Just in Time

Just in Time


It was a normal day, you washed dishes, did the laundry, swept the floors, made the bed, dusted everything. This was just a normal day at work for you. You had gotten a job as a maid for this rich family. Luckily for you because you were their maid you got to live in the house, because you were hired as a live-in maid. Also because you got to live with them the loan sharks wouldn’t be able to find you. The only reason why you had loan sharks chasing after you was because of your father. After your mom had died he got depressed and started turning to drinking and gambling to ease the pain, but he was never really good at gambling, which put the two of you in debt. A lot of debt. One day you’re father couldn’t handle it and he left. He left you there alone to fend for yourself, thinking that it would help you have a better life, but he was wrong.

Instead of the loan sharks wasting their time trying to find and chase him down, they found you. And they forced you to pay up the money that your father had previously owed them. That is why you are now a maid for a rich family.

Luckily for you the people weren’t all to bad. They were kind and they respected you. Even their son Luhan was really nice, especially to you. But you could never leave yourself alone in a room with him. Ever since the first day you saw him, you liked him, he was good looking. But as time went on and you spent more time around the family you started to see what kind of person he was. This was the moment you fell for him, plus it did help that he was the same age as you.

You fell for the kind-hearted guy that was always willing to talk and help out with your chores. Whenever his parents were away on business trips, which they often were, he would always seem so lonely. It always broke your heart to see him like that, but whenever he was feeling lonely he would always come to you to talk. He would even go grocery shopping with you.

But today he wasn’t around when you needed to go grocery shopping and it was late. So you decided to go on your own, even though Luhan always told you never to leave the house alone because he knew about your background history. So he for some reason always wanted to protect you.

“Well I have to do this one on my own” you said to yourself as you locked the house door and turned around and began to walk to the market. 

Once you arrived there you looked around at all the wonderful vegetables and fruits and meat. You went to an ahjumma who sold the best kimchi and you chatted with her for a bit. She was very nice, but sadly you had to leave her booth and continue to shop around for ingredients for dinner. You were walking along the different booths when you spotted familiar figures in the distance, they were the people that worked under the loan shark you had to owe money too. You immediately turned the other direction and started to walk away. You looked behind you to see if they saw you, and in fact they did. They were following you, you quickened your pace weaving through the crowd of people. You turned down an alley and tried to hide there, but someone grabbed your wrist.

Meanwhile, Luhan had just gotten home from his friends house. He was studying with his friend Chen, because they had a huge test in math tomorrow. He walked up the front steps to his house, but something about the house didn’t seem right. He quickly made his way to the front door and turned the knob.

‘It’s locked… ______ never locks the doors when she’s here… IS SHE HERE?!’ he thought frantically knocked on the door hoping you just locked it on accident and were actually there.

No matter how much he knocked or how hard he knocked on the door there was no answer. So he went around the back and skillfully climbed into a window, he would do this as a kid whenever he got locked out of the house by accident. Once inside he dropped his bag and ran into every room in that house.

”_______?! ________?!” he called but there was no answer.

“No no no please don’t tell me you left with out me!” he ran to the kitchen and saw a folded piece of paper, that had his name on it, left on the counter. He opened it and read:

Hey Luhan,

I went to the market to go buy some stuff for dinner. I’ll be back in a little bit. ^_^


He crumpled the note and ran his fingers through his light brown hair in frustration.

“I can’t believe you didn’t listen to me!” he grabbed his wallet and ran out of the house heading straight to the market. When he first go there he was running past all of the food vendors like a crazy person, he went straight to the ahjumma that sold the best kimchi, the one that the two of you would always buy from.

“Ahjumma! Have you seen _____?”

“Luhan! How are you?”

“I’m good Ahjumma… But have you seen _____?’

“Of course I saw her she was buying kimchi for dinner… Why?”

“Um… Well you see… I have to find her-“

“Its those damn loan shark isn’t it? And you’re worried they might find her?”

“H-how do-“

“Luhan~ I’ve known her for years~! And she went that way” she pointed down the street of vendors.

“Thank you so much ahjumma!” he called as he ran down the street. His head was swiveling from left to right, hoping to see any sort of glimpse of you. He ran past this dark alley pretty far from where the ahjumma’s booth was, and he could hear crying and begging. He didn’t have to see your face to know that you were in trouble. He ran down the alley as fast as he could and saw two guys standing over you.

“Where’s Mr. Lee’s money?!”

“I-I don’t have it!”

“Well didn’t we say you need to pay it back? ALL OF IT?!?!”

“Y-yes b-but I don’t have the money~ I promise I will get it to-” you were cut off when one of the guys slapped you across the face.



You turned at the sudden sound of Luhan, he started to walk closer to the scene.

“And who are you?” one of the men snickered.

“I’m her… her… HER BOYFRIEND!” your eyes widened when you heard what he had said.

The two men snickered, “Oh really what are you going to do to us?’

Without warning, Luhan charged at the two men. He knocked one to the ground in one punch and he kicked the other up against the wall. In no time the two guys were on the ground, cringing in pain.

“How much money does she owe?”

“She owes $35,000” one of them croaked.

“And once its payed off you will leave her alone for good?”

“Yes yes we will!”

“Here take this stupid money and leave!” Luhan handed one of the guys a check and helped you to your feet.

“What did you do that for?” you limped beside Luhan, noticing this he bent down.

“I did it so you wouldn’t have to live in fear anymore…”

“B-but you didn’t have to do that… And what are you doing?”

“Get on my back.”

“N-no why? I’m fine~”

“Get on.”

Not wanting to argue with the person who saved you, you got on his back.

“Why didn’t you listen to me?”

“What do you mean?” you rested your chin on his shoulder as he continued to walk.

“How I told you to never leave the house alone… Why didn’t you listen?”

“I-I’m sorry it was getting late and I needed to get stuff for dinner…”

“Promise me that you’ll listen to me from now on?”

“I promise… And thank you for saving me and paying off my father’s debt, you didn’t have to do that for me.”

“I would do anything for you~” he said stopping at a bench to take a rest.

You blushed slightly, “and what did you mean you were my boyfriend? why did you say that?”

“Um… Let’s go home and clean you up” he said avoiding your question.

Once the two of you got back to the house, Luhan helped clean you up and tend to your cuts. You watched him as he was so concentrated on cleaning a cut on your knee.

“You didn’t answer my question…”

“What question?”

“Why did you call yourself my boyfriend back in the alley?”

“Um… I… OKAY I like you… a lot in fact…”

“You like me?” you eyes widened.

“Y-yeah I do… I was always to scared to tell you because I was afraid it would make things awkward and you would quit.”

“I wouldn’t quit… because I like you too” he looked up at you and smiled shyly.

“Oh and where did all that awesome fighting skills come from?! I did not know you could fight like that!” you said in disbelief.

“Oh” he chuckled, “Tao taught me a couple things” he smiled brightly at you.

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Chapter 1: haha Lulu learned some moves from Tao eh~
would to actually see that happen in real life. XD
anyways, they confessed to one another yay!
MasterOfFanFics #2
Chapter 1: It's kinda funny thinking an ahjmma would say damm
Chapter 1: waoh Tao taught him to fight?? that might just be the best part of this story :)
ShawolMBLFT #4
Chapter 1: Lolol Tao…
Chapter 1: hahahha...i like it... whooo..tao taught him to fight..lol
Chapter 1: Haha, Tao taught him how to fight, nice! This was very good!
Chapter 1: AWWW cute! Haha I knew he liked her from the start :P
I think it should be *unpaid instead :D