Chapter 6: You Are That Kind

Of Borders And Fences


Chapter 6: You Are That Kind


“You… don’t like me, do you?”


“That’s… quite an understatement.”


Probably the understatement of the century. Yes, most probably.


Doojoon woke up to a start that morning when he woke up to Hyunseung flailing in his sleep, he soon discovered that the boy was actually awake and searching for something. He woke up to see the boy rummaging the bed, his eyes still tired from all the reading he had done the night before and the way he had been woken up was everything but ideal. However, the sight of the beautiful boy is a good remedy for just about anything, he mused that he could have woken up in the middle of nowhere and still feel great so long as the redhead was next to him.


“Seungie, it’s so early, what are you doing?” he complained, but not really, he would never complain to the boy.


“Doo, I can’t find my phone,”


Feeling the sheets and under the pillows, Doojoon felt a pang in his chest as he looked at the boy. Hyunseung was doing better day by day but it didn’t seem like he was going to get used to it any time sooner. He, too, had to adjust to many things, but he was doing a lot better. He couldn’t exactly say that he knew how Hyunseung felt, because really – he doesn’t, so he does everything he could to make things better for him.


“It’s here, here you go,” he handed the retrieved item which had fallen to the floor. Hyunseung heaved a sigh of relief once he got the phone that he had been rummaging for.


“You should’ve waken me up,”


“I didn’t want to,”


“You know you can ask me anything,”


“I already do… so much,”




There were these small moments. Small moments of silence that said more and showed Doojoon more than any dialogue he could muster. Hyunseung was in pain, and he was reflecting many things in life, and this was just one of those trivial moments that Doojoon could beat himself up for being so helpless. Hyunseung, many times, would feel helpless – but in reality, it was Doojoon who would mentally beat himself up whenever he feels these moments stringing the boy back to depression.


“Anyway, it’s so early, let’s go back to sleeeeeep,” he sweetly pulls back the boy to bed, covering them both with the blankets. It was one of the things they have been accustomed to since they were little. Doojoon found comfort in the fact that they could still do these things despite the fact that they have grown way older. He could still hold him the way he used to, sleep with him the way he used to and be with him the way he used to. In many ways, nothing has changed, at least… that’s how he wanted it to be. Until there was…


“Oh, Junhyung is calling!”


Until there was Yong Junhyung.


Doojoon rolled to the side of the bed completely, undeniably irate. He looked at the redhead’s form rising from the sheets and pacing in the room. He looked so bubbly and happy, bubblier and happier than he had ever been these past few months since it happened. The taller man touched the spaced where Hyunseung had been, it was still warm. He was so used to the both of them sleeping in, but these days, Hyunseung would get a call from the man early in the morning and they would talk for a long time.


Doojoon knows his type when he sees one. The first time he had seen him was on the hospital, arrogantly standing by the hallway as he put off his lit cigarette. It was a hospital, for pete’s sake, he could have at least had the decency to put it out. The taller man swore that should Hyunseung and the man ever cross paths and the man was still smoking, he’d put him in a bag to seal all his smoke and throw him off the nearest window. Now, the second time he had met him… yeah, that was so ing special.


The man just reeks of all sorts of wrong. A try-hard tattooed playboy. Yes, that what he was, and nothing could change that. Doojoon was sorry the second time they met. Yeah, sorry he left him alive. Had he had his way with the boy, he would no longer have to endure these bubbly moments Hyunseung had on the phone.


The phone call had ended and Hyunseung went back to where he originally was. Doojoon just laid there until he said something, observing the lingering smile that the boy had.


“Doo, help me,”


He didn’t know why he agreed to this. Oh, right, anything Seung says, Doojoon does. And this time, he asked him to help him make pasta. Now, on ordinary days, that would have been well received. After all, this was the reason why Hyunseung’s old recipes had been securely pinned on the fridge and on the wall – so that Doojoon could follow them and do most of the cooking, lessening the risk of his Hyunseung hurting himself. But this was not in any way one of his intentions when he said he’d help him with the cooking. Cooking with that little sly devil was not a part of the plan. But he could not resist him anyway, and he would do as he says.


He mustered all the serenity he had in his body when he heard the doorbell ring. He had to tilt his head back and inhale deeply. He had to breathe in and out multiple times, the image of his beautiful redhead’s smile on his head – just to calm him down. But when he opened the door, the face of that sly man was upon him, like an open mockery of the events that had transpired earlier.


“Oh, you’re here,”


I wish you didn’t come at all.


But Hyunseung openly and warmly welcomes him, and Doojoon could not say a word. He wanted to say something sly, something annoying and something that would hit the man hard home but the overwhelming feeling of anxiety washed over him as he saw his Hyunseung holding the man close, warmly, openly and quite comfortably.


Who is he, Seungie?


For a man like Hyunseung whom Doojoon had known all his life – he had known him to be quite the introvert. He had always been one to keep to himself and he only had Doojoon to express himself to. It took quite a while for him to even talk to him without avoiding eye contact, it took him even more time to call him by his name, and years had to pass before he could openly hold his hand and be more open to him.


But then, this guy comes, and he skips all those years away. He openly calls him by his name, holds him and openly shows him his affection.


Who are you,


And how dare you.


So, yes, to say that he just doesn’t like him is not enough.


“Don’t you think that’s too harsh? You don’t know me at all,”


“Oh, but I do. Too well.”




“I know your kind, Yong Junhyung. I know exactly the kind of person you are.”


- - -

Note: End! I hope you liked that one. I got some messages about more of Doojoon, which was timely because the next three chapters will be about the three of them. 


Also, I just wanted to tell you that this is going to be quite a long work of fiction. I hope you stand by! Thank you again for all your support!

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I hope you haven't left. I am better now and will be updating in a few weeks. Please leave me a comment if you're still around.


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 16: Oh, doojoonie. Such bravery.
89_junseung #2
Chapter 12: Ahh, the love. Please come back author-nim and relieve us of the pain induced by this beautiful, sweet story.
Chapter 1: oh my god,please uptade soon! this is one of my favorites TT
redrabbits #4
Chapter 13: The reveal of how Hyunseung lost his sight was so heartbreaking. But I love how cute Junhyung is with his lies and being totally whipped.
braver #5
Chapter 21: Dearest klein, I hope you haven't forgotten about this fic. As you know, it's one of my very favorites on the entire web. Your characters are brilliantly wrought and heartbreakingly sympathetic, and despite the lack of activity this entire story has still been one of my favorite things to return to at random times, like the comforting shape of an old stuffed animal. It's just so moving and heartfelt and I always get choked up at certain parts even though I know they're coming.

I of course want you to take your time until you feel ready to update and never rush yourself to do so before because of untoward pressure, but I'm just wondering if you're still planning on updating at all? Where have you been? Everything okay? Love, your concerned fan!
Chapter 21: Ilhoonie is a proetctive dongsaeng.
Oh my, let every one be safe
AttaCoff_239 #7
Chapter 20: I cried for doojoon! Why he always the one that got hurt :'( well, I'm not accusing you or what. I just wanna say that. And hey! I LOVE your story!! :D
vanilLaJae04 #8
Chapter 20: INTENSE. that was quite intense and terrifying... I'm worried for their safety..esp. Seung.. T^T
YouniqB2UTY #9
Chapter 20: junseung's father is so terrifying.
Mseinhere #10
Chapter 20: is he even human? -_-