Chapter 4 - "Pabo-ya"

Our Love After Reply 1997


After the first filming of WGM, Eunji and In Guk were told that they would visit their newlywed house next week.

But who knew something like that would have happened.




The alarm clock rang on the bedside table.

Eunji pulled the duvet over her head, trying to block out the noise. After a few minutes, Eunji appeared from under the covers, slamming her hand down on the alarm clock to shut it up before reached for her phone. 

'In Guk Oppa should have messaged me by now.' Eunji thought as she got out of bed.


Eunji and In Guk have been talking much more after the first filming of WGM, texting each other during their breaks, updating each other about their schedules and even going out for meals together. This was something they never had the chance to do and it fel good to be able to catch up. In Guk made it a habit to send Eunji a message every morning so it wasn't surprising that she was expecting one today as well.


Eunji unlocked her phone but no message alert. 

Eunji: That's strange. Oppa would have sent a message by now. 

In disbelief, Eunji restarted her phone to make sure that it wasn't malfunctioning. 

Still no message alert. 

Eunji: Ey, maybe Oppa just forgot, that's all.

Eunji placed her phone into the pocket of her hoodie and washed up. She then went to the kitchen to get some breakfast before heading off to the salon to get ready for her schedule.

As Eunji entered the living room, she saw Namjoo, Hayoung and Yookyung were sitting on the couch watching television.  

Namjoo: Oh Unni, you're up!

Eunji: Deh, I have a schedule soon. Do you guys want some kimbap? 

The trio  shouted in unison "DEH!"

After putting the kimbap in the microwave, Eunji pulled out her phone from her pocket and checked for the messae again. 

Still no message from In Guk.


She grabbed the plate of kimbap,chopsticks and a glass of water before heading over to where the members were.  She sat down on the couch with Hayoung, stuffing a slice of kimbap into . Eunji took the iPad on the table and scrolled through the pages of news. As she skimmed the headlines , one particular article caught her eye. 

'Seo In Guk involved in car accident, sent to the hospital for further check up' 

Eunji chokes on her kimbap, utterly in shock by this news. 

Hayoung: Unni, are you okay? 

Eunji gulps down her water furiously then pulls out her phone to call In Guk.

Please pick up. Please. 

'Sorry, the number that you are trying to reach now is currently unavailable. Please try again later.' 

Eunji: Aish, why aren't you picking up!

Hayoung reaches for the iPad after seeing Eunji's reaction and gasps after seeing the article, she shakes Namjoo who turns around and is shocked by the news as well.  Eunji dials In Guk's number again, a frown forming on her face. 

'Sorry, the number that you are trying to reach is..'

"Is Oppa badly injured? What happened? Why isn't he picking up! "

Eunji calls her manager to see if she knows about the situation.


'Kung Fu Panda! Is the news of In Guk Oppa getting into a car accident true? Do you know anything about it? Is he seriously injured? He isn't picking up his phone and I'm really worried that he might be seriously injured. '

Her manager is shocked by the news too, she calms Eunji down and says that she will get back to her once she had news about In Guk.

Eunji clutches tightly onto her phone, pacing frantically about the dorm.  Hayoung comforts her as Namjoo informs the other members. 

Hayoung: Unni, don't worry. Maybe In Guk Oppa isn't seriously injured, you know the media, they like to exaggerate things.

Then Eunji's phone rings.


Her manager speaks into the phone,

'I talked to In Guk's manager and In Guk did get into a car accident. He isn't seriously injured so it's not a big deal. In Guk in the hospital now, receiving further check-ups.'

Eunji heaves a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

Eunji : Can I go visit him? Please Unni!

Kung Fu Panda : You have a really tight schedule today, I don't know if..

Eunji: Ah Unni! It will only be for a few minutes. Please.. 


Her manager reluctantly agrees and drives Eunji to the hospital before her schedule.




[ At the hospital. ]

In Guk is in his ward, his right arm is in a cast and he has some scratches on his cheek. 

In Guk: Aigoo, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm okay! A fractured arm and a few scratches won't kill me. Don't worry okay! Ya, your son is Seo In Guk, I won't die that easily.  

He tells his worried mother over the phone. 

In Guk's manager appears after settling the paperwork. 

In Guk: Araso, I'll call you later okay. 

He hangs up and passes the phone back to his manager. 

In Guk: Hyung, you didn't tell Eunji about this did you?

His manager gives In Guk a guilty look. 

In Guk: HYUNG! I told you not to! She's going to be so worried for nothing! Aish, now what am I going to do. 

Manager: It's not my fault! Her manager called me, saying that Eunji saw the news online. I didn't tell her! 

In Guk sighs, worried that Eunji knows. 

Just as In Guk turns to ask his manager about his phone,  he sees Eunji at the door. 

Their eyes meet. 

Eunji turns away and heads down the hallway, hiding the tears well up in her eyes.

In Guk gets up from the bed and goes out to the hallway. 


Eunji stops in her tracks, still too embarrassed to turn back and face him. She wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath. 

Suddenly, she is pulled backwards and into In Guk's embrace.  In Guk wraps his uninjured arm tightly around her.

In Guk: Pabo-ya, why are you crying. 

Eunji sobs even harder after hearing In Guk's voice, the tears flowing uncontrollably. 

In Guk: Ya.. Uljima.. I'm okay. I'm still alive. 

Eunji pulls away from In Guk, noticing the cast on his arm and a few scratches on his face. She wipes away her tears 

Eunji: Op.. Oppa. Are you really okay? 

In Guk nods and gives her a big cheeky smile.

In Guk: Ohhhh... Jung Eunji, since when did you care so much for me?

Eunji: Aniyo! Keep on dreaming! 

In Guk grins, pleased that Eunji does care for him. The two walk back to In Guk's ward in silence.  Eunji looks away, blushing.


"Aish, Jung Eunji. Why did you have to cry in front of In Guk Oppa, that was so embarrassing"


In Guk looks down at his injured arm, touching the damp spots made by Eunji's tears on his cast.


" Eunji cried, because of me.."


Eunji : Oppa, I called you multiple times but the calls didnt go through. 

In Guk : Oh, my hand phone was damaged during the accident so I couldn't answer your calls. Mianhae, I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to worry. 

Eunji : Aniyo, it's okay. It's fine, now that you're safe. 

Eunji inadvertently sees her reflection in a glass panel of the ward. 

Eunji : ACK! My makeup is all smudged! OPPA WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! And I have a schedule after this. Ah, ottoke!

In Guk : Keke, I wanted to but.. 

Eunji rubs away the smudged makeup and suddenly realises. 

Eunji : Ah Oppa! I'm late for my schedule so I have to go now. Just stay in bed and rest okay! I'll come visit you after my schedule. 

In Guk nods, watching Eunji slowly disappear into the distance. He felt the same disappointment yet happiness again, just like after the first filming of WGM. It made him feel complete and this was all caused by the start of  an innocent and pure..  Love.







HELLOOOOOO! I'm back from my hiatus! :D Exams are sorta over so I can finally update again! Haha anyway CHAPTER 4 :D tried to make it impactful so hope you guys like it! Remember to check back frequently for more new chapters on the way! 


Love, Eunguk 1997 <3

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Chapter 7: The feels!!^^ anyone knows other fanfics? Please tell me:3
eungok #2
Chapter 1: someone can tell me why eunji unnie and inguk oppa couple name is eungchil couple?
Haiider #3
Chapter 18: What a pretty story!! My Eunguk feels!! I can't handle!
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 4: yay so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mannser #5
Chapter 11: Love your story,they look cute together. <3
Limonium #6
Chapter 12: Wow..this is so good..I used to ship eunji and in guk but had stopped bcoz there's no news about them aftr finding and reading ur story..they are so sweet here...hope u can write another eunguk ^^
Chapter 18: Sweet story!
haha In Guk shi(Yoon Jae) can be romantic too huh~
make a sequel please