Not Now, Not Ever


Title: Not now, Not Ever

Pairing: Lee Jinki (Onew) x Lee Jinri (OC)

Summary: "A promise is a promise. I had never and will never break any promise not matter what.' This is her life guiding principle. But like a lot of people say 'promises are bound to be broken' and so they were right. This is a story of young lad who broke a promise beyond her control and it hunted her for eternity.

Author's Note: The first fanfic ever made and posted using my Galaxy Tab. Maybe I should change my Tab's wallpaper it kept on hunting me to make more one-shot fics about him. Want to see it? Hahaha!

This fic is originally for Lee Jinki (Onew) and OC Pairing but since I only used pronouns for this, the characters on the fic can change depending on how you wanted it to be. For now, I shall dubbed thy Lee Jinki (Onew) and OC pairing fic, okie dokie?

A word of CAUTION: The story and OCis owned by me. The things that I do not own are the poster (I do not have photoshop on my phone to edit a new one) and  Onew. 




Deadly plane crash blamed on engine failure

He dropped his drink from his hand after seeing this headline on T.V.

A passenger plane that caught fire as it fell from the sky probably suffered engine failure before it crashed,

killing all 88 people on board, investigators said.

He sat on the sofa shocked and taunted unable to move.

Here is the list of all 88 passengers that died on the said accident.

He scanned the list for a certain person hoping that it is not there but then hope failed him.

Bad News: No prequel but the Good News is there is a Sequel! :D


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Chapter 1: plz make this into a fic!!!!!!
Chapter 1: T-T not funny..

I cried...
ForeverJjang #3
Chapter 1: I don't usually leave comments, but this fic is really good. I wish you showed more of Onew's reaction, but other than that, AWESOME!
Chapter 1: I cried, okay? This is flawless