
Taking SHINee

Devon breathed heavily before standing on the platform.

Why did I ever agree to this?

She managed to have a calm and composed look as she takes out the megaphone from her big, bulky backpack. This is when Gabby steps in, encouraging her to speak. It took a lot of time and courage before she managed to let go of the voice that's been clinging inside .

"Everyone! Listen up!" she shamelessly screamed. Everyone stopped on their tracks and looked at her. Some even guffawed, probably remembering the ketchup incident she had before. She cleared and continued.

"I've decided, that I and my good friend Gabby will be organizing a 'collect a plastic bottle' event, because we are determined to let you guys watch a free SHINee concert in this school."

Everyone gasped. Somehow, there seemed to be no one who disagrees to the plan.

"If we ever won, I promise to you that I will personally ask SHINee to sing one favorite song from the audience. And I'll ask an autograph, to give to one lucky student too." she continued.

Someone laughed. Devon hates it when someone laughs when she's giving a speech. She annoyingly looked into the direction, and found Kira laughing with her bishes.

I'm gonna kill this girl once I invited SHINee over...

"And what if you failed? Are you gonna allow us to make you social outcasts of this school? Cause you know, I could just ask Daddy to invite SHINee over and-"

"Fine! So be it! But if we win, you're gonna have to stop bothering us, and the rest of the kids you always bully. Understand?" Gabby said, flicking her fingers in front of Kira's face.

Devon's eyes grew wide. She can't let this happen! Not now when she plans to get noticed. Not now, when it's already high school.

Kira cleared in embarassment, but quickly masked it with a very, very y attitude.

"Fine. Good Luck, nerds. Just don't go crying and begging to us when you lose!" she laughed then walked out. Gabby then turned bersek, screaming different kinds of bad things.

"Okay then! Just you wait! We're gonna bring SHINee over and you're gonna cry with your mascara running all over your fake face and you're gonna kiss our asses!" she screamed. Devon covered to avoid much scandalous things from happenning.

The other students cheered. Different greetings of "Fighting!", "I know you can do it!", and "Don't mind Kira. She's gonna eat her words when you succeed!" were heard. Somehow, Devon sighed in relief. At least their plan is working perfectly fine...

SHinee was inside their minivan, and everywhere they looked there were people picking up garbage and used plastic bottles.

"This is kinda fun, watching them. It's like helping the environment, one country at a time." Onew suddenly blurted out. Key raised his brows.

"What do you mean by 'one country at a time'? Oh fury mother, don't tell me..." he trailed off, staring at Onew with his big beady eyes.

Onew looked nervous, so he tried to change the subject.

"Taemin, why aren't you talking about the girl you liked nowadays? Before you used to go on for hours... Have your feelings withered?"

Taemin looked at his hyung and smiled sweetly.

"No hyung. I... never saw her again, after we debuted. It made me sad, how much I missed her, but I can't do anything. So I decided to forget about her..."

"Ooooh..." Onew felt awkward bringing that up again.

"Hey hyung! What did the goose say to the-" Minho started, but got cut off by a pissed Jonghyun.

"For crying out loud Choi Minho will you shut up for even just a minute?! Somebody needs some rest here!" Jonghyun shrieked, causing Minho to curl up into a corner.

But we weren't even doing anything yet... What made you so exhausted anyways?, he thought as he pouted. Jonghyun noticed this and grabbed a newspaper, rolling it and threatening to smack Minho's face.

Key rolled his eyes at the two.

I bet she called Se Kyung again last night and tried to get back together. Oh please Jonghyun, you sound so desperate...

Then, Onew's phone rang. It was Lee Soo Man.

"Hello? Yes sajangnim, we're on our way to taping. Okay, okay..." Onew then hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" all four chorused.

"Let's check out the views after taping. It seemed like one school, or rather neighborhood already started, and they were booming, surpassing even the biggest school in Seoul."

The others gasped. That took a lot of strength and fan girling to be able to force yourself to collect garbage. They really must want to see SHINee that badly...

Gabby was keeping track of the counts of the other schools, and also theirs. Currently, they were second, but they were determined to get into first place.

"OMG OMG OMG!" she suddenly screamed, startling the students. They rushed to her side and looked at the tablet.

"SHINee commented and said Hwaiting! Now people this is a driving force for us to succeed! I know we can do this!" she shouted. The others cheered and continued with gathering bottles. Devon came up near Gabby and smiled.

"You know this is the first time we've ever instructed the whole school something." she said. Gabby nodded.

"I'm determined to win Devon. You know how much I like them. Remember what Taemin said?" she asked.


"If you work hard, then everything will be fine. Didn't he say that? I'm sure, we will win this thing." she encouraged.

Devon smiled and hugged Gabby, as she did the same to her. They put their right hand together.

"Hwaiting!" thet shouted, throwing their hands in the air.

"Hmmm... Jinjin High? Isn't this school near your house Taemin?" Jonghyun asked as he scans through the tally of the schools. Taemin's eyes widened as he rushed quickly to the laptop, nearly throwing it over. Jonghyun smacked the back of his head.

"Yah! You could've broke the laptop! What the hell?!" he said, throwing his hands up in the air and walking away, just in time for Key to come inside the room.

"What the heck is wrong with that guy. It's not even a minute yet and he's suddenly mad again... tsk, tsk, tsk... Hey Taemin, what did you do anyways?" he said as he comes near the laptop, where Taemin was staring at for a moment now.

"H- h- hyu- hyu- hyu..." he trailed off. Key looked at him weirdly. The he looked on over to who was the leading school. His eyes widened too.

"Isn't this where you studied? Like way way back when you were little?" he asked as he points to Taemin. Taemin nodded without looking at Key.

"Should we comment something to encourage them?" he asked Taemin once again.

Taemin looked at him, then back at the screen. He started typing.

From: SHINee ^_^

 Students! Do your best and let God do the rest! I know you can do it! We trust in you! Hwaiting! ^^v

He pressed send. After about 3 seconds, thousands of replies appeared, which caused Key's head to ache. He excused himself out, but Taemin was still scanning on the replies.

I'm going to find you... Bon... I'm sorry for forgetting you... I know that you know about me, and who I am today. I just wish... You won't see me as SHINee's Taemin, but as Lee Taemin... your friend and playmate...

He chuckled then closed the laptop.

A/N: Jinjin High is not a real school. And If you want awesome and motivational SHINee (and other KPOP Stars) quotes, visit HERE.

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OMG i loved the movie and now it has shinee in it gaaah o_o
Please update again soon!
tiffydn #2