Chapter 8 - Happy 100th day Chagiya~

Our Love After Reply 1997

Happy 100th-day chagiya~



"Oppa, what's going to happen tomorrow?"
"Wae? It's an awards show so the usual. Are you nervous?"
"Deh.. A little. This is my first drama awards show. So.."
"Ey, Eunji-ya. There's nothing to be afraid of, I'll be right next to you. "
"Araso.. Oppa it's late you should sleep."
"Mmm.. You sleep too okay! Don't worry too much about tomorrow, you'll be just fine, I know it"
"Gomawo Oppa, saranghae~"
"Nado, sleep well!"

(End of phone call)



Eunji slams her hand down onto her alarm clock to shut it up. This time she gets up immediately, throwing back the covers to reveal blue pyjamas and cartoon faced In Guk socks. She pulls her hair back into a bun, grabs her phone then makes her way to the washroom and gets ready for the day. 

"In Gukkie~ <3 "
Her phone alerted her of a message. 
She unlocked it then read the message

Obviously In Guk was in a good mood and had already started to flaunt his ever limited English. Eunji smiled as she imagined In Guk goofing off. 
" Is my sweetie awake? My manager-hyung will pick you up too so I can see your face before the show. Don't be worried okay! I love you~ "

Eunji typed a simple reply 
"Araso chagiya. See you later! "

She didn't want to seem as if she was nervous to In Guk, she felt that it was weak of her to do so. Eunji didn't want In Guk to see that side of her, even though she liked In Guk to protect her, she still wanted to be a strong and independent woman to him. This was quite ironic of her to say when she was wearing cartoon faced In Guk socks on her feet. Eunji pressed send on her phone then got ready to go to the shop to prepare for the awards show. 




In Guk is in his beauty salon, currently getting his hair styled by one of the hairdressers there. He looks very happy, excited at least. In Guk liked going to award shows, he liked the recognition. Now that he had Eunji with him, it was even better. 
As a surprise, In Guk had called Eunji's manager to ask her what Eunji would be wearing to the awards show and found out that it was a white mini dress. So he decided to match their outfits secretly, choosing a total black outfit to match Eunji's chic white dress. In Guk thought that Eunji would like these little surprises and it would make her less tense about the show. His stylist finally finished styling his hair allowing In Guk to reach for his phone from the table and read Eunji's reply. 

In Guk grinned to himself foolishly . He was finally dating, someone he actually liked and not some forced blind date that his mother set up for him. It felt good to have someone to call 'Chagiya', sweetie. 
He got up from his seat, tucked his shirt in and threw his black coat on afterwards. He was ready, ready for the show and ready to see his lover. 

We see Eunji anxiously waiting in her salon. She has her hair up in a messy bun and a white mini dress on. Eunji clutches tightly onto her phone, waiting for In Guk's text or phone call. She doesn't even know why she's so nervous, it's not like she's going for prom or graduation. It's just an awards show that's all. At least she thought. Eunji's phone vibrated in her palm, alerting her of a new message.

"In Gukkie~ <3"
"CHAGIYA~ you can come down now! I'll be here in about five minutes. Can't wait to see you! "
Eunji locked her phone, slipped on her bedazzled heels then checked herself in the mirror. She hated how she looked, she didn't like the colour or style of her dress and definitely not those glittering heels that could be spotted from miles away. But she couldn't really be bothered about how she looked right now, she just wanted to get the awards show over and done with. Eunji put on her thick winter coat then went out the door of the salon. As the door opened, the icy cold wind whipped across her face, sending chills down her spine. She jumped on the spot in an attempt to expel the cold then looked out for In Guk's car. 
Soon, a small dark silhouette of a car appeared in the distance. Eunji wrapped her coat around her tighter, after being in the cold and in a short dress half of her body felt numb. The car pulled up in front of her and the door slid open.
'Eunji-ya! Hurry! Get on! It's cold out.' In Guk screamed from inside the warm car. She couldn't see his face from the outside but she climb into the car after much difficulty. Those bedazzled heels and mini dress didn't help get into the car any easier. 

Eunji settles into her seat, fastening the seatbelt before turning to face In Guk. 
'Chagiya~ Were you cold? I didn't mean to make you wait.' In Guk grabbed Eunji's freezing cold hands, rubbing his against hers to warm them up. 
Eunji smiles at In Guk, pleased that her hands were greeted with his warm ones. 
'Aniya, it's okay. Now that you're here. '' Eunji said warmly, trying to show In Guk that she's not worried even though she really is. 
In Guk squeezed Eunji's hands and planted a kiss on her cheek before releasing them and sitting properly back into his seat. 
They didn't really talk during the car ride there, Eunji was too nervous to say anything because she thought she might stutter and make In Guk worried. In Guk on the other hand didn't know what to say to comfort Eunji, he was afraid he would say something that made her more anxious instead. But sitting in silence didn't help either. 
Eunji fiddled with her fingers, running her fingers over her perfectly manicured nails. In Guk was busy with his phone, scrolling through the pages of his me2day. 
Eunji peeped at In Guk with the corner of her eyes, he didn't look anxious at all, as if he was going to visit his mother on the weekends. She played with her fingers more, trying to hide her nervousness.




"We're here!" In Guk's manager screamed from the front of the van. 
Eunji jumped in her seat, she had been looking down the whole time so she didn't even know they had arrived. She tried to unbuckle the seatbelt with her shaking hands, fiddling with it for quite a while. In Guk was about to get out of the car when he noticed Eunji having difficulty with the seatbelt. He sat back down and helped her unbuckle it. The seatbelt un-clicked, slid across Eunji's chest before slamming against the door of the car. Eunji jumped at the sound of this then looked up at In Guk’s face which was staring right back at her.

In Guk looked straight into Eunji’s eyes. This time it was different, her eyes weren’t the usual familiar friendly gaze, In Guk saw fear in those eyes. He picked up Eunji’s trembling cold hands, rubbing them against his to warm them up. In Guk lifted Eunji’s face up by her chin then placed his warm lips on hers, giving her a long deep kiss to comfort her. Eunji sank into the kiss, she felt much better, not as afraid anymore now that she realised there was nothing to be afraid of. In Guk slowly pulled away from Eunji, wiping off the lipstick that rubbed off on his lips shyly.

“Oppa, gomawo. “ Eunji whispered. In Guk nodded lightly then pulled open the door of the van making his way out, followed by Eunji. They were greeted by staff of the event and the WGM crew who began to wire the couple up with their microphones, before filming. Now filming WGM to them was all an act, they couldn’t reveal their relationship so they had to lie about it, through acting.




[ WGM episode audience view ]

We see Eunji and In Guk in a waiting room, they are both dressed fancily for the awards show. The couple is sitting on a couch, In Guk currently engrossed in his Anipang game while Eunji watches him.

There is a knock on the door.

Eunji gets it because her ‘husband’ is too busy with his game. She pulls open the white door of the waiting room but there is no one there. Eunji looks puzzled, she looks to her left and right down the corridors but there is no one. As she closes the door, she sees a parcel on the floor, she gently picks it up and shuts the door before returning to her seat on the couch and to her child-aka-husband.

“ Oh~ What’s that?” In Guk immediately puts down his phone and looks at Eunji with curious eyes. Eunji shrugs, “Molla, I just found it on the floor outside the door”. In Guk removes the lid of the box revealing couple bracelets and a mission card. Eunji pulls out the white beaded bracelet.

“They’re pretty!” Eunji exclaims as she tries to fasten the white bracelet onto her wrist with the opposite hand. She fiddles with the clasp for a while but fails to clip it on. In Guk grins as he reaches over and helps her fasten the bracelet on. He then picks up the mission card in the box and reads aloud.



[ WGM MC Studio View ]

“KYA~ they finally have skinship!” Na Young screamed from her seat

“They are so cute together, we have been waiting for their skinship for the longest time” Mi Sun exclaims.

To: Eunguk couple~

Chukahamnida! The two of you have been nominated for the 2012 Music Style Award – Best OST!

“Woah~ Chukahamnida Eunguk couple!” Na Young says.

Therefore, we have given the two of you these couple bracelets to congratulate you! May you win the category of Best OST! However there is a catch, you have to wear these couple bracelets throughout the awards show and not let the bracelets be noticed by fans or other artists! If you complete the mission successfully, you will be able to keep these bracelets!

 “Ohh~ This will be difficult..” Eunji says as she fiddles with the bracelet on her wrist.

“Eyy, we can do this, just don’t make it too obvious that we are hiding them.” In Guk tells Eunji then takes the other black bracelet from the box to put it on, Eunji helps him fasten it on.

“Oh and I almost forgot! The staff told me that we will be going on the red carpet separately. I’ll be going first then after a few artists it’ll be your turn. Okay?” In Guk gave Eunji a reassuring smile.

Eunji gave a simple nod then quietly crept off to another room. In Guk was too engrossed with talking to the staff of the event that he didn’t even notice her leave.





We see Eunji in a decorated room, with streamers, balloons and banners that read

“Happy 100th day!”

Eunji and In Guk have been a WGM couple for 100 days now so Eunji has prepared a small celebration for them. Her manager is seen to be putting up the rest of the balloons and streamers.

There is a knock at the door.

The door creaks open slightly and Hoya’s head pops through.

“Eunji-ya!” Hoya exclaims as he opens the door fully and lets himself in.

“Oh Oppa! What are you doing here?” Eunji asks with a surprised look.

“I heard that you guys are celebrating your 100th day. Chukahamnida~”

Eunji grins shyly, ”Gomawo Oppa, you can’t tell In Guk-oppa, he doesn’t know about this party.”

Hoya nods firmly then pretends to zip up his mouth. Eunji giggles. “Now Oppa, help me finish up the decorations before the event starts.” She hands Hoya a box of streamers, signalling that he should put them up.

“Danji neol saranghae ireoke malhaetji..” Hoya sings H.O.T’s candy to break the silence in the room.

“WOOOOO~ H.O.T” Eunji kids around. The duo laughs at their silliness.

After goofing around, they finish the decorations. Eunji takes a step back and looks around the room.

“That’s the last of it! We can call In Guk-oppa now! Oppa, wait here while I get In Guk-oppa”

Eunji exits the room, making her way back to where In Guk is. She opens the door to the waiting room expecting to see In Guk in the room but it’s empty.

“That’s weird, he was here when I left. Where could he be?”

Eunji pulls out her phone to text In Guk.

“Oppa, where are you?”



“Oh, I’m in the conference room now. Wae? Is there something wrong?”

“Aniyo.. Can I come look for you?”

“Araso. I’ll be waiting. J ”

Eunji comes out from the waiting room and goes through the corridor to reach the conference room. She puts her hand on the doorknob, turns it and pushes the door open…




“WGM episode ends”

[ WGM MC Studio View ]


“YA~ HOW CAN YOU END THE EPISODE LIKE THIS!” Mi Sun screams at the producers.


“Well, I guess we just have to wait till next week’s episode.” Mi Sun said dejectedly.






BTW~ I am so sorry for the lame WGM mission and MC commentary. I haven't been watching much WGM so I'm just doing it based off memory. ITS SO LAME. GOSH. *facepalm* please dont leave me after this chapter :| HAAH OKAY 


@bowties : Heh~ instagram. Tried my best to go WGM style with the chapter. Hope you like this one!

@QueeeenB: I will try to add more kisses into the later chapters. HEE EUNGUK~

@jonghunnie :  More is on the way~ :)

@eatcheeseandbehappy: I LOVE CHEESE. HAHA~ yep yep more chapters coming up soon soon!

@gyne422: HAHA! I felt kinda bad for making Eunji feel jealous. :P

@SujuXLove : HI HI! Thanks for reading my fanfic, it's bleh so THANK YOU. HEH~ Erm tried to add the MC commentary in this.  Don't really know how WGM works nowadays, haven't been watching it so I hope this will suffice. :P EUNGUK FORVER~ <3

@kyuhyunnia : HELLO FELLOW EUNGUK SHIPPER. WELCOME TO THE EUNGUK SHIP~ *salute* Here is the new chapter! So sorry for not updating earlier! :(


Love Eunguk1997! :D








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Chapter 7: The feels!!^^ anyone knows other fanfics? Please tell me:3
eungok #2
Chapter 1: someone can tell me why eunji unnie and inguk oppa couple name is eungchil couple?
Haiider #3
Chapter 18: What a pretty story!! My Eunguk feels!! I can't handle!
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 4: yay so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mannser #5
Chapter 11: Love your story,they look cute together. <3
Limonium #6
Chapter 12: Wow..this is so good..I used to ship eunji and in guk but had stopped bcoz there's no news about them aftr finding and reading ur story..they are so sweet here...hope u can write another eunguk ^^
Chapter 18: Sweet story!
haha In Guk shi(Yoon Jae) can be romantic too huh~
make a sequel please