
One of the Guys


We arrived at SuRin’s house. To my surprise, it was the house right next to Zico’s. “ Kyung said that you guys live in the same neighbourhood but I never thought you’re living right beside Zico’s house.”

“Yeah I do. Guess what? My room’s window is just across Zico’s! so whenever Kyung comes over I can see them. Let’s go in!” She unlocked the door and we went inside. It was an ordinary two storey house with three bedrooms. It was really clean and well organized.

“I like your house! It’s really nice and clean!”

“Thanks! My parents are still at working and I’m an only child. Let’s go up to my room!” We went to her room. Her room was really stylish and well organized.

“Wow! What a pretty room you have here! It’s so much different than mine, but then again I never bothered to decorate it.” I gave her a thumb up and she beamed at me.

“Thank you! Please make yourself comfy and I’ll bring some snacks for us to eat, then we’ll talk.” She walked out. I looked around her room but nothing interest me. Then I remembered what she said about her room window across Zico’s. I opened the curtain and looked out the window to see. It was open but no one was there. As I was about to turn around, I saw him and Kyung entered the room; I immediately ducked so they wouldn’t see me. I peeked up a little bit to see what they were doing. Zico seems upset while Kyung was there looking down. I couldn’t hear a thing they’re saying. I wonder what they’re talking about. Should I come over and visit?

I heard footsteps so I quickly closed the curtain and moved away from the window. SuRin entered the room with a tray of cookies and two glasses of juice. I perked up by the sight of food.

“Here we go!” She put it down the table and we sat down the floor. I restrained the urge to reach for the cookies so I asked, “So what was it that you want to talk about?”

“Right! I’ve always seen you hanging around Kyung and I just want to find out more about him.. if it’s alright with you.”

“Sure! Why wouldn’t it be.” I told her half of the things I know about him and without holding back I ate the cookies. She told me about herself and how she met him. I also shared a little bit about me. We were engaged in getting to know that an hour had already passed.

“Wow time flew by fast huh? I think I should get going now.”

“Oh! Ok it was really nice talking to you!” she smiled. We said our goodbyes and started walking home. A thought came over me that I should come over to Zico’s house. I wanted to know what made Kyung down. I was about to ring the doorbell when they both came out of the house and were surprised to me.

“Oh Maki! What are you doing here?” Zico said surprised.

 “Hello! I just came over SuRin’s house and since your house is beside I decided to come and visit. What? Are you two just about to leave? Can I come with?”

“Kyung was just going home but I guess he can stay for a bit more. Right?” he turned to him.

“Y-yeah sure..” he tried to force a smile.

“Come in! No one’s home yet so it’ll be just the three of us.” We went inside. It’s been awhile since the last time I came over his house but I still made myself at home. We made ourselves comfortable to the living room. I sat on the sofa beside Zico and opposite of Kyung.

“So.. Kyung is there something bothering you? You didn’t seem yourself at school today. Tell me!”

There she goes straight to the point,” Zico said to himself, and then he stood up. “Well, I’ll be at the kitchen if anyone ever needs me!” he said.

“Wait! Don’t leave me!” Kyung pleaded, but he still went away anyway.

“Kyung tell me! Bestfriend to bestfriend!”  I said not looking away.

He sighed and looked at me. Then his expression became serious. He said, “Maki do you like Ukwon ? Do you feel happy with him?”

I laughed, thinking that he must be joking but his expression remained. I settled myself and replied, “Yes, I think so.”

“Ok. You see I saw something that made me upset. I was really troubled earlier but now that I know your answer I think I’ve made up my mind. I’ll try to move on.” I furrowed my eyebrows confused; then surprised when he suddenly slapped his face twice and smiled. “I give up but the feelings will always remain!..  So as my meddlesome friend, can you help me with SuRin?” he smiled. He looked distressed a few minutes ago but he rebounded back to his old self immediately. He must’ve had a long deep thought when he and Zico were talking alone. It was good thing he has another thoughtful friend with him.

Dumbfounded I couldn’t help but beam at his usual smiling self. I felt really happy to his bright smile back, and at the same time I felt bad for the times I didn’t listen to him so I said, “Kyung I’m sorry for not listening to you before that it wasn’t SuRin that you really like..” His expression became hopeful when I said it but when I finished it. “But now that you made a decision to make a move, I’ll help you with all I can for you and SuRin to be together.” I patted his shoulder. He frowned and then chuckled. “So.. first step... kiss her,” I said frankly. He blushed and I heard laughter coming from the kitchen.

“Hahaha! Oh man Maki your killing me here!” Zico came out of the kitchen.

“Yah! So you were listening afterall!”

“Like hell he would do that!” he said between laughs.

“We’re taking a shortcut! Since she already likes him, we’re going to surprise her with a ‘BAM’!”

“What are you taking him for!” We continued on that we didn’t hear Kyung said ”Ok!” until he repeated it the third time.

“What?! Did Maki do something to you while I was gone?” he said shuffling Kyung’s head.

“I’m trying move on!”

“That’s the spirit!” I grinned in delight. Zico was still in disbelief of what he just heard. His modest friend was going to a make a bold act.

“Great. Now I have two insane friends with me,” he said smacking his head. I rolled my eyes.

“Anyway, I’ve made plans to hang out with her on Saturday. We plan on meeting at the park at 10. You can go there in my place,” I grinned.

“Kyung are you going to agree to that?” he said hoping that he would refuse.

“Yeah sure why not!”


“Great! Can’t wait!” I grinned evilly to the side.

“See?! You see that!” he said pointing at my face but Kyung only smiled in response. “Ahh jinjja!” We burst out laughing and eventually he laughed with us.

-          - - -

Days went by and it was Saturday.

“So.. Why am I here with you?” Zico yawned. He must’ve stayed up late. His eyes were droopy that he can barely open them.

“L has other plans so he can’t accompany me. We’re here to see how the date is going. And right now Kyung still hasn’t shown up yet,” I said irritated. “What did you even do last night that you can hardly walk properly?” We were hiding behind the bush so they wouldn’t see us.

“Relax. He’ll be here. And to answer your second question, unlike other people..” he said staring at me. “I’ve been studying for the upcoming test. So.. can I go home now?”

“No!” I pinched his nose to wake him up but no response. “Where is he?” I said to myself. A couple of seconds later Zico’s phone rang receiving a message. He read it and started to laugh.

“Dude! We’re already busted!” he said slapping my back.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about..”

“Oh! There he is!” I said, not letting him finish his sentence. Kyung finally arrived taking his time to walk over SuRin with a grin on his face; she stood up and walked up to him. He did something that surprised me. He immediately put his arm over her shoulder, moved closer, and said something that made her turn and look around. That’s right Kyung! Take the initiative! She quickly looked back to him with a grin and nodded. I wonder what they're discussing? Where to go? After a couple of minutes standing there and talking, they started to move on with their date.

I looked at the person beside me; he was engrossed playing games on his phone. “Let’s go! They’re moving now,” I said pulling his arm.

He looked up and said, “Can’t you go by yourself? Never mind that, Why are we even following them? It’s a date, their A-LONE time.”

“This is his first date! We’re making sure it’ll go well,” I said looking back to where they’re going. “Come on let’s go!”

“Are you sure it’s just making sure how it will go? Are you sure it’s not something else? After all it is his first date, his first time being alone with another girl.” he raised an eyebrow. I raised an eyebrow in response, and pulled him harder to follow them. I didn’t know what he meant but I was curious and a little bit worried that he’s alone with another girl. It’s true that he hasn’t been close with any other girl before. He’s interested with other girls that he sometimes goes with L and Zico on group dates; but those were group dates. Also, I haven’t seen him this awfully close with a girl with his arm over her shoulder quickly.

We followed them to a movie theatre. They chose to watch a romance comedy movie and took the seats in the middle of the theatre. Zico and I took four rows away from them so we can still keep an eye on them. The movie went on. I wasn’t watching the movie at all. I was occupied at how Kyung still had his arm around her, and that’s not all. She was feeding him some popcorn and he did the same thing. Then she put her head on his shoulder, and his rested his on hers. I was stopping the urge to throw some popcorn at them because of the sight while Zico was busy laughing at the movie.

“Maki can’t you just relax and enjoy the movie,” he said chuckling. I did as I was told stuffing popcorn on my mouth, but after awhile my attention would go back to them then back to the movie.

The movie ended. It left us breathless. Everyone left laughing. “Hahaha! That was hilarious! I didn’t expect it to end that way!” Zico said between laughs.

“Haha! I know right! Now let’s go before we lose them,” I said half-dragging the wheezing him. They also left the theatre laughing, talking about the movie, and to top it all they’re holding hands. It made me cringed a little, but at the same time it made me happy how they’re getting along and feeling close for a short time; the day wasn’t even half finished yet.

After the movie, they decided to eat. They went to the same cafe where Zico and L caught us stalking their group date. Like before we took the same seat from before at the corner while they took the seat at the opposite across the cafe and instead of seating across each other, they’re seating beside each other. We ordered something to eat; chocolate mousse for me and cheesecake for Zico.

“So.. can we go home after we’re done eating?” he complained for the third time. I sighed.

“Yeah sure. We’re being meddlesome. We should leave them alone,” I said looking at them.

We? It was you who wanted to follow them in the first place! I would’ve gone home but who knows what you would do.” I rolled my eyes. He chuckled. Our orders arrived and so were theirs. We ate it in silence, glancing once or twice or thrice. I caught Zico smiling at me. “Haha! Maki I don’t know if I should be happy that you’re like this or not!” he chuckled. I made a face at him. “Come on. Let’s go home” he smiled.

“..Ok.” Just as we were about to leave, I took one last glance at the couple. My eyes widened when I saw Kyung leaning closer to her. He was going to plant a kiss on her. My mind says, Yes! Way to go Kyung!, but my body wanted to move to where they were and stop it. But I just stood there staring at them. They were about to close in when someone ruffled my hair from behind distracting me from the sight. I was absorbed at the scene that I didn’t notice the people coming in.

“Meddling again I see,” he scoffed. I turned around to see who it was. It was Bbomb and Ukwon.

“A coincidence to see you here again, Maki!” Ukwon smiled.

“Oh hello Ukwon!.. Bbomb,” I beamed at Ukwon and then turned to Bbomb. I turned back to Ukwon, “Are you following me?” I teased. He chuckled.

“We’re just walking around and got hungry so we decided to stop here, then we saw you guys,” he continued.

“Ohh I see. We were just leaving.” I took Zico’s arm. He smiled by the sight.

“Hi Zico!”


“Ok! Have fun on the rest of your date!” he winked, my mouth dropped open, Bbomb smirked, and Zico laughed. I was about to firmly deny it when Kyung and SuRin in his arms were walking toward us. I frowned.

As they were nearing us, Zico put his arm around me and said, “Yo! We’re dating as well!” he laughed.

“Jinjja?! That’s news to me!” Kyung grinned knowing that Zico was only joking. “And I think I have an idea why you guys are here,” he continued, grinning at me. I looked away, guilty as charged.

Trying to change the subject, I said, “Anyways, Hi SuRin!” I waved at her.

“Hello Maki! Hi Zico!” she beamed and then turned at the two guys.

“Oh! SuRin, this is Ukwon and then Bbomb. This is SuRin. She’s going out with Kyung. Aren't they a sweet couple?” I beamed.

“Hello sunbaes! Actually I’ve seen them around the school. They’re second years, right?”

“A well-mannered girl, unlike some people here,” Bbomb scoffed. Zico, Kyung, and I looked away as we know it was us who he was talking about. Ukwon chuckled.

“We’re planning on watching a movie after we eat, you guys wanna come?” he offered.

Zico shook his head and said, “No thanks, we just saw..” I elbowed him before he could finish his sentence.

“Yeah sure!” I replied and turned to Kyung.

“No it’s ok. We just saw one earlier,” he said to Ukwon squeezing SuRin in his arms. He held her closer when he caught me staring at them. “Plus, our date is not finished yet,” he smiled. She blushed at what he said.

“Oh ok. Then it’ll only be the four of us.”

“Actually, I’m going hom..” I elbowed him again.

“Yeah I guess so!”

“Well, we’ll get going now. Have fun guys!”

“You too on your date!” they smiled. Then they left. Ukwon and Bbomb ordered and ate while we wait. I was really happy that it’s like I was having a date with him except Bbomb and Zico were with us. But there was a little part of me that wanted to continue watching the rest of their date. Man I worried like a mother hen.


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BurningDown #1
Chapter 15: Two kisses in one day. Maki is one lucky lady
BurningDown #2
Chapter 14: Holy mother of god! ZICO AND MAKI KISSED!
I was expecting it to be Kyung, or U-Kwon that randomly appeared, but OMG!
This story is so cute!
Maki with Korean idols is A+++++
Update soon!
Chapter 13: awww I kind of wish Zico would start liking her, thinking that Kyung really moved on. Well, I shouldn't want this, but it would be dramatic and interesting >:O and don't worry, I (and many others, I'm sure) understand writer's block. I still really enjoyed the update :D Good luck on your exams!!
Chapter 12: kekekekeke XD she's making her own life so complicated XDD
Chapter 12: is she getting jealous? lol