Chapter XXXII

Let Me Be The One

Narrator’s POV

                It was June 18th, the last day of school. There was a huge bustle of people trying to clean out their lockers and getting good-byes from their friends. Even teachers were busy cleaning.  Vivian and Yume had already, beforehand, cleaned out their lockers. They spent most of their time helping friends clean.

                “This is so tiring!” Yume whined.

                “If it wasn’t tiring, people wouldn’t need help,” Vivian said. “Go throw these away.”

                Yume took the ripped and crinkled paper and walked to the garbage can.
                “Doing work for once,” Hyun joong said, smirking, who was just standing besides the garbage can. When Yume looked up and saw him, she made a face and said, “Shut up, Hyun joong. Why don’t you help instead of standing there?”

                Before Yume could turn around and walk away, Hyun joong grabbed her wrist and said, “I’m busy. Go tell Vivian that Jung min and I will treat you guys after school.”

                “What? Why?” She stopped, and focused her attention on Hyun joong.

                “Hmmm, you’ll see.”


                When the two were done cleaning out their lockers, as well some of their friends, they decided to go back to the dorm first. The school stayed open all year, meaning the students who didn’t have anywhere to go, or didn’t want to go, could live at the dorms even in the summer. Vivian and Yume, however, obviously had homes to go back to, but they went back to pack things up and throw things away that wouldn’t last the summer.

                “Are you going to go home first?” Vivian asked.

                “Probably, I have a lot of stuff I need to take…” Yume answered.

                Vivian laughed and said, “I think I’m going to go home first too. Then…what are we going to do about what Hyun joong said?”

                “Ehh,” Yume said. “They’ll figure it out.”

                After an hour, they finally left their dorms, and waited at the train stop. Both of their homes took a good train ride to get to, which was why they lived at the dorm throughout the year.

                Yume’s train came first, and just as Yume got on, Hyun joong and Jung min came running.

                “Yume got on already?” Hyun joong panted.

                “Yeah,” Vivian replied. She pointed to one of the cars and said, “In that one.”

                Without another word, Hyun joong also went in the same train car as Yume’s. Jung min grabbed Vivian’s hand and proceeded to pull her away.

                “What are you doing? I need to go home too!” Vivian yelled.

                “I’ll drive you,” Jung min said.

                “Are you sure?” Vivian asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

                “Just come,” Jung min simply said, picking up Vivian’s luggage and bags. “Plus we should leave those two alone.”     



                “Are you shocked?”

                “You—!” Yume complained. “Why are you here?!”

                “Now can I go to your house?” Hyun joong asked with a smile, ignoring her question.          

                “You wish!” Yume yelled.

                “Don’t be so loud. This is a public transportation, so keep your voice down,” Hyun joong sneered.

                “Shut up! I’m not that loud!” Yume whispered.

                “You’re still yelling in a whisper,” Hyun joong said. “Such an embarrassment.”

                “Then you shouldn’t be here!” Yume said, trying to keep it in a whisper.

                “Well, I have to go home too,” Hyun joong replied, leaning himself on Yume’s shoulder with his arm. “And you know you want me here.”

                “Hell no,” Yume looked at him, and when he returned the stare, she sighed and pouted. “Whatever.”


                When Yume finally got off the train, she told Hyun joong to just walk back home and stop stalking her. Nevertheless, Hyun joong kept following her.  “Why can’t I go to your house?”

                “I told you that my mom wouldn’t like it,” Yume reminded.

                “Why not?”

                “Because you’re a guy! She’ll bother me forever about it if she sees me with a boy,” Yume explained wretchedly. “I hate it when she bothers me. She bothered me for a whole hour during Christmas break just because she saw me with you.”

                “Well…she’s gonna have to meet me sometime. Might as well be now,” Hyun joong said.

                “No, that won’t ever happen!” Yume opposed. “NEVER!”

                Yume and Hyun joong stood silently in front of her house. She told Hyun joong, once again, to go home while she puts her stuff back. He finally agreed after they continuously argued for the past twenty minutes. Her parents welcomed her back happily and showed all the food they cooked already. Yume first of all put her stuff back in her room and had a quick change of clothes. Then she regretfully said to her parents that they could eat without her, because she was going to go out with Vivian later on. Grabbing a bag and making sure she had her phone and wallet, she swung open the house door. There, she saw Hyun joong waiting for her in front of her house. With a smile on, she twisted open the door knob, and walked out, only with her mother chasing after her. She was going to reassure that Yume would make it to the train station safely.

                “Hey! Isn’t that the guy I saw in your photo??” Yume’s mother exclaimed.

                “Mom?” Yume yelled in shock. “Go back inside! What are you doing out here?”

                “Why is he only here? I thought you said you were going out with Vivian,” Yume’s mother continued. Then, she gasped and said, “Wait, don’t tell me—”

                “No, no, no! Don’t get any ideas mom,” Yume interrupted. “I AM going somewhere with Vivian, she just went home to put her stuff away too.”

                “Hold it, young lady,” Yume’s mother said, putting her hands on her waist. “You didn’t answer why he’s here.”

                “H-he-he…” Yume stuttered, not knowing what to say.

                “I’m just here to make sure she gets back safely,” Hyun joong smiled gratefully towards Yume’s mom. “I’m Yume’s schoolmate, Hyun joong.”

                “R-really?” Yume’s mom flashed back a giant smile. “Well, please take care of my daughter!”

                “Mom, it’s not—”

                “Okay, okay, honey! Have fun!” With a cheesy grin on her face, she pushed her daughter towards Hyun joong, and walked back towards the house. “Hyun joong ah, come inside next time, okay?”

                “I will! See ya later Auntie!” Hyun joong smiled.



                “You happy now?” Yume murmured as they began heading back towards the train station.

                “Just trying to help.”

                “Seriously? That was helping?” Yume whined. “Now I’ll never hear the end of it! Now she’s going to think you’re an overly nice guy…and she’s going to kill me with her rambling.”

                “Oh gosh, your whole family is weird,” Hyun joong slightly laughed and paused. “…I really wish I had a family like that.”

                With her eyes landing on Hyun joong, she could once again see the bits of loneliness in his eyes. Her family was weird, but they’d always been her everything. She felt sorry for him. Who could live alone for so long?

                She reached over and interlocked their fingers, “Don’t worry, one day, you will have one—”

                He squeezed her hand, and finished her sentence with a smiled, “with you.”


Author's note~

OMG, sorry for the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG wait. school started & it's been really really busy. I love my co-author~ she wrote all those chapters. hahaha! i changed some stuffs from her original writing, lets hope she doesn't kill me. We'll try to finish this off ASAP, sorry for the grammer mistakes & errors. rushed writing. >

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Chapter 34: Woooah I loveeed you story S2
secret-lover #5
amazing, so amazig <333333
congrats on trf
Kaismyseoulmate #7
Congrats ^^
Congrats on the feature!
Kasumi5605 #9
Chapter 2: that Huju thing totally made me cry XD