We're All Heading Somewhere

Undeniable Presence


She stood at the balcony and watched the campus covered in snow from afar. They were shimmering in the sunlight and her heart danced.

Her life was so perfect, no that was an understatement. It is extremely perfect, she thought to herself. The seniors adored her enthusiasm and love for the Arts, and yes, what better news than a Vice President position at the Drama club? She lived her dreams well.

Mom will be proud of her, she was sure of that. And dad… Well, he was kind of far away, but there wasn’t any reason for him to not be…

“Daddy.” She whispered trying to remember the way her heart felt when she last said it. The word feels so foreign now, it’s been years since she last saw the man who forgot her very existence.

A pink fairy cupcake suddenly appeared in front of her, breaking her away from her train of thoughts.

“I heard somebody’s really famous right now. I heard that my roommate failed to share a piece of good news with me. Tell me, am I the last to know? I heard…that’s the first time a Year Three student got through one of the most stringent selections ever. Unnie, I’m gonna punish you with a cupcake. Eat it and you’ll see how much weight you’ll put on.”

The elder girl knocked her knuckles on her junior’s head and smiled at the cute fairy girl dressed in a ballet suit on top of the cupcake.

“Seohyun, what nonsense are you spouting! I was about to tell you, I’m dead serious but you were nowhere to be found. By the way, it’s only nine in the morning, I’m surprised you are actually out of bed. Why, our dear little sleepyhead got up so early to get me this?” Sooyoung said with a chuckle.

She cleared softly and waved her hands wildly at her senior. “Aniyo! What “sleepyhead”? Unnie, please stop calling me that. Don’t taint my perfect goddess-like image in campus”, she said and flashed her white toothy grin.

“And one day, I’m gonna learn how to bake!”, she retorted.

“Oh yes, you better do. Your future husband’s gonna suffer if you don’t!”

Seohyun pouted and stuck her tongue out of like a petulant child.

Sooyoung laughed and took a huge indulgent bite in the pink goodness. Of course, she was a sleepyhead. Nothing fits her better than that word. Seohyun and her crazy sleeping habits. Ever since she’s been bunking in with her for the past four months, she did nothing but attend school lectures and taking long feline-like naps during noontime. It is a wonder how much sleep her body needs.

Sometimes it gets annoying when she needs help with housework… Sooyoung could list every single time she found her sleeping whenever household chores were pilling up. Like that time when she needed help with the laundry, no amount of calling would wake Seohyun the sleeping princess. Not to mention how her love for naps made her skipped numerous lunches.

This girl is ridiculous at times, and very very queer to begin with.

But still, how could anyone not love Seohyun?

Boys were thrilled to be in the same class as her, offering her goguma snacks in varied forms-biscuits, cakes, crackers- and tried their best to please her. All they ever had in return was a shy smile, or a slight nod of the head. No one had the guts to ask her out on a date, they admired her from afar, maintaining a respectful distance and hoping for the day she might say hi to them. And even the girls loved her so much.

Including Sooyoung herself.

Yet nobody had the keys to her heart. Nobody knew how.

It seemed locked for a good amount of time. Sooyoung often wondered if there was anyone at all who knew the way through that labyrinth of hers.

“Can you believe it? Prof Jung got me a new internship offer! I’m guessing it’s way better than that job I had been assigned to. He told me it’s gonna be good and he said to never give up on this one. I’m so lucky to have...”

Sooyoung shot a puzzled look as her own thoughts overpowered Seohyun’s voice at the back of head.

“Prof Jung? I’ve never heard of a Prof Jung for the past two years…” she said matter-of-factly, wiping the excess cream off her lips with the back of her hands. For a second, her mind couldn’t find a face which was connected with that family name Seohyun just mentioned.

She slipped her feet into the fluffy bunny slippers and entered the heated living room, making a mental note to herself to ask her friends about this Professor whom her junior was so grateful of. Shouldn’t they have more of “Professor Jungs” in her faculty?

“You haven’t heard? Well, yeah that’s not surprising. The School of Performance and the Arts is located at the other end of the campus. But I’m hoping that this one turns out fine. Just. Crossing. Fingers. I’m excited! ”

“You’ll do okay I’m sure. When you get to your third year, you’ll be so pissed that there’s this compulsory internship every student has to fulfil during vacation time”

"Unnie, it's not restricted to vacation time only...You can do it whenever you're free!"

Walking towards the shoe cabinet, she grabbed a pair of rolled up white socks.

 “Got to go sweetie, I’ll cook tonight. Don’t eat out all right? It’s unhealthy.”

And with that Sooyung grabbed her gym bag and headed for the Drama Room. There was so much she had to do, and this was the only chance to prove it to everyone that she was worth the choice. There was a need for her to do her best at the Gala Night.

The door closed.

“Oh wait unnie, I might not …”

She looked up and there was no one around. Just her and four purplish coated walls.

She sat quietly and stared at her smartphone.

“77 Grange Avenue”

Place Unknown.
Please re-enter the address you wish to locate.

This is impossible, why isn’t the GPS on her phone working?

Stupid phone, it isn’t smart to begin with.

Heck, I’m going out too.



The next morning, he felt the throbbing sensation on his head. Too much booze makes a guy a loser, he realized. Too much booze when it is necessary makes a guy a winner; he joked and wondered how the clerk at the office thought him to be incredibly funny. She always laughs whenever he talks to her. Deep down, he knew he wasn’t but he could try if he wanted to.

Rolling out of the bed, he picked out a student friendly outfit. Well, he is a professional adult in the day –with a proper job to boot- and no one should pick out the fact that he goes out for night adventures. For all the right reasons, his mind argued. The thesis paper required some actual experimentation, only made more reliable when conducted at night.  Always difficult when it comes to analyzing the feminine , he concluded. How the way their minds work, he wasn’t sure, not at all.

He emptied a white pressed shirt and a straight cut black pants from a shopping bag in his untidy closet and changed into them. His white shirt fell perfectly on his well toned shoulders. He was a little petite, but he looked smart in the outfit nonetheless.

He walked towards the mirror and fixed his hair...

After 4 years of undergraduate study, 2 years of tiresome Masters Programme he nearly gave up on –that memory weighed heavily in his heart till today- and another 3 on the doctorate title that he was lucky to earn…he is already twenty eight and still as clueless. He couldn’t understand why some women insist on colour coding their wardrobes. Why couldn’t be like him? Just store whatever purchases you make in the closet, it’s easier that way to differentiate the new clothes from the older ones.

But still, he’s going to be professional these few weeks. His fingers curled the brown strands of his hair upwards. It is required of him, the campus made it extremely clear. This was a rare chance; a teaching experience could add much weight to his career and research paper. After all, he was going to take over Professor Kim’s Theories of Emotion and Expressed Emotion and Professor Lee’s Developmental Psychology. All great, he looks good now.

He picked up the laptop which was lying on the carpeted ground, opened it and saved the file.


Thesis Research Paper

Social Psychology

 To Investigate The Effects of The Environment on Behavioural Patterns

Associate Professor Jung Yong Hwa

March 2011.

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choirie #1
Ohhh now I get it O_o lol Cuz I was wondering 'wait... so she was a little girl, then a young woman... in the same year?' LAWLz please update soon! (: <333333
LessThanThree #2
안녕!~ your story sounds cute ! Can't wait to read more about Minho !! Update soon! <3
findinghearts #3
:) hello guys :) <br />
<br />
You pointed out a very fatal mistake of mine :) teehee!!<br />
So sorry :3<br />
I re-edited the dates (sorry for not editing my work properly! Bleahhhh<br />
<br />
Stay tuned!
new reader alert!! I really like your story!! so, the story happened in the 80's, right? why is sooyoung thought of doing such things?! Fortunately, Yonghwa came to the rescue! But I think Sooyoung will fall for Yonghwa, am I right? Too many guessing hehehe... I should just leave the story to you!! Update soon!!!
choirie #5
Omigod ! D: (new reader and subscriber) Sooyoung was almost O_O (but she wanted to get laid in the first place, right?) but then Yonghwa came in and saved her like the fine stud he is |D LOL soz, Yonghwa spazzer~ I love the way you write. It's refreshing. And I have a lot of speculations/ideas on what could happen in the coming chapters, but they were wrong so far o: *cries* harhar jk~ (x anyways, so this is set in the 1980s? Nice, this is a new setting and plot for me, so keep up the good work and UPDATE SOON <33333 - Rie
findinghearts #6
Hello! Thank you so much for your support:) yup Minho's coming be patient. To all my invisible but lovely readers, comments make me happy! Do comment :)
Whoa, another amazing update! you're seriously a good writer, you know that? Anyway, I can't wait for Minho to appear in your story!
buah15 #8
interesting!!! ^ ^.. can't wait
findinghearts #9
Hey :) hehe might or might not be~
Oh, now I get it!! that Prof Jung is Jung Yong Hwa , am I right?! oh, I'm so excited to read the next chapter!! update soon!