JB and Jb jr.

People change, but feelings don't || STAR sequel


“Aigoo, aigooaigooaigoo” Ji Young smiled, “Oh” she paused as the puppy her nose then she giggled “Aigoo~” squealed. Ji Young had been taking a walk in the park when she saw a cute puppy walking along the path with no owner, Ji You picked it up and looked around for a long time trying to find its owner but there was no one around but her. She sat down on a park bench then fully examined the puppy and noticed it had a collar, “Jb” it read, she smiled to herself,

“You have the same name as my boyfriend” she cuddled the dog, taking one look around the park, she saw a guy in a large black jumper with a hood on and he was wearing black sun shades. “Here boy” he said clapping his hands, the puppy’s ear stood up at the sound of his voice and he started to whine, Ji Young looked at the puppy then at the boy “Is that your owner” she asked the puppy, she shrugged her shoulders then got up and walked towards the boy. “Excuse me” she said tapping him on the shoulder, the boy fell forward in fright and onto the ground, and he didn’t see Ji Young coming since his back was turned to her. “Sorry” Ji Young said helping him up.

“Is this your puppy” she asked giving the puppy one last cuddle then handing him over, the boy smiled and shook his head, he pushed the dog back into Ji Young’s arms “He’s yours now” he smiled, Ji Young shook her head “I can’t take him” she said, she wanted to but knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. The boy took off his hood and shades “oppa” Ji Young smiled at JB who turned out to be the owner, “I bought this little guy for your birthday, but he ran off this morning…I guess he was eager to meet you” JB laughed putting his arm around Ji Young and patting the puppy as if they were one happy family. “JB and Jb junior” she giggled then kissed them both. “Thank you” Ji Young smiled, almost teary eyed. “Will your parents be okay with you having a dog” he asked, Ji Young nodded “So what are you make his new name” JB asked, Ji Young looked at him confused, “His name is staying as Jb” JB examined her face trying to figure out whether she was serious or not. “Jb” he asked, Ji Young nodded, she held the puppy up next to JB’s face and smiled “He kind of looks like you too” JB stared at the dog trying to see how it resembled him.

“What’ve you got there?” Ji Young’s mother asked, Ji Young was hiding Jb under her jacket hoping no one would notice, as much as her parents loved animals they preferred not to have a pet themselves. “Nothing” Ji Young said slipping her shoes off at the door and running to her room, *puppy whines*Ji Young froze in the middle of the hallway door, her mother stopped chopping the vegetables and stared at Ji Young,

“And what was that” her mother asked, Ji Young turned to face her mother, she had an innocent grin on her face hoping her mother didn’t notice, “What’s under the jacket Ji Young” she asked, unfortunately Ji Young’s mither was smarter than she hoped for. Ji Young sighed and ped her jacket, revealing a cute puppy. Ji Young’s mum stared at the dog with large eyes, Ji Young didn’t know whether she was happy or very angry,

“Where did you get that” her mother asked putting the knife down and walking over to Ji Young, “JB gave it to me” Ji Young nervously laughed, her mum took the dog from her and examined it then smiled, Ji Young sighed with relief knowing that that smile meant that her mum liked the puppy. “Who is going to look after him” she asked, “Me of course” Ji Young laughed, “And when you’re at school, or staying at the dorm” her mother asked, Ji Young hadn’t thought about that yet, Ji Young looked at her mother and batted her eyelashes, her mother rolled her eyes and walked off with the puppy, “You’re lucky you have a loving mother like me” she said, Ji Young smiled to herself knowing her family will fall for him as soon as they see him.

“Why are we here” Ji Young asked as her and JB sat down next to a tree, it was their lunch break at school and they had to be careful in case a teacher caught them. “Happy Birthday” JB said handing Ji Young a small box, “You already gave me Jb” Ji Young said confused, JB just shrugged, “Open it” Ji Young done as he said and her eyes widened when she saw the small round ring. “We are one” she read the engraved words on the ring, JB showed her his ring and it was exactly the same just thicker “Couple rings” he laughed, his cheeks turning a light pink. “Now we’re one” Ji Young said putting the ring on her finger and holding JB’s hand, JB nodded and smiled. “Yah what are you two doing, you know it is against the rules to be over here” Ji Young and JB got up and ran back to school hiding their faces so they wouldn’t get called back, the teacher shook his head then noticed one of them had dropped something. “Bang Ji Young” he picked up Ji Young’s note book and put it in his back pocket then walked back to the school before the bell rang again.


Sorry for the late update been busy with school~ hope you enjoy cute JB and Ji Young ^___^

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this looks really good. go fighting!!
Chapter 4: JR and Minjung !!!
kekekeke~ confused at first ^^
looking forward for the updates ^^
Chapter 4: JR and Minhi LMFAOLMFAOLMFAO "i know you don't like being mad at me so just come over" hehehehehe awwwwww
wondering if all the nigthmares and bad daydreams mean their relatinship wont be running that smoothly. betch if jr really married and have kids, minjung got sehun! LOLOLOL my #1 bias atm xDDD
Chapter 3: awww baekho wasn't the one who saved hyomin? was expecting more baekmin moments LOLOL. Ren LOLOLOL
they're so adorable though!!!
and wth are you doing baekho?? -____-
Chapter 3: Gosh! The ice-cream dropped on the floor!! That was soooo wasted!!! ): LOLOLOL.
Aww Hyo Min and Baekho are so sweet~ ^^
It's just that... I wonder how's that new girl really related to him! >:(
LOL I thought it would be Baekho who save her from the fans but it turns out to be Ren! xD
Can't wait for the next chpt and good luck for your exams next week! ^^
Chapter 3: woahh ..... this is sure long enough update ^^
looking forward for the next update :D
Chapter 2: awwww Jiyoung and JB so cute!!! but OHHHHH the teacher picked up her notebook!!! im excited to read the next chpater ^.^
Chapter 2: Omo !! This couple make me envy .... Looking forward for the next update :D
lemonylimes #9
Chapter 1: OMG author- nim thats amazing

but i am still sad Ren and EunJi. it seems sooo intresting
Chapter 1: awwwws!! ren!!! he broke up with eunji :OOOO
pooor eunji. i think jisoek likes her though!
i think its long enough?? im not so sure lfmao. i dont usually read oneshots nor do i write em. well im starting to but thats beside the point.
excited for more of teh updates! :D