Chapter II – Café de Chocolaté

Let Me Be The One

We stopped in front of a fancy café that read “Café de Chocolaté”. I walked in through the automatic doors with Vivian following close behind.

“It really smells chocolaty in here.” Vivian whispered while her eyes searched around the café.

“You’re right! Let’s get some real chocolaty stuff. Why smell it when we can eat it?” I replied happily then ran towards the counter. “What should I get?”

“Yume, wait. Let’s go find Huju first. It’s been an hour since the call.” Vivian said as she dragged me away from the counter, “We’ll order later. You’re here for the payment remember?”

I nodded and followed Vivian around, searching for Huju. She was right, the purpose of this trip was for the payment… But either way, I want that piece of chocolate cheesecake. It looks really good.

As I continued dreaming about the cheesecake and what else I should order, Vivian stopped walking and I bumped into her.

“OMG. HOT GUYS!” Vivian whispered in a squeaky voice while continuing to stare at the two guys.

“What? Stop checking out hot guys Vivian—” I paused as I looked in the direction of those two guys. To my surprise, one of them was the rude guy I bumped into this morning—Huju. The other guy was also one of the most handsome people I’ve ever seen. I hid behind Vivian and tried dragging her away, but I was too late.

“Hey. Aren’t you that idiot from this morning?” Huju said as he glanced in my direction.

I peaked out behind Vivian’s back and slowly replied, “M-m-maybe?”

 “You are an hour late. Now, hand over the payments. You should be glad I’m not charging you for making me wait—”

“Ayy, Hyun joong!” The guy next to Huju threw a straw towards him. “You should never have that attitude towards ladies. “

“Welcome ladies, have a seat next to us. We’ll order more food.” The guy smiled and invited us to sit down.

Before I could say anything, Vivian quickly took a seat next to the other guy. Wow, Vivian would do that. She’s already interested in him and it’s only been a few minutes. In the end, I had to sit next to Huju.

“Hello, I’m Park Jung Min, a junior at Northside High. And I think you know who he is already.” Jung min greeted us with a smile.

“I’m Vivian and I’m a freshman.” Vivian said quietly while smiling back.

“Hi, I’m Y—”

Before I could finish my introduction, Huju cut me off. “Ugh. Can we quit this introduction? Your stupid name is Yume. I know.  I already searched up all your information. Jung min, this is the idiot that scratched my motorcycle. Now, let’s get straight to the point. How—”

“Ahahahhaha,” Jung min started laughing, “So she was the one? Calm down Hyun Joong.”

I turned my head and glared at Huju, “Huju, can you stop calling me an idiot? It’s partly your fault for parking in front of the entrance. I don’t own you anything.”

 “H-huju? Who’s that?” He turned around and stared back at me.

“It’s you of course. You told me your name was Huju.” I replied while looking away. For some reason, when he stares straight at me, I have a strange feeling.

“H-huju? Hahahhaha!” Huju laughed loudly while banging on the table, “Jung min, she thought my name was Huju!”

While laughing, Huju accidentally knocked over a glass of water, and the water poured down on Vivian’s side.

“WATCH OUT!” Jung min yelled as he pushed Vivian away.

I gaped as I watched in silence, watching the glass of water pouring down on Vivian, then seeing her being knocked away by Jung min. She was now on the floor, wearing a wet dress, confused about what just happened. Just when I was going to stand up and help Vivian, Jung min ran over, and beat me to it.

“Are you ok?” Jung min reached out his hand towards Vivian. “I am really sorry, I was trying to save you, but that didn’t really work out.”

Vivian giggled then took his hand, “It’s ok, I appreciated the thought though.” She stood up, while her soaked wet dress continue to drip water on the floor.

“You’re all wet now.” Jung min said with a concerned face, then turned towards Huju, “Hyun joong. LOOK WHAT YOU DID!”

“Ah, I’m really sorry Vivian.” Huju quickly got out of his seat and walked to Vivian’s side, “What can I do to make it up to you?”

For some reason, my heart started feeling weird seeing Huju being so nice to Vivian. How can someone act so different? For a moment, he was being a complete arrogant brat towards me, and now he changed into the nice guy? Does this guy have some kind of grudge towards me?

Vivian smiled then replied, “Let’s forget what happened this morning.”

Oh gosh, my best friend must be the nicest person on earth! She could have asked for whatever she wanted but she choose to ask him for forgive me? I really love this girl.

Huju nodded then turned around and gave me a weird look, “Remember now. It’s Hyun joong.”

“Yeah. Yeah…” I murmured as I rolled my eyes. “Let’s go back now Vivian. We got to get you changed, since someone got you so wet.”

Right after I stood up, a waitress came by and placed about ten different kinds of fancy desserts on our table. All kind of goodies were displayed in front of me, from simple apple pies to some extremely complicated looking sundae thing. “Here are the foods you’ve ordered. Enjoy!”

I stared at the table full of delicious desserts with my mouth open, and started drooling. The piece of chocolate cheesecake I really want is also right in front of me. However, best friend comes first before cheesecake. I painfully looked away from the table and started sighing.

“Wait. You guy’s can’t just leave yet. All those food I’ve just ordered will be wasted…” Jung min protested, “We shouldn’t waste food.”

“What about Vivian then?” I said as I observed water continue to drip down her summer dress. She was drenched all right.

“How ‘bout I take her somewhere to get a change of cloth?” Jung min suggested with a smile. “You guys better finish the food here!”

“Haha, ” Vivian teased. “Don’t worry. Yume’s here, there’s no way there’ll be any leftovers.”

“But—” Hyun joong and I said at the same time, not wanting to be the only two left.

“No buts. Looks like it’s settled!” Jung min winked as he walked out of the café escorting Vivian, “Remember, NO WASTING.”

“What?! Come back here!” I yelled after Jung min and Vivian, who completely ignored me.

Oh, Just great… Now I’m stuck with him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I quickly started smiling while staring and drooling at all the delicious goodies on the table at the same time. Hmmm, this might actually be worth it! Free food! I thought as I looked around, trying to search for what I’ve wanted the most, the slice of chocolate cheesecake. I searched around, and finally, I found the piece of cheesecake, but with Hyun joong eating it?

“What are you doing? THAT WAS MY CHEESECAKE!” My mouth dropped open.

“I don’t see your name written anywhere.” Hyun joong replied nonchalantly with a mouth full of cheesecake. “Yumm.”

“I claimed it in my heart.” I passed him a glare, “I’ve wanted to eat that since I walked it! Hand it over!”

“What if I say no?” Hyun joong shrugged as he continuing eating. “I found it first.” 

“You don’t know what I can do when it comes to food.” I reached out, trying to grab the plate with the cheesecake.

Hyun joong quickly took the plate, and then stood up, holding it high up in the air. With an evil smile on his face, he replied, “Come get it.”

“Seriously? I won’t do something childish like that.” I crossed my arms.

“Well, that’s too bad then.” He took another bite, and chewed it slowly right in front of my eyes. “I guess I’ll be the only one enjoying this.”

I stared at the piece of cheesecake sadly and then at Hyun joong, “You’re so going to regret this.”

My lacrosse skills will definitely come in handy this time. I went up to him, while imagining Hyun joong’s arm was the opponent’s lacrosse stick, with the cheesecake being the lacrosse ball and slashed his arm. Victory! 

Just Kidding.The plate tilted and the piece of cheesecake dropped down from the plate. I watched like an idiot as it land on top of my head. Oh great, this was definitely not a lucky day for both Vivian and I. I guess best friends do go through everything together. She got wet, while I am standing here with part of a chocolate cheesecake on top of my head.

“WHAT. THE. HELL.” I murmured and grabbed the piece of cheesecake off of my hair.

Hyun joong chuckled then quickly burst into laughter while staring at the awkward me, standing there with cheesecake all over my face, hair and hands, not knowing what to do.  He was enjoying himself so much, seeing me in such distress. This guy is really nothing good. Grabbing my hand, he continued, “Well, let’s go get you clean you up now.”

I followed behind him not knowing what to do. Hyun joong held my hand and dragged me passed many people sitting in the café, they started laughing at me. I wish I could just disappear for now. All the people laughing just brought back those haunting memories of middle school, where my classmates laughed and made fun of me all the time for every little thing. They could make fun of everything— from the way I dress, to the way my handwriting is. This is so embarrassing. I would’ve just given up the cheesecake if I knew this was going to happen…

My eyes became teary without me knowing. A of tears rolled down my cheeks as we continued walking. Hyun joong turned around, looked at me with a frown and squeezed my hand. He didn’t stop though, but continued walking, and took us to the back of the café. He pushed open a door that read ‘Employees only,’ and dragged me inside.

Inside, he took a few napkins and tried wiping the chocolate sauce from the cheesecake off of my head. It didn’t work. The sauce was too sweet and sticky. All he’s doing is smudging it all over my hair and face. However, I didn’t pay much attention to him, my mind was occupied by the image of those people laughing at me. Without knowing, tears continue to fall down from my eyes as more painful memories flashes back into my head.

“Girl, are you bi-polar?” Hyun joong broke the silence, “A few seconds earlier you were such a brat and now—”

“…I-I hate this…” I whispered as I began sobbing even harder, “Those people…”

There was silence once again. Hyun joong’s hand slowly touched my cheeks and wiped away my tears. He gave me a soft smiled, “I guess even you have a soft side. Tell me about it.”

I pushed away Hyun joong’s hand and wiped my tears away with the back of my hands. I don’t want to cry right now, especially not in front of this rude guy.

“Geez, I’m sorry.” Hyun joong looked away, “Don’t cry anymore.”

I covered my face with both of my hands and tried to hide the tears away, “It’s nothing…”

It’s really not his fault. Whenever people laugh at me, it just keeps on reminding me of the past. Suddenly, I felt Hyun joong’s arms wrapping around me, pulling me into his embrace, “its ok. Whatever it is you’re scared or worried about… Just calm down.”

I thought about pushing him away, but for some reason, I couldn’t get myself to do it. I always cried while hugging onto Vivian when haunting memories came back to me. It’ll always calm me down when she gave me a big warm hug. He saw right through me and understood exactly when I need a shoulder to cry on. Maybe he wasn’t that bad of a guy after all.

I buried my face into his muscular chest, trying to calm down. I actually decided to trust this guy, whom I just met a few minutes ago. Furthermore, Hyun joong smelled very good— a manly cologne smell that I’ve never ever gotten close enough to a man before to smell. I grabbed on to him and closed my eyes, while one of Hyun joong’s hands was playing around with my hair and the other gripping onto my waist. Without knowing, I dozed off in his arms.



                Here He is, holding the girl he was just arguing with a few moments ago. For some reason, she seemed like she really needed him at that moment. Maybe she’ll stop hating him so much afterwards since he helped her out. Hyun joong felt her hands grasping on to his shirt as she buried her head into his chest, as if she’s really frightened by something. He’s determined to find out her story, it’s bothering him.

                What’s been bothering Hyun joong even more is her hair though. Her hair smelled just like that piece of delicious cheesecake he was eating before, He couldn’t help but play around with it. When she calmed down and become herself again, she’ll definitely be mad at what he did to her perfect silky brown hair.

                He stood there for a while with her, and occasionally he’ll hear a sob. He whispered in her ear, “You Ok now?”

                She didn’t answer.

                Hyun joong tilted his head over and saw her eyes closed with tears still hanging on the corner of her eyes. He wiped those tears away, and then laid Yume down on the couch. He sat right next to her, staring at her sleeping face, just wondering about her. No girl has dared to go against him so directly, she was the first one. He doesn’t even know why he’s doing this for her, someone who he barely knew. He was always too lazy to care or bother with anyone, but this time, without knowing why, but he felt like just can’t leave this girl alone.

                Hours had passed by and Hyun joong fell asleep besides Yume.

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Chapter 34: Woooah I loveeed you story S2
secret-lover #5
amazing, so amazig <333333
congrats on trf
Kaismyseoulmate #7
Congrats ^^
Congrats on the feature!
Kasumi5605 #9
Chapter 2: that Huju thing totally made me cry XD