III Saved

Hoodwinked by Appearances



All three of them froze as the girls approached them menacingly. There was no escape—they’ll have to face it sooner or later. Luhan gulped as he realized that it was actually his fault that they took notice of them.



‘I suppose you are finished with us then?’ One of the girls they were bullying earlier cleared . She was wearing a plain white T-shirt with jeans, and considerably young.  At most 17, Kris thought. Her age isn’t the most important thing right now, but rather the fact that she was glaring and opening challenging the company divas. LuHan hopes that they’ll not be skinned alive, like how they were before their debut. His hoping didn’t help, as one of the ‘queen divas’—f(x)’s Krystal, looked extremely pissed off.



‘What the hell is wrong with you?! Don’t you recognize me?! I am way bigger than you’ll ever be—so SHUT UP!’ She yelled at the duo. The girl who first spoke didn’t even flinch. The other trainee was wearing a blue long sleeve and shorts stepped in and smirked at them:


‘Well if you mean bigger in size, sure. You could probably cut down on some weight.’


That line seemed to have made Krystal explode as she hurled expletives at the blue shirt girl. In response, that girl just rolled her eyes. Wanting to prevent this from happening, the white shirt girl dragged her away, to the exit that was ahead. On her way, she stopped in front of the three gaping EXO members for a moment.


‘You sure you want to stay here? They’ll come after you, you know.’ With that, she marched out of the door as the fuming divas chased them. Tao was the first to react, pulling both Luhan and Kris (both who was still in shock) after the two girls.



They ran all the way to a nearby eatery, the one which Kris recognized as where almost of the SM entertainment staff and members goes to eat. His immediate thought was that it was also convenient to bring back some food for their still-sleeping members, but the thought of meeting the divas made him shudder. On the other hand, the two girls did not seem fazed at all. Both of them bought their food and were calmly eating at the table while the three EXO members just stared.



‘Why on earth are the three of you standing over there and looking at us as though we are aliens?’ The one who insulted Krystal demanded. The other one, who seems nicer, said: ‘Stop being so mean, Carissa, I’m sure they mean no harm.’ She then turned to the 3 awkward members behind her: ‘Aren’t you eating?’ Kris snapped out of his trance and looked at s for help. The two of them were just staring hungrily at the menu, not helping Kris at all. He sighed; I suppose they want to eat first. It was a terribly awkward affair as Tao and Luhan automatically sat beside the two girls who just ‘rescued’ them from the terrible princesses. Kris sighed again; s are sometimes just making him awkward.


‘Hi~! My name is Luhan and we are from EXO-M!’ Luhan introduced himself excitedly as Kris settled himself beside Tao. ‘And this is Tao and our leader, Kris!’ The two girls raised their eyebrow at the bubbly guy who was couple of years older than them. ‘This is Karissa and I am Kyle. We are trainees.’ The one called Kyle smiled at them.


‘Isn’t that a guy’s name?’ Tao blurted out before Kris could stop him. Thankfully, Kyle did not just bash him up in public, but just grinned and said: ‘Yeah. But it’s my name all the same.’


‘You guys are from China, right?’ Karissa cut in. The three of them nodded. ‘Us too!’ Kyle exclaimed. ‘Well, I am but Karrissa is a pure Korean.’ She beamed at them.


The meal went pretty well, with no awkwardness (thank god, Kris thought) as they traded stories of how they were trained and discovered. They talked about their hometown too, which got Kyle somewhat infuriated that she could not go back for another 2 years. Tao and Luhan shared a glance She can be best friends with Lay. Totally. An hour passed and Kris told them that they have to rush off to deliver food to their grumpy members with an apologetic smile. They headed to the SM building together (and extremely thankful that the divas were not around) and embarked on separate ways.



‘Hyung! What took you guys so long?!’ The three EXO-M members were met with many complaints as they entered their room.

Luhan grinned ‘We met someone interesting.’



Hi ^^ Oops sorry I don't mean to flame any of the girl group members (I just need some bullies!)



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this is wonderful.