.

“Someone might steal your bag if you just leave it on the ground like that” Hyomin opened her eyes and saw Baekho holding her bag out in front of her, she smiled then shut her eyes again. “I told you to get lots of sleep last night” he sighed moving her over and grabbing out the books she needed for the next two spells, he slammed her locker shut giving her fright and waking her up just a tad.

“You have dance first, you should get going” Baekho tapped his watch, “Let me sleep” Hyomin pouted, “Yah go, now” she chuckled giving her a helping shove, Hyomin took her bag and sluggishly walked to her dance class, but then she remembered she needed to ask Baekho something she turned around and took a few steps forward until her legs went stiff.

She couldn’t move she was in shock; she blinked a few times to see what she was seeing at that moment was real or just her imagination. She finally came back to reality and stormed off to her class knowing if she was any later she would be in trouble, she got her class just as everyone was going to the changing rooms,

“Quickly get changed Hyomin-ssi” the teacher said clapping her hands making her hurry up. “Why are you late” Minjung asked in the locker room, “I was talking to Baekho” Hyomin said, Minjung would usually just nod and forget about it but the way Hyomin said it made her curious about what happened.

Minjung opened to ask but Hyomin shook her head, “Don’t even ask” she said moving to the cubicles to change her pants, Minjung went into the other one next to her. “Did he do something wrong” she asked curiously, Hyomin changed her pants and went back to her bags and noticed the others were leaving.

“Why won’t you tell me” Minjung nagged really curious, Hyomin watched the last girl leaving the room and turned straight to Minjung, “I saw Baekho holding another girls hand” Hyomin bit her lip, Minjung’s eyes widened she was just as shocked as Hyomin was when she saw herself.

“Are you sure it was Baekho” Minjung asked, Hyomin nodded “Do you think—“ Minjung shook her head already knowing what Hyomin was thinking. “He isn’t that type of person” Hyomin sighed, “Girls hurry up in there” the teacher yelled, the two quickly grabbed their bags and ran outside.

“Okay class today we were supposed to get a new student but she hasn’t—oh hello” as if on cue a new student walked through the door , “Everyone this is Kang Jung Ah” Hyomin slapped Minjung on the leg “Ya that hurts” Minjung yelled grabbing Hyomin’s hand,

“That’s her” Hyomin whispered,

“What do you mean” Minjung groaned rubbing her now red knee,

“That’s the girl” Hyomin whispered, Minjung realised then what Hyomin was on about, she examined the girl from a far and bit her lip.

“She’s pretty” Minjung whispered, Hyomin’s jaw dropped as she slapped Minjung’s knee again “Ya” Minjung yelled, the two bickered until they noticed everyone was staring at them, the two lowered their heads in embarrassment and avoided eye contact with their teacher who was walking towards them,

“Since you two seem so energetic I’ll give you the privilege of taking care of Jung Ah for the day” Hyomin’s stomach dropped the last thing she wanted was to the new girl who had stolen her boyfriend around the school.

“Hi I’m Minjung” Hyomin snapped out of her thoughts and saw Jung Ah and Minjung shaking hands. Hyomin put on the best smile could

“Hi I’m Hyomin it’s nice to meet you” Jung Ah hesitated to shake Hyomin’s hand but she did in the end and bowed her head respectfully “It’s nice to meet you too, I’m Jung Ah. I’m a big fan of your music” she smiled,

Minjung lit up surprised to hear that “Really! Wow thanks” Minjung giggled, Hyomin just nodded “Yeah, what she said”. The teacher began explain their routine for the day, but Hyomin was in her own little world…again.

She thought how nice Jung Ah seemed and was contemplating whether what she saw this morning was really the truth or if there was more behind the picture, although no one did really know about Hyomin and Baekho well not the media anyway.

‘Something seems off about this whole thing’ Hyomin thought to herself.

“This is the canteen where pretty much everyone sits during winter” Hyomin chuckled remembering how everyone was crowded and bunched up just to keep warm.

“Where do you sit” Jung Ah asked taking everything in, “Well since it is sunny today we will eat outside, do you need anything from the canteen” Jung Ah nodded then quickly got into line while Minjung and Hyomin waited for her near the door. “She seems nice” Hyomin said to Minjung while her eyes were still on Jung Ah.

“Yeah, it makes me wonder if what you saw this morning actually happened” Minjung laughed, Hyomin faced her with her arms crossed, “It did happen” Hyomin said with an intense stare, “There could just be an explanation behind it” she added “An explanation behind what” Baekho asked wrapping his arms around Hyomin’s waist,

“You holding hands with the new girl this morning, huh? What is that all about” –she wanted to say but she simply shook her head and smiled, Baekho kissed her nose “I gotta buy lunch, see you later” he smiled giving her a tight squeeze and waving to Minjung. “So when are you going to ask him” Minjung asked as they watched him get into the line,

“I’m not...unless it happens again” Hyomin said her face may have been able to fool anyone but Minjung could see in her eyes that she was hurt. “Hey I am going to sit with my uh…cousin—yeah my cousin I’ll see you guys later.

Oh and thanks for showing me around” Jung Ah quickly ran off into the crowd of students before Hyomin and Minjung could say goodbye. They both shrugged and made their way to the field, “Ah I could fall asleep right now” Hyomin said as she shut her eyes while lying on the grass.

“At least we don’t have schedule later” Minjung added they both sighed and enjoyed the sun, “Do you know what would be perfect right now” Minjung whispered, “if the others being here with us” Minjung laughed, Hyomin her side and faced Minjung.

“Let’s play a game” Hyomin smiled, Minjung went on her side and nodded, “Would you rather…leave STAR or eat 4 spiders” Hyomin smirked, Minjung shivered and gulped “I would do anything to stay in STAR” Minjung nodded, Hyomin patted her shoulder and laughed “It’s okay I won’t let you leave” she smiled,

Okay, would you rather eat a little bit of raspberry ice cream every day or eat the biggest punnet you can get once” Minjung giggled, Hyomin thought long and hard then nodded “I would rather eat a little bit everyday” she laughed. Minjung’s eyes widened “Would you rather—““Hey it’s my turn” Hyomin laughed but then shrugged and let Minjung continue.

“Would you rather see Baekho with his arm around Jung Ah and laughing like you two do or see him rest his head on hers and hold her bag for her” Hyomin sat up straight not knowing how this game got so intense, Minjung sat up as well and Hyomin could see she wasn’t looking at her.

“Um…why” Hyomin could only think of, Minjung grabbed her shoulders and turned her around “Because he is doing all those things right now” Minjung gulped, Hyomin was completely speechless as she saw he boyfriend snuggling and laughing with the new girl.

“Hyomin-ah what are you doing here” Min asked turning off the music, Hyomin was sweating like crazy, she stopped dancing and fell to the ground exhausted, Min sat down in front of her and gave her a towel and a bottle of water.

“What’s up” Min asked sincerely, Hyomin shrugged “I don’t know what you mean” she said gulping down the water, Min laughed and rolled her eyes

“We all know when you’re upset you dance your heart out, now tell you big sis what is wrong” Min fluttered her eyelashes trying to use aegyo to get through to her, Hyomin rolled her eyes and sighed. “It’s Baekho, he’s been hanging around the new girl a lot lately and well…let’s just say they are really…close” Hyomin hesitated to tell Min the whole truth because she didn’t want things to get out of hand and find out that there is nothing going on between the two.

“Have you talked to him about it” Min asked, Hyomin shrugged and shook her head, “I don’t want him to think I’m jealous or anything” Hyomin sighed, Min leaned forward and smirked “Are you” she asked Hyomin pushed her back “ANI” she yelled, Min burst out laughing “Sure” she laughed. “Look just give it some time, and if he is still hanging around her talk to him about it I’m sure he will understand” Min said getting up

“Where’re you going” Hyomin asked not wanting her to leave “I have schedule tonight, I’ll see you some other time kiddo” she smiled giving Hyomin and tight hug “Don’t worry too much, everything will be fine” she reassured her before leaving the dance studio. Hyomin sat there a while staring into the mirror,

Does he tell you he loves when you least expect it
Does he flutter your heart when he kisses you neck
No scientist, or biology
It’s obvious, when he’s holding me

It’s only natural that I’m so affected

Hyomin softly sang,

she sighed and got up from the floor she locked up the studio and walked home. She couldn’t wonder why she felt so angry and upset seeing Baekho so close to another girl, she didn’t mind when he was like that with his fans or with his staff but…maybe it was because Jung Ah was just a normal girl.

“Hey it’s Hyomin from STAR” fans ran up to Hyomin shoving notebooks at her begging her to sign it, they pulled out their phones and cameras and began snapping photos of her.

“Please let me pass” Hyomin said pulling her hood over her head and trying to run to the closest café, unfortunately they were all closed she didn’t notice how late it was.

“Hyomin-unnie Saranghae” fans yelled she thanked them while trying to look for a quick getaway. The fans crowd grew fast and they began to get out of control, they tugged on her hood so they could see her face or just steal it as a souvenir some of them grabbing onto her hair instead.

They shoved presents at her some had sharped edged boxes that jabbed her in the arm.

“Ya give her some space” Hyomin heard a familiar voice she looked over her shoulder and there he stood under a light as if the god from the heavens had sent him to save her.

The fans stopped and stared at the angelic like guy, his blonde hair was shining under the light and was swept to the side, his milky white skin looked smooth and silky and surprisingly he was wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans. 

They stood frozen; Hyomin rolled her eyes but was happy to see him,

‘Is that—‘ ‘Why is he helping her’ The fans whispered many things to each other, Hyomin walked towards him and smiled, “Need some help” he laughed, Hyomin shrugged

“Just a little” the two got into the van with his manager and the fans were completely shocked. The van sped off and Hyomin was safe,

“Thanks” she smiled, Ren nodded and sat back in his seat “No problem, Baekho would kill me if he knew I left you there to be killed by fans” he laughed, Hyomin rolled her eyes.

“Why were you walking around by yourself anyway” Ren asked, “I was going home, I had just been to my parents dance studio” Ren nodded then told the manager where to drop Hyomin off to.

“What were you doing out…by yourself” Hyomin asked, “I wanted snacks and the other members were too lazy to come with me so I asked manager-nim to take me” Ren smiled, Hyomin noticed how pretty he really was, like really she knew he was pretty but not this pretty.

“Usually I would ask Baekho hyung but he was out” Ren shrugged, Hyomin paused “Out? Where was he” she asked trying not to seem too concerned, Ren shrugged “He didn’t say, but he took his wallet and he sprayed a lot and I mean a lot of perfume on himself” Ren laughed

“I thought he was going to see you, he doesn’t usually go out late unless you two are sneaking around” Ren nudged Hyomin, usually she would blush at a comment like that but she was too focused on where Baekho could be going or who he was seeing.

“Here’s your stop” the manager said, Hyomin thanked him and Ren and shut the van door then went straight into the house and went to her room. 


wah~ sorry for the late update! I have been really busy lately -.- I have exams next week BOO!!!! but I hope you enjoy the update still a couple more one shots to go before I start writing chapter with them all in it ^-^ 

Ps: The reason I put the song at the top was well the whole time I was writing most of this chapter I had that song on replay so I guess I got some sort of inspiration from it haha it's a good song...the MV is kind of...weird though.

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this looks really good. go fighting!!
Chapter 4: JR and Minjung !!!
kekekeke~ confused at first ^^
looking forward for the updates ^^
Chapter 4: JR and Minhi LMFAOLMFAOLMFAO "i know you don't like being mad at me so just come over" hehehehehe awwwwww
wondering if all the nigthmares and bad daydreams mean their relatinship wont be running that smoothly. betch if jr really married and have kids, minjung got sehun! LOLOLOL my #1 bias atm xDDD
Chapter 3: awww baekho wasn't the one who saved hyomin? was expecting more baekmin moments LOLOL. Ren LOLOLOL
they're so adorable though!!!
and wth are you doing baekho?? -____-
Chapter 3: Gosh! The ice-cream dropped on the floor!! That was soooo wasted!!! ): LOLOLOL.
Aww Hyo Min and Baekho are so sweet~ ^^
It's just that... I wonder how's that new girl really related to him! >:(
LOL I thought it would be Baekho who save her from the fans but it turns out to be Ren! xD
Can't wait for the next chpt and good luck for your exams next week! ^^
Chapter 3: woahh ..... this is sure long enough update ^^
looking forward for the next update :D
Chapter 2: awwww Jiyoung and JB so cute!!! but OHHHHH the teacher picked up her notebook!!! im excited to read the next chpater ^.^
Chapter 2: Omo !! This couple make me envy .... Looking forward for the next update :D
lemonylimes #9
Chapter 1: OMG author- nim thats amazing

but i am still sad Ren and EunJi. it seems sooo intresting
Chapter 1: awwwws!! ren!!! he broke up with eunji :OOOO
pooor eunji. i think jisoek likes her though!
i think its long enough?? im not so sure lfmao. i dont usually read oneshots nor do i write em. well im starting to but thats beside the point.
excited for more of teh updates! :D