I. The Blinding Darkness

Hoodwinked by Appearances



EXO is what thousands have waited for. Their debut was flawless, as perfect as 12 boys could have pulled it off. But behind all these success, what was behind the scenes?

Only the blinding darkness.




Lay stormed into their dormitory after what seems like the 100th argument with their manager. Their manager had pointedly refused to appeal to their office for a chance for Lay to go back home, back to China—his hometown which he had not gone back for almost a decade. Every time after a quarrel like this, the dormitory would be declared a state of emergency as Lay poured out his frustrations to anyone who would listen to him. Not that anyone would do that voluntarily. Today, Lay’s target was Kris, who was sprawled on the sofa with Tao beside him. Kris, being the ever ‘charismatic’ leader, knew that he have to tolerate this kind of things. He really loved s but sometimes unnecessary naggings would get to him. He rubbed his temples while Tao seemed to have already mastered a new stage of enlightenment, and was shutting out whatever Lay had to say. It wasn’t that he wants to be mean to his fellow members, he does love them and all, but he is just really tired from the dance practices they were having every single minute. It never seems to end.


The incessant chattering stopped. Lay suddenly got a lot quieter. Perhaps that he was aware that I’m not listening, Kris sighed. No it wasn’t the case, it was just that their manager had just decided to check up on his boys, and meanwhile stumbled onto Lay complaining about him. He narrowed his eyes and stomped out without a word.


‘Look who’s in trouble.’ Tao absentmindedly cut in. Kris jumped at the sudden intrusion—Tao had been silent throughout the entire ordeal, it almost appeared to him as though he was meditating. Tao then grinned widely at Lay, who merely raised his eyebrow in doubt. Kris was contemplating on whether to just whacked the both of them on their heads or chase after the obviously enraged manager. Ah well, he know that his manager would not stay angry for long, since this kind of episodes was common and happened frequently with Lay around.


Out of blue, Luhan barged inside, looking extremely tired and ragged from his practice.

He collapsed on the chair beside Lay. Almost immediately he fell into a deep slumber.

‘Hey! Go sleep in your own-‘ Lay didn’t managed to finish his sentence was he was immediately cut off with a shushing sign Kris made. He appeared extremely concern as he walked over to where Luhan was snoring softly.

Lay saw his leader’s eyebrows crease as he muttered worries to himself. It was not the first time Luhan had returned in such a state after practice. Overworking has always been one of the traditions in their company. But it was not a reason for LuHan to end up falling sick most of the times. Not just LuHan, but all the other members too. Nevertheless, for some reason he had been the one to have worked the hardest.


‘MaMa~’ Luhan mumbled song lyrics in his sleep. It was a heart wrenching for the three of them too look at their fellow member in this state. With a sigh, Lay went up to him and carried him back to his room. Rest was definitely important for him.


‘It’s the dance instructor again, isn’t it’ Tao spoke, with a grim look on his face.

Their manager had many times explained the rational over such matters, but Kris wondered if it was ever worth it. It was almost like living in a concentration camp, except they get paid and there was more or less some fun in it. But they rarely get their freedom anymore. Maybe it was just one of the cons as a K-pop celebrity. Kris certainly hopes so.



‘Is anyone home?’ A voice shouted from the door. ‘I forgot my keys.’ The members recognized the voice of Chen.

A startled Tao immediately got up and unlocked the door, only to reveal another tired and weary member.

‘Me and Luhan had to practice our routine again. They said it was not good.’ Chen, similar to Luhan, also collapsed onto the chair, but he did not fall asleep immediately.

‘Well I think its good enough.’ Kris replied, with his insides feeling somewhat angry. Indeed everything was for perfection, but sometimes the unfairness of it wants to make him just puke.


Tao sensed some enraged waves radiating from Kris and just told Chen:

‘Take a bath. You kinda stink.’ Chen sniffed and walked slowly to the bathroom

Not that Tao wasn’t worried or anything. As serene as he appear to be, he was sometimes faced with questions he does not have an answer to. He was just better at hiding his emotions than Kris.



Heh so how is it? :) I appreciate any feedback :D



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