That Girl

That XX

HE'd just returned home after quite the evening. He didn't want to be bothered. In fact, he'd rarely gotten any sleep during the past few nights because of too much 'fun'.

"You're home."

Jiyong froze. He turned to see her in all her beauty, gazing at him with those sad eyes.

He didn't know what to say. What could be his excuse now? He knew it was hopeless anyways. She already knew. Everything...

"I-I" he began stuttering at his words. No excuse.

She stepped forwards and that silenced him. She'd just broken a huge barrier between the two of them and his heart almost shattered. She can't be falling in love with me, he thought as he slightly raised his hands as if in warning. Motioning for her not to come any closer.

But she did.

One foot after another. She inched closer and closer until she was facing him.

Everything was quiet. All that could be heard was her steady breathing and his short, ,ragged, and panicked ones.

From up close, Jiyong could see just how beautiful she was. Those other women weren't even worthy of being compared to her.

His heart wrenched. Those other women. The women that he'd 'fool' around with as he left her alone in this grand house. Night after night.

She was gazing straight into his eyes now and she had a knowing look, as if she could read his mind. Jiyong became concious all of a sudden and his stomach churned, hoping that she wouldn't be able to realize just how many women he'd been with.

"Don't," he said, and it meant alot. It meant that she should go, runaway as quickly as possible before he broke her heart. It meant that she shouldn't get so close so that he couldn't do anything that they both would regret in the long run. It meant that she shouldn't love him and that she should be careful. Extremely careful. But she didn't listen.

She slowly wrapped her an arm around his neck and began to twirl his soft, blonde hair. With the other hand, she began to caress his cheek with the back of her fingers. One.

Jiyong had never felt this much love in his life. Not from his parents, not from his friends, not even from those women.

She was giving him a love that she knew he couldn't return. He would leave her, she knew. But Jiyong saw in her eyes that she didn't care.

She leaned in, almost on her tiptoes until their noses were almost touching. Two.

He wanted to pull away. He didn't want to hurt her, to make her cry. To see her cry. He'd done that so many times to so many women and he almost couldn't bare it.

He was far too marked and dirty for her. She was  pure and perfect. Like an angel that was sent from heaven just for him to have and he didn't feel in the least bit worthy of her.


She closed her eyes and their lips touched and all of a sudden, the world began dissolving around them and to Jiyong, it felt as if it was just the two of them.

Her lashes grazed against his cheek as their kiss turned into something more passionate yet gentle. Something more sweet.

Jiyong felt something he'd thought he'd never feel.

Something that made his heart flutter, his stomach twist, his head spin.




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