
A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow (Sequel to: Time flies)

(1 Month later...)


You walked to the kitchen and yawned. You were still half asleep and half awake because you were getting a glass of milk. You walked back upstairs sleepily and snuggled back to sleep. You couldn't go to sleep though, so you leaned over Myungsoo and checked the time. It was 4:00 in the morning, and Myungsoo wouldn't be going to work because it was a Saturday. You went downstairs to watch T.V instead. Myungsoo woke up though and followed you. You saw him and scooted over for him to sit next to you. He smiled at you and put his arm around you. You sighed and then felt something bump against your throat. You held your throat and covered your mouth. Myungsoo looked at you with a complex look on his face. You ran to the bathroom and threw up. You flushed the toilet and washed your mouth. You felt your head and saw that you had a very high temperature. "Mm!? I'm sick..." you said and then walked downstairs slowly. Myungsoo rant towards you and asked if everything was alright.  You nodded your head and said, "Gwenchanah..." He felt your forehead and you jerked back. "Gwenchanah! Mianeh..." you apologized as Myungsoo looked at you shocked. You paced uneasily and then walked past him. 


He followed you and said, "Maybe we need to go see the doctor... okay?" You nodded your head and took his hand as he lead you to the car. He was filling out papers as you were going to see the doctor. He investigated you for a long time and asked you questions. "Have you been throwing up lately? Are you usually really moody? Do you feel different body-wise?" he asked you. You looked at him and nodded to every question. He looked at you and laughed. You looked at him, shocked, and asked, "What? What's so funny!?" you asked him. He smiled and said the thing made you shocked. "You're pregnant," he said and smiled. You stared at him wide-eyed and asked him to check again. He looked at your X-rays and said, "Yes, you're pregnant. I'm positive..." he said while investigating the X-rays. You asked him if you can check yourself and he nodded. He gave you a pregnancy check and you went to the bathroom. In the bathroom, you checked and it turned out positive. You checked again and it turned out positive again. You sat down on the toilet and breathed hardly. *It's true, I'm pregnant! It's true! I'm carrying our baby!!* you thought.


You came out and walked out of the doctor's office slowly. He stopped you on the way and said, "Congratulations!" You smiled weakly and put your hands infront of you. Myungsoo was barely done finishing the many paper work. "Oh, mianhe, for not being in there with you. Are you sick, or what?" he asked. You smiled weakly and lied, "I'm fine, he just said I had a little temperature..." He looked at you carefully to see if you were lying, but he saw that you had a serious face. "Arraso... Let's go then..." he replied. You nodded and got in the car. The drive made you dizzier than ever, and you felt really car sick. A drive back home would never make you feel this dizzy. When you both got home, you ran upstairs and threw up again. Myungsoo followed you and opened the door. You had one hand on your chest, and the other trying to move your hair out of your face. You were still leaning against the toilet and you were coughing. "Don't come in! I don't want you to see me like this!" you said while trying to cover your face with your hair. He walked in though and said, "I'll love you no matter what... It's okay to see you like this. You're just sick, so why are you like this?" he asked. You flushed the toilet and washed your mouth again. "I don't know..." you lied.


*If I tell Myungsoo that I'm pregnant... he wouldn't like me anymore would he? But we only did it once... How could I get pregnant already... Am I sensitive or something?* you asked yourself. *Hmm... after I shower, I'll tell him...* you thought. Myungsoo walked out of the bathroom, leaving you to take a bathe. After you were finished with your bath, you changed into (here) and walked into your room. The doctor adviced you to not wear tight shirts or clothing, so it doesn't harm your baby. You plopped down and sat next to Myungsoo, who was reading a book. "Myungsoo... listen closely..." you started. "Mmhmm?" Myungsoo asked as he put the book on his desk next to him. "Umm... I'm sorry that I lied to you..." you said. He perked up and asked, "Lied about what!?" You looked at him, embarrassed and said, "I'm... I'm... I'm..." you stuttered. "If it's something important then hurry and tell me. I don't have all the time in the world..." he said and looked back at his book. He was acting like this because he thought you were cheating on him or something like that. You grew upset and sat up suddenly. When you got pregnant, all the feelings that you had doubled, including your love towards Myungsoo, also including your anger and sadness towards him. "Fine, if you think that me carrying your baby isn't important, then I could understand!" you shouted and stomped to the door. Myungsoo looked at you and then tilted his head. *She's... She's pregnant!!!* he thought. He ran towards you and pulled you back, making you bump into his chest. "Ahh..!" you screamed but stopped abruptly. "Let me go!" you said and tried to yank back.


He stared into your eyes and asked, "You're... you're pregnant!? Yeeeesss!!!!!!! I'm going to be a father!!!! I'm going to be a father!!!!" he childishly jumped around. You looked at him, and just had to smile. You never seen him in this condition, but this made you happier than ever since he accepted the baby. "When we can finally find out what gender it will be, we have to go immediatley, okay!?" he asked. You smiled and nodded. "Arraso, oppa..." you said and laughed. He carried you and spun you around happily. "Oppa!!! Oppa! I'm scared! Put me down!!!" you screamed and kicked. He laughed and put you down. You bounced around happily too, but then stopped at the thought of you getting huge when the baby starts growing. "Oppa, I'll look really fat though... Will you still love me?" you asked, just making sure. He nodded and smiled. "I wouldn't blame you if you got fat. It was my fault that you got fat anyways right!? That just makes me way more happier because it was my fault!" he said happily. You smiled and you both went to go buy ice-cream. *This makes me happier than ever!* Myungsoo thought as he intertwined his hand into yours and walked to the icecream store. 


I hope you liked my 17th chapter!

I'm getting excited myself! I hope you all are

too! You're pregnant! Yay!! I can't help, but feel happy myself!

Komawo and HWAITING ALL THE WAY! ^ ^


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Thank you all for reading my story! Komawo!


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KpopDoubleA #1
Chapter 44: This is good u should make the sequel
Hoya doesn't really have a lot of appearance but the story is awesome.
Myungsoo did read this? for real? Chinjja?! LOL xD Anyway, I'll proceed to chapter 1 of this sequel. ^^
HuTaoBoo #4
Chapter 14: Haha he fell asleep 3 times how is that possible? Where do they live? From Seoul to jejudo is like 30 min... I went before
agneth #5
Chapter 44: U write another sequel?.. Good ... I love u'r story...
Please please PLEASE DO WRITE ANOTHER SEQUEL!!!! I dont want this story to end yet!! T^T ITS SO GOOD THOUGH!!! Especially Myungsoo and his cute cute CUTE self!!! Always making me blush ^.^ GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM!! HWAITING!!!
- Fresh_Sushi ^.^
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR MAKING MY LIFE THE BEST LIFE EVER!!!!!! (i read this again at school but i couldn't contain myself!) *Sorry -.-'* YOU ARE THE BEST YOU MADE ME CRY, LAUGH AND FEEL GIDDY AND BLUSH WHILE I READ THIS STORY!!!! Thank you for making me the happiest person ALIVE!!!!! hahahaha and i hope you do another one! haha Maybe about Daehyun and Haewon liking each other *chuckle* hehehehe anyway thank you for making this the best day of my freaking life (even school life) im grateful to find a story like this i really am! P.S If this was ever put into a book i would buy one A.S.A.P!!! Cause i love it wayyyyy toooooo much i would read it all the time!! >.< Thank You again!! ^.^ :)
pogoshipo #8
Chapter 42: I really can't stop reading this >.< you did a really great job~ :D
Chapter 42: This was the best story I've read so far author-nim!! ^.^ I love this >.< It's so cute !
pogoshipo #10
Chapter 39: oh no... :0