Life was beautiful.


It was a warm summer afternoon. Everything was illuminated with sparkling bright sunlight. The field was covered with the greenest grass anyone has ever seen, bright colourful wildflowers scattered here and there, making it picture perfect. Bright, sweet smelling flowers meant butterflies and bees, which were happily dancing around, drinking nectar.
Two figures were lying down under a tree near the field, both on their backs. One was wriggling around, resembling a bunny rabbit while the other laid still.
'I have a biology test next week you know. And I haven't even started the biology notes...i'm doomed. Like really really, going to fail type doomed. What if I get zero marks!? What if they kick me out of the class?' The bunny-like guy said in one breath.
The other, lying next to him on the grass just stared up at the sky, motionless.
'I should just go to the library and start making notes. Why did I even agree to this? How is lying under a tree help us in life anyway?' he stopped for a fraction of a second to take a breath and continued.
'Why am I even wasting my breath on you? You never listen to a word I say anyway. God I'm so stupid. Maybe I should just make the notes here...i mean I have...' his words were cut off by the other guy's soft voice.
'God hyung. Just chill, okay? Take a deep breath and relax.' he turned to look at the older with a soft angelic smile on his face.
The older of two pushed his thick framed glasses up the bridge of his nose and looked at the other through them.
'How can I relax when I have a test next week? And didn't you have a maths test tomorrow Tae? Shouldn't you revise for that, instead of lying here doing nothing?' he struggled up in a sitting position, looking down at Taemin.
This earned another serene smile from Taemin, still in his lying position, he looked up and said,
'But Jinki hyung, I am doing something.' he stated at Jinki as if waiting for jinki to realize what he was talking about.
Jinki was at a complete loss. What was Taemin talking about? He wasn't doing anything; he just laid there staring at the sky, how's that doing something.
His confusion must have showed because the next thing Taemin said was,
'God hyung, for a straight A grade student, you can be so stupid sometimes.' he huffed.
'Just lie down and follow what I'm doing and you'll know.' he pulled his hyung down next to him, holding onto his hand, interlacing their fingers together. The older looked at their hands and marvelled at how perfectly Taemin's slender fingers fit the spaces between his. It was as if two puzzle pieces coming together.
He looked at the beautiful face next to him and followed his gaze, up at the sky and back again to Taemin. What was he supposed to do?
Seeing that Taemin was still looking at the sky he decided to look up at it again, this time locking his eyes to the sky.
'Get rid of all your thoughts about studies and exams and really look hyung.' Taemin whispered next to him, sending a slight shiver down Jinki. Why? Jinki didn't know. He closed his eyes and tried to block away all his thoughts and worries.
'Hyung forget that you have exams…forget that you are Jinki...just look. Not observe but really look.'
Somehow that's exactly what Jinki did, forgetting everything and took a deep breath.
And this time, when he slowly opened his eyes a vast sea of blue greeted his vision. It was the same sky he looked at minutes ago, yet seemed completely different. Before, Jinki saw only one shade of blue, the sky's colour. But that he looked closer it wasn't just one shade and it wasn't just one colour. Different shades of blues, whites and greys painted a beautiful canvas. Soft, cotton candy clouds were sailing along the ocean of blues, the same clouds he always thought of as water vapor and crystals. It was the same clouds, but different perspective; different and more beautiful.
As Onew looked on with his new perspective, he started to see new shapes and colours and patterns that he previously would have unnoticed.
'Look Taemin, it's you.' Jinki shouted childishly as he pointed at a mushroom shaped cloud.
Taemin chuckled softly as he pointed at a round cloud with two long bunny ear-like streaks. 'And that's you hyung...'
Jinki laughed and playfully shoved the younger.
'Hey! Only because my front teeth a bit longer than usual, does not make me a rabbit.' he whined.
Taemin scoffed, 'A bit?! Your front teeth are gigantic hyung. And apart from that, your walk resembles a rabbits hop uncannily.'
'I do not hop.'
'do too'
'do not'
'do too'
'do too'
'do not'
'exactly..' Jinki smiled victoriously.
'Damn..' Taemin pretended to sigh but ended up laughing. As they say, laughing really is contagious and within seconds, Jinki too was laughing. As they laughed in harmony, enjoying the sunlight on their skin, Jinki finally realized what Taemin was doing, what they were doing.
They were living and loving. They were living dreaming. They were living and learning, their teacher being the nature. 
Jinki sighed in content and grasped onto Taemin's hand tightly, a sweet smile playing on both of their lips.


I was just trying to sleep, and because I couldn't I wrote this at 3 am in the morning annd I was like this

139kbt.gif, if you read it and miraculously like it.....i shall shower you with my love <3




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shinyan #1
"Jinki was at a complete loss. What was Taemin talking about? He wasn't doing anything; he just laid there staring at the sky, how's that doing something."

Onew in this is exactly me. How nice to have a Tae to pull one back from stressing and learn to appreciate the moment.
Chapter 1: Sweet and relaxing, I liked ot
Chapter 1: aw cute jinki figs :D
i liked this it was so cute and sweet :)
Chapter 1: keke, aawww, it's so, so cute, fantastic job hun, really love it. <3 ;-D