“Hyuuuuuuunngggggg….” I heard the maknae’s voice. Why do I have this feeling that this already happened before?? I have a bad feeling about this.


I placed a pillow on my face and pretended to be sleeping. As expected the door flung open revealing a gasping Seungri. Like a déjà vu I saw him from the corner of my eyes screaming like his hair is on fire.


“Hyuuuungg…” he screamed again.


I saw him runs towards me and jumps on my bed, “Hyung wake up…” he shook me. I ignored him and pretend to be sleeping but that didn’t stop him.


He pulled my pillow from my face and screamed, “Hyung wake up!!”


I opened my eyes angrily and glared at him, “Can’t you see I’m trying to sleep here!!” I grabbed my pillow and placed it again on my face.


“Hyung… noona is on TV….”


Like a reflex I immediately remove the pillow from my face.


“On TV??” I asked him my brows tied into a knot.


“Today is their first episode in We got married we have to watch it!!” he jumps off my bed and went straight to my TV.


“Yah.. who said you can watch here??” I screamed but that didn’t stop him. He the TV and fumbled with the remote control.


I got up from bed annoyed –with my pillow on my right hand I went beside him to watch. I don’t want to watch this because I know that this will be the death of me of me but my curiosity is stronger than my will to live so I ended up sitting beside the maknae.


I smacked the maknae’s head and hugged my knees.


Seungri finally found the station and he squeaks happily. He increased the volume before he tossed the remote control on the bed.


I buried half of my face on the pillow and I shifted my gaze on the TV. It is showing Jaejoong in front of a ferry’s wheel fidgeting with his hands while waiting for Dara.


Darn. The b*stard looks so annoyingly handsome. Tch!


I wonder why they chose Dara for him?


Did he request for her?


No, no, no, it can’t be. I shrugged the thought of another fan boy.


I already have tons of them bugging my head no need for another one especially if it’s as handsome as him.


“Annyeong yeorobun….” I heard TOP’s voice.





What?!! you gotta be kiddingme!!


I slowly turned my gaze towards the door and there they are. TOP, Daesung and Yongbae, all of them have that annoying smile on their face.


I’m in hell. These devils….


“I heard there’s a party here, we came to join….” TOP said smiling.


“Don’t worry.. we brought food..” Yongbae wiggled the plastic of chips and sodas in front of him.


I rolled my eyes to them unable to say anything.


They quickly rushed to our side and settled the food on the floor.


“Yah.. who said you can camp here?? Go watch in your own room!!” I grumble.


TOP threw me a pitiful look “Omo Jiyongie…don’t be harsh. We are here to support you in your dying moment. In case you die watching Dara noona we are here to resuscitate you back to life….”


“Yeah… Ji Yong-ah calm down…” says Yongbae.


"Why you..."


“Yah hyung.. can you be a little quiet it’s starting already…” Daesung said while munching his potato chips.


I buried my face again on my pillow feeling defeated. We all looked at the TV watching the nervous Jaejoong.


“Wow Jaejoong prepared for this night huh.. he is quite handsome…” Yongbae commented.


Yeah rub it in my face Yongbae.. rub it in.


“Where’s noona??” Dae asked.


“Wait for it.. they’re going to show her soon…” says TOP leaning forward to get some chips from Dae.


“Yah hyung get your own…” Dae pulled his chips away.


“These two don’t fight over chips…” Yongbae stopped them.


TOP is already pulling Dae’s chips when the host suddenly commented.


        HOST 1: Omo who’s that??


We all darted out gaze back on the TV. It is showing a lady in a black dress walking on the red carpet.


They blurred her face to keep the viewers guessing.


        HOST2: Aigoo..those legs are very slender.


       HOST3: Yes, yes very petite…y….


I gritted my teeth upon seeing her wearing a tiny black dress. How dare her wear such a tiny dress?? It’s revealing too much skin!!


Sandara Park!!


“Omo..they’re focusing her neck…” TOP said his eyes wide. I suddenly felt like clawing his eyeballs out.


“Aigooo… noona has a very y collarbone.. I wonder how it…..”


Seungri trailed when he realized I am sending him deadly glares.


Don’t you dare go over there little panda!! You can’t drool on her!! She’s mine!! I saw him gulp a good amount of saliva then shuts his mouth by stuffing more foods inside it.


I return my gaze back on the TV.


My eyes landed on her neck.


My expression softened.


How I miss nuzzling on the crook of her neck. I miss showering that porcelain white skin with kisses. I miss nibbling her delicate skin and I miss how her skin tastes like vanilla and honey. Oh I miss you so badly my baby….


I buried my face on my pillow again.


I watched how she walks gracefully.


       HOST1: They are dimming the lights already…


       HOST2: hahah.. look at Jaejoong-sshi.. look at him he’s very nervous.


       HOST3: Aigoo..he’s wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.


 ‘I love you’ by 2ne1 on the background –Dara’s part.


       HOST1: I think I know who it is already…


       HOST2: Me too me too…


       HOST3: Look at him, I think he knows now too…


The camera zoomed in, on Jaejoong’s face. He lets out a gasp when the spotlight was on Dara.


I love you…uuuh…huuu..huuu…huuu… I love you….


Why that part??


Are you singing it for him baby??





Why do you have to be beautiful for that guy?


“Wow…..” the four mumbled in chorus.


I shifted my gaze towards them.




These a*ssh*les!! How dare them drool over my girl!!


“Yah!!” I screamed in anger. “That’s my girl you’re drooling on!!”


They looked at me shocked at my sudden outburst.


“Not your girl anymore Jiyongie…” TOP shrugged his shoulders.


The three nods to that.


Tch! Are they really my friends?? I want to kick them out of my room right at this moment but I can’t do that. It’s one against four. I will never win against them…aish!


I sat back again and continued watching.


         HOST1: Wow Dara-sshi is very beautiful.


        HOST2: True, Jaejoong is very handsome too.


        HOST3:Aigoo..they are perfect for each other.


        HOST4: These two is the most handsome couple we have ever had in WGM.


Dara flashed a warm smile on Jaejoong to which Jaejoong returned with an even bigger smile. Is it just me or he is really happy that it is Dara?? The guy looked like he is going to faint any moment now. Tch! I guess he is one of her stupid fanboys!!


       JAEJOONG: “So…uhmmm… you’re going to be my wife…and uhmm… I am going to be your            husband


Gaaahh….how dare you say it so casually!! She’s not your wife!! You’re not even married yet!!


She’s mine!!


       DARA: “I guess that’s how it goes….”











I don’t wanna live, just kill me now. My heart is already broken. It’s shattered into pieces. How can I survive with this??


“Ji Yong-ah…are you okay??” Yong bae asked nudging me.


“Is he still breathing??” asked Dae.


“Do I need to resuscitate him??” says TOP leaning forward ready to give me a CPR.


“Damn you hyung….” I quickly scoff pushing him away.


“No need to worry..he’s still alive…” Bae chuckled.


“ you all…” I cursed them but they just laugh at me.


Seriously I think they are enjoying my agony.




That handsome b*stard is smiling sweetly at her. He offered his arm for Dara to hold onto and Dara accepted it.


My eyes squinted into tiny slits.


Right now all I want to do is cut his arms and feed it to the crocodiles. I want to scrape that smile off of his face and throw it somewhere.


I want to…


“Yah…Jiyong-ah that’s my friend. Don’t you dare plan on killing him.” TOP said like he can read my mind.


What are you, a psychic??


I don’t even own my mind now??

They are already invading my room and now even my brain??



“Who said I am planning to cut his arm and feed it to the crocodiles. Who said I am thinking of scraping that god damned smile on his face and throw it somewhere he can’t find. Who said I am planning to kill him right at this moment!!” I exclaimed loudly.


They were silent.


They just stared at me with horror in their face.


That’s when I realized what I just said.


“Aish… I’m going crazy!!!” I screamed throwing my pillow on my bed and pulling my hair.


“That’s normal Ji…I understand how you feel…” Bae said.


“Yeah who wouldn’t be threatened?? That’s Kim Jaejoong…who knows noona might fall for him…”


I glared at Seungri.


“You wanna die panda??” I threatened him.


He shivered, “Of course noona won’t like him… she still loves you hyung he he he..” he runs and hid behind TOP.


“Aish you little panda.. you’re shortening your life…” TOP whispered to him.


DARA: “Do you think they would accept me as your wife??”


We all darted our gaze back on the TV when we heard Dara’s voice.


“Waaaahh… she said it!!” Dae cried.


“It’s like she’s accepting that she’s his wife” says Bae.


“She finally moved on Ji…..” TOP said eyeing me.




“No she’s not! She’s an actress remember?? She’s just acting!!” I denied.


“Whatever…” Top mumbled.


       JAEJOONG: “The thing is… I am the jealous type.”


“Wow, jealous type too.. just like……” TOP trailed upon seeing me fuming in anger.


“Jealous type your face!!” I screamed on the TV while throwing some pop corns to it.


“Hyung.. the TV won’t fight back…” says Daesung in horror.


       DARA: “Well that’s going to be our problem, because I am the jealous type too…”


Gasp. Gasp.


Breathe in. Breathe out.


Calm down Ji…


…………………………………BUT I CANT!!!


“Jealous your face!! Yah!! Sandara Park we will have a talk once you get back here. this whole WE GOT MARRIED, you handsome b*stard!! this life!! Why do you have to accept the offer? Do you really wanna kill me?? Are you that mad at me??”


It zoomed in on Dara’s face.


I scrambled towards the TV and touched Dara’s face.


“Did you intentionally do this for me to suffer huh baby? Stop this already I am really going to die watching you with that guy…” I continued to rub Dara’s face on the TV.


“Hyung that’s disgusting…” says Dae.


“You’re losing it hyung….” says Seungri.


Bae went beside me and peeled me off from the TV.


“Ji Yong-ah…this is not Dara-ah…” he pointed the TV. “This is TV okay??” he told me like I am a retard.


“Now let’s go back there and watch peacefully…” he literally peeled me off from the TV and threw me beside Seungri.


I watched her silently trying to get a hold of my emotions.


Calm yourself Ji. That’s just a show.


       JAEJOONG: “Let’s have a pet name..”


“Woohoo…that’s my boy…” TOP cheered his friend




WTF?? Pet name already??


You’re crazy!! You just talked to her for a few minutes and you already want a pet name?!!


       DARA: “What do you have in mind?”


So you want a pet name too??


Wow.. just wow!!


I gritted my teeth trying to contain my anger.


       JAEJOONG: “Ooooh…such a cutie” he poked her cheeks.


“Yah!! Don’t you touch her like that!!” I screamed.


The four looked at me.


“Shut up Ji and just watch…” Bae said pulling me down again.


       HOST1: Wow Jaejoong-sshi is a fast guy.


       HOST2:The progress for this couple is fast huh…


       HOST3: True they look at ease with each other.


       HOST4: Iiiih..they are so cute!!


       JAEJOONG: “How about my angel…”


The vein in my head throbs. I can’t take this anymore, I have to let this out!!


“My angel…what the.. you have no originality!!” I screamed again. “Sandara Park, don’t dare call him sweetly or else you’ll regret it!!”


They are giving me odd looks again but I don’t in care!!


This is my room!


That is my TV!


And that girl right there is mine!!


She might have broken up with me, but still she’s mine!




       DARA: “How about… MY PRINCE…”









I felt the whole world crumbled down before me. I slumped down on the floor hugging my knees and burying my face on them. I felt tears forming in the corner of my eyes.


“Ji Yong-ah it’s not yet late….” Bae said then he put an arm on shoulders.


“You jerk… all you have to do is win her back…” TOP grunted.


I look up at him, holding my back my tears.


“Can I still win her back??” I asked.


“Of course…that’s just a show…” says Bae.


He’s right. All I have to do is woo her again and show her that I am not the same Ji Yong anymore.


She still loves me I know it!!


“Wait for me Sandara Park I will win you back…”



End of chapter 3


That’s a two chapter update for you guys.. I hope you liked it.. keke.. thank you for all the love you gave for the fic..hohohoho.

Please leave a comment it inspires me to update faster…

I’ll wait for your comment..

See you on the next chap ^^


To my first commenter:

@lesley_keys – thank you for the heartwarming comment!! Gomawo ^^


Thank you to:

myjoyce1986, sujukat, BJVIP4ever, BBlover12, advfanatic, jepoknat, iamjennielee, Paulineflores, bijabbers, dizzyventura, lyusdr, yuno1234, Tabimuchere, Alone18, kpoplover123098, blue_rogue, VictoryUra, roxiojojo, jagiya0110,


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Thank you!
I am still working on finishing this.. don't worry I will finish this. Please give me time to sort out my feelings for the OTPs in this story.


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thanks fot this! #DaragonTilWhenever! I hope you complete this story. im aching to know whats next please author-nim!
Chapter 27: yahhhhh.. have you forgotten this.,. please comeback...
hello_kittyxXx #3
hello_kittyxXx #4
Chapter 29: update juseyo ^_^
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 29: Unnie...when u will update this one ?? Neomu johaaa.... Gd oppa neomu kiyeowo...Jebalyeo unnie... Na upvote kalkaeyo
Vampires2Rocks #6
Chapter 29: 2 more chapters??? Jaejoong going to know about GD? I kinda want him to know before everything ends. I want to see Thunder again too. I want to see HIS point of view on all of it.

I'm a Jaejoong fan, so yeah, my heart goes to him. I wish there were actual moments when they hung out just to hang out and not because of a schedule. I wish she would actually put him first instead of GD this time around. My heart kinda breaks knowing his heart will be broken at the end.

Still...Dara's more herself around GD. I can see that. She's always laughing and being cute around Jaejoong, that's not how a relationship goes, I know that (this is why I want to see more behind the scene stuff between them).

Actually...I just want to see Jaejoong's reaction upon finding out that all this time during their 'marriage', Dara has been seeing GD all the time as well. BTW, was he seeing someone as well?
betchay1131 #7
Chapter 29: I'm rereading this again.. Jaejoong and Dara whoa.. Kyeopta kkk
betchay1131 #8
Chapter 29: I'm rereading this again.. Jaejoong and Dara whoa.. Kyeopta kkk
baboychow #9
Chapter 29: I'm a solid daragon shipper, but for this particular fanfic, my heart goes to jae. He's just so warm, fuzzy and sweet. I can't afford to see his heart break. Just make this jaedara all the way!!
Chapter 29: Can it be "20 chapters more" instead?? I didnt know i would like jae and dara a lot like this, and only by reading your fic, its awesome! More JAEDARA?? pretty please??? Juseyooo juseyoo saranghaeyooo?? ♥ haha thanks a lot, luv u author ♡♡