Have a little JongMin ^-^

People change, but feelings don't || STAR sequel


 "Do you know what the best thing about right now is" JR asked looking down at Minjung, they two sat under the stars wrapped in each other’s arms.

They has both finished practice for the night and snuck off before any of their members could stop and distract them, it had been a while since the famous JongMin couple had had a date.

"What's that" Minjung whispered as she lightly the back of JR's hand watching the fire flies swoon around above them. "That we are alone for once and I get you all to myself" he rested his head on her head and smiled, Minjung giggled "have you been missing me that much" Minjung felt JR nod and she couldn’t help but laugh "are you that greedy" she asked,

JR shot up and shook his head "no! How is want you to myself greedy. I just...miss you" he pouted Minjung shook her head "I’m just teasing" she laughed JR lowered his head embarrassed by his outburst but then something came over him, he looked at Minjung with a sly smile "what are you thinking" she asked knowing he was plotting something,

JR looked up at the fire flies and back at Minjung she followed his gaze and realised what he was about to do "don’t you dare...or I’ll" "you'll what" JR said teasingly as he got to his feet, Minjung tried to scramble away but it was too late JR grabbed a handful of fire flies and held his fist close to Minjung’s face

"stop it please!!"

Minjung screamed as one of the flies escaped his grasp and flew close to her face "what are you gonna do about it" JR laughed "seriously you know i hate bugs

"Minjung exclaimed trying to push his hands away but unfortunately for her she was wrapped up in a blanket "kiss me and I’ll stop it" JR smiled Minjung rolled her eyes and gave him a light peck on the lips JR smiled smugly and opened his fist letting all the fire flies free. Minjung squirmed away flicking them away from her,

"i really don’t like you anymore" Minjung said then faced away from JR he shrugged his shoulders and stayed where he was, Minjung looked over her shoulder and saw he didn’t care that she wasn’t next to him she felt hurt but didn’t want him to see that

"hurry up and come here i know you don’t like being angry at me" Minjung paused it was as if he read her mind she sighed then got to her feet and shuffled over to him and sat down and snuggled up to him letting him win this time.

"You're mean" Minjung pouted "because i love you" he chuckled, Minjung froze the "love" word always got to her, it wasn’t that she didn’t like the word it was just weird hearing it. She knew she loved JR but the thing she didn’t know was if she was 'in love' with him. It scared her because she couldn’t see herself with anyone else but him but she was still young and unsure.


 "Whatcha thinking" JR whispered into her ear giving her Goosebumps down her neck, "whether i am in love with you or not" JR tensed up "what do you mean? You don’t love me?" Minjung could hear the confusion and frustration in his voice she almost felt bad for him, "i do! I just don’t know if I am in love with you. I mean are we really going to be together forever?"

They were both on their feet now "well I’d hope so" he said almost yelling "don’t raise your voice people might hear us" Minjung whispered "well maybe that’s a good thing! I mean i love you. I’d take a bullet for you--" "you don’t think i wouldn’t take a bullet for you? Cause I damn would I’m just not sure if we will last forever" Minjung exclaimed JR scoffed and messed up his hair in frustration

"well i'll make things a little easier for you and just leave" he grabbed his things and stormed off leaving Minjung alone in the dark, one of her worst fears. Minjung fell to the ground in tears she couldn’t believe what had just happened.


"Babe are...are you okay" Minjung snapped out of her thoughts and looked at JR who was still cuddling up to her "what did you say" she asked slightly lost "i asked you what you were thinking" he examined her expression and noticed something was bugging her

"is everything okay? Lately you’ve been acting strange." Minjung bit on her lower lip and in her inner thoughts and smiled "I’m fine i was just thinking about how silly you would look in a Santa suit" JR chuckled

"is that so? Well I’ll have to prove you wrong about that because i think i would look quite dashing in a Santa suit" Minjung giggled at JRs silly posh voice "well it’s starting to get cold i better get you back to the dorm" Minjung sighed not wanting to leave. "You don’t want me to leave you here do you? I know how scared you'd be"

JR teased holding out his hand for her Minjung rolled her eyes and accepted his hand as he pulled her to her feet they walked back to the dorm which was thankfully just a few minutes away.

“Hey do you know a girl, her names Jung Ah she is new to our school and she seems really…really close to Baekho” Minjung asked as her and JR stood outside her dorm,

“Doesn’t ring any bells, maybe she is a crazed fan” JR laughed, Minjung shrugged and let it go. “I’ll see you later” she smiled give him a soft kiss then heading inside, JR watched as she left then called his manager to pick him up.

“You’re home late” Soo Ji smiled, Minjung just nodded and sat on the couch completely exhausted, “Why are you still up” she asked as she watched Soo Ji flick through the channels on the television.

“I was waiting up for you, I thought if you came home you probably would’ve woken me up so yeah” Soo Ji laughed her eyes glued to the TV, Minjung was surprised Soo Ji could even read what was on each channel she was flicking through so fast.

“Well I’m going to have a shower” Minjung said using all her strength to push herself up off the couch and walk to the bathroom, she locked the door behind her stood in front of the mirror examining herself for a bit, she noticed her hair was a bit frizzy in her messy bun and she looked a mess, she then wondered how JR could’ve sat next to her that whole time she smelt so bad.

“Ugh” she groaned turning the shower on and getting undressed, she jumped in the shower, and she got goose bumps as the hot drops of water hit her freezing cold body.

Minjung changed into some comfortable clothes and sat on her bed, she pulled out her phone and checked her emails, most of them were from Twitter acknowledging her that more of her fans were trying to talk to her.

‘I used to tell myself if I ever became famous I would reply to every single fans tweet but it is a lot harder than I thought’ she thought to herself, “night, night” Soo Ji smiled turning out the lights and hoping into her bed, Minjung nodded and put her phone away, she laid down on her side facing the wall and slowly drifted off into a sleep.

Lee Min Jung what a surprise, long time no talk” JR gave her a friendly hug, Minjung looked around she was completely lost. She noticed the cruddy hall and the old red seats stacked in a pile against the wall, she was at the middle school they met NU’EST.

She noticed a sign hanging from the roof, there was a DJ on stage but she had no idea what he was talking about and she saw the others chatting with each other and their old friends.

The only difference was…they were all 20 years older. “You still look great” JR complimented her, Minjung examined herself, she was wearing a long white dress that fit her body perfectly hugging all the right places, the straps were thick across her chest and wrapped around her neck, the back of the dress was quite low showing off her toned and also tanned back.

“You look good too” she smiled putting her hand on his arm, JR tensed up a little as if he felt slightly awkward about the skin ship. He awkwardly took a step back and cleared his throat

“So how have things been, you know, since you all disbanded” Minjung froze, she still hadn’t taken all of this in yet, she knew this had to be a dream but it was so real to her she was beginning to have second thoughts. “Disbanded” she asked, JR examined her facial expressions,

“I understand, you probably don’t want to talk about it. So where’s your partner” Minjung smiled, “Right in front of me” JR let out a long sigh as if he was starting to get a bit annoyed

“Look what we had was a long time ago okay, we were just teenagers we didn’t what love really was. Please drop it my wife here” JR was serious but Minjung wouldn’t let his words sink into her, she slowly shook her head, “You’re wrong we did—we do love each other” she went to grab JR’s hand someone beat her to it,

“Honey, I’ve been looking for you”

Minjung watched as JR kissed this other women on the lips happily and entwined their fingers together. Minjung bit down hard on her bottom lip not coping very well, “Minjung this is my wife, Jung Bo Mi” JR said sincerely,

Minjung in her breath and looked up with a fake smile “It’s nice to meet you” she examined Bo Mi intensely, Bo Mi wore a similar white dress to Minjung except hers was more of a creamy colour and the straps were normal. “You’re the famous Lee Minjung I assume; I’ve heard a few things about you.

Our daughter is a huge fan of yours” Minjung instantly looked at JR with large watery eyes,

“Daughter” she whispered, biting on her lip trying to hold back her tears, JR shrugged like it was no big deal. “Did I say something wrong” Bo Mi asked confused, “No, you said everything just right” Minjung smiled before walking off, she made her way through the dancing crowd and out the large doors of the hall she ran outside but it was pitch black. She heard her name being called behind her but she ignored it all.

“Minjung” “Minjung” Minjung opened her eyes she heard the sound of music, the same music that was in her dream—it was her alarm. “Wake up sleepy head we have school” Hyomin laughed dumping her uniform on her bed. Minjung let out a loud groan forgetting about her dream and quickly getting changed.

“We’ll see you later” the six of them went their separate ways to their schools. Minjung and Hyomin were the only two that attended the same school out of them all. “Hey so what was all the mumbling about this morning” Hyomin asked as she sipped her white mocha, “What mumbling” Minjung asked while drinking her regular mocha,

“You kept mumbling something in your sleep this morning it was kind of weird” Hyomin giggled, “Oh…I’m not too sure ha-ha” Minjung thought back to her dream and smiled, she was almost sure it was real but she was glad it was all a bad dream.

“Hey so I heard that the boys are doing this fun day for the fans, 5 lucky fans get to spend the whole day with the boys shopping, eating, playing games. Kind of like a date except they’re all together, cute huh” Hyomin smiled, Minjung nodded “Wouldn’t be so cute if Jung Ah ended up being Baekho’s date” Minjung snickered,

“Ya that’s not even funny” Hyomin said becoming serious, Minjung rolled her eyes and laughed to herself. “Speaking of the devil” Minjung murmured, Hyomin looked up and sighed, Jung Ah waved to them and seemed like she was making her way towards them. “Let’s go” Hyomin grabbed Minjung’s arm and dragged her across the road and straight through the school gates she continued to lead her through the school to their lockers,

“That wasn’t nice” Minjung said, “I am not in the mood right now okay” Hyomin groaned “In the mood for what” Hyomin looked over her shoulder to see Jung Ah smiling at her, Hyomin stepped forward away from her and next to Minjung, “Nothing” Minjung butted in before Hyomin said the wrong thing, Jung Ah nodded and then opened her locker,

“Your lockers there” Minjung asked, “Yeah” Jung Ah smiled, “Ours is right here” Minjung pointed out opening her locker, Jung Ah’s expression lit up “We’re locker buddies” she giggled then slammed hers shut,

“Well I better head off to class don’t want to be late” she bid her goodbyes and left. Minjung turned to Hyomin and shook her head “You had to tell her where our lockers were” Hyomin mumbled,

“Well she would’ve found out anyways” Minjung said almost yelling, “There is something off about her, I just know it” Hyomin frowned, “Look don’t judge a book by its cover, get to know her a little, you never know you might end up liking her” Minjung nudged Hyomin and left for her first class.

“Hey Minjung have you seen Hyomin” Baekho asked, Minjung pointed towards the direction she just came from, and Baekho quickly ran through the crowd of student. Minjung shrugged and continued on her way to class. 

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~ this chapter I personally liked a lot ha-ha I think JR and Minjung are cute together :3 I hope you like the small amounts of drama, Just incase you are slightly lost or i didn't make it clear enough the part when JR and Minjung argue is all in her thought okay ^^ 

I am sorry for not updating a lot I have just been busy and I get distracted a lot and I forget my ideas for the chapters but I am getting really excited to write more of this fic I have some interesting twists kekeke!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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this looks really good. go fighting!!
Chapter 4: JR and Minjung !!!
kekekeke~ confused at first ^^
looking forward for the updates ^^
Chapter 4: JR and Minhi LMFAOLMFAOLMFAO "i know you don't like being mad at me so just come over" hehehehehe awwwwww
wondering if all the nigthmares and bad daydreams mean their relatinship wont be running that smoothly. betch if jr really married and have kids, minjung got sehun! LOLOLOL my #1 bias atm xDDD
Chapter 3: awww baekho wasn't the one who saved hyomin? was expecting more baekmin moments LOLOL. Ren LOLOLOL
they're so adorable though!!!
and wth are you doing baekho?? -____-
Chapter 3: Gosh! The ice-cream dropped on the floor!! That was soooo wasted!!! ): LOLOLOL.
Aww Hyo Min and Baekho are so sweet~ ^^
It's just that... I wonder how's that new girl really related to him! >:(
LOL I thought it would be Baekho who save her from the fans but it turns out to be Ren! xD
Can't wait for the next chpt and good luck for your exams next week! ^^
Chapter 3: woahh ..... this is sure long enough update ^^
looking forward for the next update :D
Chapter 2: awwww Jiyoung and JB so cute!!! but OHHHHH the teacher picked up her notebook!!! im excited to read the next chpater ^.^
Chapter 2: Omo !! This couple make me envy .... Looking forward for the next update :D
lemonylimes #9
Chapter 1: OMG author- nim thats amazing

but i am still sad Ren and EunJi. it seems sooo intresting
Chapter 1: awwwws!! ren!!! he broke up with eunji :OOOO
pooor eunji. i think jisoek likes her though!
i think its long enough?? im not so sure lfmao. i dont usually read oneshots nor do i write em. well im starting to but thats beside the point.
excited for more of teh updates! :D