Midnight Meet

The Life of The Little Sister

“Those noises again” I sigh. I’ve been staying at oppa’s apartment for 3 days, and those noises always come at night. It’s my vacation week, and I need sleep.

After awhile, those noises got louder. What the….


I look at my watch that is placed on my bedside table. 2 am.


And now I’m thirsty. After a long bickering with my head, I decided to step outside and get a glass of water. My ears are propped up like bunny ears. Those noises turn into whimpers. Am I dealing with a ghost? I mean, to my knowledge, Seungri oppa is in YG building, dealing with his new songs. And oppa…I don’t think he’s home yet. He has an upcoming album too.

After taking a few gulps, I heard another whimpers. Taking few glances around the room, to find any oddness, I see something that is hanging in the couch’s armrest, and wasn’t there before I sleep. I put my glass on the table in front of the couch in the living room. I see a cute leather jacket. Is oppa home already? But I didn’t hear him coming in. And the perfume is slightly different. A little bit too feminine.

“Ji oppa, are you home?”, the whimpering turns into a low groan. My mind flies to Jolie and Gaho making out. EWH.

They’re in Dolce Vita. They’re not here. OMG. I’m dealing with either ghost or thief! Or maybe it’s just him, teasing me because I’m scared of ghosts, and dark. “Oppa! It’s not funny okay. If you’re here, can you please come out now? Stop those sounds though, it’s annoying” I speak a little louder. The sound stops, but no Jiyong oppa. This is not good. Not good at all.

Decided to man up, I took a huge pillow as my shield, and a big flashlight as my weapon. First, I check the perimeter. Ah, I mean the living room. Nothing is hidden behind the curtain, or under the sofa. Next, I’m going to the kitchen. I even check the back of the refrigerator! And there’s nothing.

Seungri oppa’s room. Maybe he’s home and didn’t tell me. Yes, that’s probably it. I knock on his door lightly, afraid that he might be sleeping and I wake him up. No answer, so I decided to open it up with my spare key. Yes, I have spare keys just in case you know, things happen.

“Ri oppa?” I sneaked in, flashing all direction in his room. But I find nothing. So I click the lamp on, and check all his stuff.

It’s positive that he’s not here. But the groan is louder here. It comes from the room next door. Jiyong oppa’s.


I carefully open his door, since it’s unlocked, it’s my lucky night. The groaning and whimpering and whispering and all that noises come right from this room. I slide inside through the small gap that I make by opening the door, but not completely.

I flashed my flashlight to the direction of where Ji oppa’s bed is located. I see .



I switch the light on, with pillow covering my body, eyes closed, and flashlight is ready. Ready to fight whatever thing was in his bed.

“WHO’S THAT?!”, Ji oppa shouts at me, not knowing that it’s me.

“OPPA!”, a familiar girl’s voice. I think I know what happens.

I, Kim Daemin, regret what I just did.


Jiyong shots up, alarmed. Turn his body towards the door to see who it is. The sight of shocked Daemin is greeting him. “Daeroo?? What the..”, he covers Chaerin, who’s beneath him with his thick blanket, and wraps his lower part with his jacket.

Daemin at the other side of the room is trying to find the door with pillow covering her face. “Uh..hi..unnie? Ah! No! I mean, I’ll..I’ll get going. Where is that stupid door urgh. Bye!” with that, Daemin leaves the room.

Chaerin slaps Jiyong’s arm repeatedly. “Ouch ouch ouch! What was that for?”

“You ruined her pureness!” Chaerin holds the blanket tight.

“What? She came in by herself!” he whines, trying to get under the blanket and hugs her. But she won’t give in.

“I won’t do it when she’s around. Never again.” She rolls to one side, and close her eyes, trying to sleep.

“Hunchae~” Jiyong kisses her back, arm wrapping her waist, trying to calm her down, and continue what they were doing earlier.

“I’ll lock the door next time, please babe? Don’t be mad at me” he whispers, half pleading for his girl’s forgiveness, soothing her tummy gently, while pressing his lips on her shoulder. His eyes lighten up when he feels her moving in his arm. She turns around to give him a quick peck on his lips, “good night oppa” and back to her sleeping position.

“Hunchae, is that all? Chae~ Babe? Chaerin. Lee Chaerin. Baby? Aish! You’re leaving me hard again”, he groans in frustration. 

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infiknight94 #1
Chapter 2: hahahaaaa its cuuttee.. i loved chapter 2 :)) hihihiii
Chapter 1: LOL. So cute! Update soon again kay? xDD <3
Yayy! A fanfic with Chinen in it!~ Please update soon yeah? ^-^