Taiwan part I

The Pain Behind The Darkness

2008-03-09, 20:00 Sheh mansion after the dinner

The doorbell rang and Bernice went to get it when she opened the door Kenny was standing outside and was to enter when she stopped him " excuse me sir but who are you and who are you looking for?" Kenny looked at her and notice he have never seen her before " are you new here? I'm looking for you sui djeh" said Kenny.
Before Bernice could answer or call our for Charm, Charm went out from the dinner room with Kong beside and Jade behind " Oh you have already arrived, go up my office and we discuss there" said Charm while signaling Jade to follow.
"Lok djeh remember to give the medicine to grandpah" shouted Charm and patted Kong's shoulder " I need to do some business now but take you medicine and rest for awhile I will check your blood pressure later" said CHarm before she went upstairs

Inside the office room.

" I have take contact with them in Taiwan and we are going to meet them tomorrow at 14:00 o'clock. So we will take the flight 12:00 and arrive in Taiwan 13:00 and leave our luggage in the hotel before we meet him, so pack your stuff also here is a suit for you tomorrow is a business trip not for Choi Long so it's important to wear proper" said charm and handed Kenny the new suit.
"But why are you taking me? I mean Derek have always been helping you on this stuff, isn't he better to go with you instead of me? I haven't any experience of these" said Kenny
" If he was suitable I would have done it but I have checked Derek had some conflicts with the one we are going to meet tomorrow and I don't want that to effect us. I haven't told Derek who we will work with so don't mention anything" commanded Charm
Kenny nodded " then I think I should go now and prepare for tomorrow" said Kenny


21:10 pm Kenny's apartment

Kenny entered and his two sons runs up to him and hugged his legs " Daddy you are home!" said in sync
"you two should have gone to bed already, why are you still up? Have you been a bad boy today that doesn't listen to mummy?" said Kenny in a joking voice he was more than happy to see his two sons awake usually they are always sleeping when he arrived home.
Christine ( imagine who you want to be this actress will just appear few times during the whole story as Kenny's wife) " No lah, both of them are off tomorrow so I said they could stay up and wait for you to come home. Derek is here he have been waiting for your more than a half hour I think it's important" said Christine
" oh, take the guys to bed and pack some cloths for me I will be going to Taiwan tomorrow with Zhi Wah for couple of days and here remember to iron this shirt I need it tomorrow" said Kenny and in this time Derek came out from the bathroom
"ah you are home now, I have been waiting for you" said Derek
"How is it buddy? why are you here?" asked Kenny
" I heard that Zhi Wah is going to Taiwan tomorrow but she haven't said anything to me, instead she left a lot of work for me and told me to look after Choi Long these days when she is gone" said Derek with confusion. Kenny looked at Derek and wanted to tell him the reason but hesitated
" you know lah Zhi Wah always include me when it comes to the freight business trip. And this time she is just going with Jade, I mean they are just women what if something happens" said Derek
"Don't worry I will follow Zhi wah to Taiwan tomorrow so I will look after her don't worry just stay in Hong Kong and take care of Choi Long like what Zhi wah have planed" said Kenny
"are you going with her" said Derek with a surprised expression.
"Yeah Zhi Wah just told me she wanted me to earn some experience of this things as well, you don't mind don't you?" said Kenny
"ha... haha of course I don't mind I'm glad that she gives you this opportunity. Also I will feel more then 100% safe if you go with her I know that you will take good care of her and won't let anything happen." said Derek
Kenny patted Derek on the shoulder " don't worry buddy I will look after her if she lose a hair string when she is back put that on me"
"you said that then I have your word if I see any scratch on her when she is back then you will need to pay for it" said Derek and they both start to laugh.
"ok then I think I should leave now so you can rest so you are well prepared for tomorrow" said Derek and leaved.


22:00 pm Fung's Bar

Micheal entered the office room without knocking " good news Ray, Stephen have time and want to meet us tomorrow in Taiwan. He have already booked the tickets, seems that he really chong si ( which mean taking them really important) our collaboration" said Micheal.
Ray claps his hands after hearing the good news from his buddy " good! then tomorrow you and me go to Taiwan, I have been waited for this. Which time is the flight?" asked Ray
"The ticket is booked at 18:00 pm so we will be there 19:00 and he have booked a table for dinner at 19:30 pm, he really have everything planed" siad Micheal


2008-03-10 Taiwan 14:00
Charm, Jade, Kenny and lawyer Tsai (not important character will just appear twice) entered the A.S company
" I have booked a meeting with your boss Mr Au" said charm to the receptionist who greeted and showed them the way to the conference room. When they entered the a man dressed with suit sat on the chairman seat, when he heard the door he turned the chair and faced them and went up.
" oh you must be Mr Sheh, welcome nice to meet your" said Stephen
"Hello Mr Au nice to meet you to, let me introduce this is my assistant Kenny , this is my secretary Jade and this is lawyer Tsai he will help me to fix the contract" said Charm
Stephen shook hands with everyone and told them to take a seat and then the meeting starts.

16:00 pm
"Mr Au we have gone through the details now if there aren't any questions are changes I will tell my lawyer to prepare for the contract, I think it will be done for tomorrow" said Charm
"Ms Sheh call me Stephen instead, actually I have one thing to ask" said Stephen
"oh, was it something unclear?" asked Charm
" No not really, it's about the whole collaboration, I wonder if we could change our collaboration instead of you paying to use my port you help me freight two or three times in each month then we are square, of course I will pay for the over load if it happens. What do you think?" asked Stephen
"Hm.. your suggestions is good but let me think of it. During which period of the month will your freights be and how much have you thought to freight each time" asked Charm
"well actually I have a partner and we haven't discussed this over yet, but I will meet him tonight so maybe you can join us" said Stephen
"Ok, I can prepare for a proposal to tonight and let you guys see if you are satisfied with it" said Charm
" Thanks, then see you tonight at 19:30 on Sin Zhi Kwok" said Steaphen and shook hand with Charm before she leaved.


16:30 pm
Ray took his luggage and put it in the car when his cell phone called " Yes, speak" said Ray
" It's me Micheal something have happen and I can't follow you to Taiwan"
"what! you tell me now you can't? you are the one who have had contact with them and know people in Taiwan if you don't come with me who should?" said a furious Ray
" I know but I don't know Stephen either so it doesn't matter if I follow or not. The ticket can be changed an hour before departure so you still have time. I will explain for you later I really need to hang on" said Micheal and hang on
Ray was so furious that he throw the cell phone on the ground and it's crashed, Joel who just arrived home saw the scene " wah! what's happen? why are our Ray gah so furious?" asked Joel
" ah good, you go with me to Taiwan, go up and pack your stuff" commanded Ray
" Huh? wasn't you going with Micheal? why have you changed your mind so suddenly? said Joel
" don't ask just do what I said" said Ray


19:20 Sin Zhi Kwok Restaurant

Charm, Jade and Kenny have changed back to casual wear and went in to the restaurant. Stephen had already arrived and waited in the VIP room, Charm went in with the two follow behind.
" Stephen I have made the new proposal if you think it's good I will tell my lawyer to prepare the contract" said Charm and handed the file to him and took a seat
"wah Ms Sheh you are really quick, we just finish our meeting in this afternoon and you have already made a new proposal for me I though you didn't mean it" said a impressed Stephen
"well I keep my promise also you said that you will meet your partner tonight so I thought to have it done so we didn't need to wait for to long, if there are problems we can change it directly" said Charm
"hahaha, hau sang ha wai ( means that the younger are better a sort of compliment for the younger) you are so young and have come so far with your business no wonder, it's hard to find a smart and pretty women like you these days" compliment Stephen
" Don't laugh at me lah Stephen, you aren't bad either you also have a lot of property" said Charm
"yeah but compared to Ms Sheh I'm still far away" said Stephen
"Stephen lei kwa jeung ( means you give to much credit) I still have a lot to learn. Don't call me Ms Sheh you can call me Zhi Wah instead" said Charm with a light smile and Stephen nodded. In this time the door opened and Ray with Joel went in but freeze when they saw Charm sitting there and Charms light smile disappeared directly when she get sign of who entered.


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Dailycommenter #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
HottestVIPSone #2
Re-reading this again!
HottestVIPSone #3
Omo! Charray!
eliseelisechhor #4
Chapter 79: Hi, I'm new here. I hope you still update!
_iceandaway #5
Chapter 79: Hi, I'm a charray fan from mainland China. I used to read Charray's english fanfics on winglin, but the website seems to have been closed for quite a long time. I really like this fanfic, especially the "Happy Birthday"part. Great to know that you're still keep updating! xx
mudkip118 #6
Cool and nice poster.
Momo431 #7
Chapter 1: I'm a new reader. This is so impressively written <3 I hope you update soon!! :)
Jupi_cpz #8
Hi daragon24,
I will try to make an update in the end of this week ;)
Update soon <3
Jupi_cpz #10
ParkOme, <br />
<br />
Hope you are enjoying this fanfic as much as you like the actors I have included in it ;)