School time ~

My Ideal Girl Is......

You wiped your milk moustache away with your palm while Mi-Hyun and Sungjae busily chewed away on their steam buns.

"Mi-Hyun, that steam bun looks so nice! Can I have one?" You asked.

"Right there." Mi-Hyun pointed to a spoon.

"Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- the Mighty Joon Family eats metal spoons for breakfast?" I burst into laughter.

"Why not? Joking dummy, I pointed to the steam bun."

"Oh. That white playdoh thing."

You grabbed a steam bun and took a bite. Ahhhh, I finally know what heaven tastes like..... Your eyes glistened like diamonds in the desert. You could smell the steam coming from the bun and drooled like there was no tomorrow. Mi-Hyun's giggle sounded muffled because of the steam bun in .

It was a really sunny and bright day, and you were ready for a new day at a new school. Sungjae's parents had enrolled you in Light Secondary. At first, you didn't understand why the school was named Light Secondary but then you thought the School had probably turned its lights on 24/7 so much, that the school was called 'Light Secondary College'

* * * *

You changed into the school uniform that consisted of: 1 x Red and Christmas Green Checkered Skirt, 1 x White School Shirt, 1 x Black Tie and 1 x Black Blazer. You looked in the full length mirror. Nice! You turned to the EXO poster on your wall, "Baibai, EXO ~"

You thought you heard them reply, "Have a nice day, EunMi."


I waited impatiently outside EunMi's bedroom door.

Narrator: Ahem, You mean your bedroom door. -.-''

You saw the doorknob turn and saw a blinding yellow light. You looked above and saw a beautiful angel. Your heart skipped a beat.

AND YOU DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XP
--Nah, jokes! Story officially starts in 53, 28, 3, 1, 5, 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-Yes I can count properly.--

You ran to the angel and embraced her. But why is this angel wearing school uniform? You closed your eyelids for a while and opened them again, but to see t h e   o n e    a n  d     o n  l y   E u n  M i .

/troll face/

She giggled and you turned away. "Clumsy," she whispered. You heard her and said back, "Everyone had their dramatic moments!"

****EUNMI POV****

You walked out of the door refreshed and ready for a new year of school. You had some things to do before you officially settled down in Light Secondary though;
1. Make friends
2. Get used to the school and remember the facility locations
3. Know the teachers' names well
And one more thing that was to be done during the year...
4. Try to get a boyfriend.

You grabbed your school bag and slung it over your shoulder and ran to the car, parked on the curb of the road. You tried to buckle your seatbelt but it just wouldn't budge. You kept on pressing a random green button on the strap and it finally went in.

Mi-Hyun faced you. "You look really preppy," she squealed, "You should let your hair down, you'll look pretty!"

"Naww ~ thanks." You scratched your head in embarrassment.

Sungjae rolled his eyes. "Girls' these days..."

"We're here, EuMi! This is Light Secondary!" Mi-Hyun said as the car arrived to a halt outside the school gates. The three of you stepped out of the car and walked into the gates of the school.

"Come with me, I'll show you to the office. They'll give you your locker number + combination." Sungjae made a 'Come-here-baby' gesture with his index finger.

"Okay..." You mumbled.

* * * *

"What is THAT girl doing with MY Sungjae oppa?!" "She is so short and ugly! Nothing compared to me, yet, she managed to get his attention!" You heard many whispers going around in the hallway. You sadly lowered your head and wishied someone else, like Mi-Hyun, could lead you to the office and not this popular guy. You opened the door and went in the office.

"You are Park EunMi, yes?" The office lady asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Here is your timetable, locker combo and number. Have a good time at Light Secondary!"

"Thanks!" You plastered a fake smile on your face and exited the office. You looked at the school map and arrived at the classroom. You checkered your timetable. No! Mathsmathsmathsmaths! You hugged your books tight to your chest and entered. Your Maths teacher, Ms. Kim, clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.

"From now on, there will be another student in this class. Her name is EunMi." Ms. Kim introduced you.

"I hope to make new friends and learn a lot here!" You bowed 90 degrees.

"Isn't that that the girl who was with Sungjae oppa? I don't like her!" Some girls sneered.

You felt 3 pairs of eyes shoot daggers at you. You scanned the class and spotted the owners of the eyes'.


You scanned the class and spotted the owners of the eyes' - 3 Queenka's. Even without knowing them, you could tell by their appearance. They didn't wear their blazers, they wore the white shirt with sleeves rolled up and the tie loose. Their skirts were sewed up really high. They had painted their nails pastel colours with polka dots, love hearts and bows. Under the sun, you could see one of the Queenka's eyelids sparkle. They had used tonned of sparkly eyeshadow, lipgloss, blush and probably even fake eyelashes. Their names were Hyo Ei, Chun A and Ha-Eun.


"EunMi, there is an empty seat next to Sungjae. Please sit there." The teacher ushered you.

"Okay." You sat next to Sungjae and put your books on the table.

"So you're in my class, hey...." Sungjae smirked.


Then I can in class, you thought happily.

"So, we are going to work on a project about the Archemedies Screw. I've assigned everyone partners." Ms. Kim called out the partner list, "Sungjae and..."

You crossed your fingers.

"...Chun A."

! I wanted to be with EunMi!


"EunMi with..."

You blew your bangs uneasily, hoping you wouldn't get someone too mean or bossy. At least I don't have to go with Sungjae or Chun A, since they are already partners.

"...Kai." Kai waved at you and smiled. He seems like a nice guy, you thought and smiled back.


Please vote or else it'll take a hell lotta time for me to continue this chapter ^^

Fudge, I don't think the poll is working TT^TT

Anyways my question is:
Should I make Kai or Taemin EunMi's best male friend?
A: Kai
B: Taemin
C: Make both of them bullies
If the poll isn't showing up either, just comment the letter of your choice! (:



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hi guys, back from my hiatus! I will be updating soon, since the Summer Hols are nearly here ^3^ yayyy!!!!


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nice story ^^
Chapter 3: Omg can't wait!!! And yes those posters are quite cute ^_^
juststory #3
Chapter 3: hwaiting! :D
Chapter 2: omg so cute ^_^ kinda confusing... but good
Good luck. c:
Update soon