Chapter 44

I'll Be Yours




As she promised she met me at the cafe just outside of SM. Both of us took precautions and dressed so that you could barely see who we were. She had her hoodie pulled up and a cap over it. I chuckled. She was copying my style. Her sweats were unevenly rolled up and her backpack was simple. A simple black mask concealed her features. I'd taken the same approach, wearing my favorite hoodie and a hat as well. I also kept a mask on, knowing all too well that my fans were a bit... skilled in certain areas of work(spying, hacking, stalking). She spotted me and made her way to me within a few seconds.


"Hey." I could tell she was smiling through her mask by the way her eyes scrunched up.


"Hey there stranger." She giggled at my response and sat down in front of me. I had chosen a more private booth at the very back. I was grateful for the raised backs of the seats as I slipped my mask down to my chin. She did the same and I leaned forward to peck her lips. I saw her cheeks flush and smiled at her. "So what did you want to talk about?" Her expression faltered and she gave me a small smile.


"Let's go somewhere else. Just in case anyone recognizes us." I nodded and stood, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the cafe. We quickly ran down the street and caught a bus going towards Song Academy. We opted to sit at the very back of the bus, off to the side. I sat in the window seat, careful to turn in a way that only my back was facing the window. I grabbed a hold of her hand and smiled. She flinched and I became worried. Something was wrong...


"Chaerae... What's wrong?" I whispered in her ear and she flinched again. She gave me a half smile and shook her head. She stood when she wanted to get off of the bus and I followed her. I recognized the street instantly. We were at her mothers’ house. She led me into the gate and to the front door. She pulled out her EXO lanyard where she had her keys and unlocked the house. I held back a chuckle when I saw a keychain of my high cut photoshoot attached to it. She led me in and told me to take the extra pair of slippers in the coat closet before making her way into the living room. I followed her, remembering the first time I had ever been here. I frowned to myself as I looked at the door to the bathroom that Chaerae had been crying behind.


“You want tea?” She looked back at me from a doorway on the other side of the room. I nodded and she smiled at me before disappearing into what I remembered was the kitchen. I decided to sit down on the sofa and I took in the place completely. The last time I had been here I had only given my attention to the kitchen and her room. It had been a long time since I had been in here again. I looked at the walls that were adorned with pictures of what I assumed were Chaerae and her siblings. There was a collage frame where there was a picture of a chubby girl in a flower print dress. She looked about six months old. She had a single dimple showing as her very distinctly wide brown eyes sparkled at the camera. A smile spread across my face as I touched the glass over the picture. The picture next to it was a picture of her in a blue and white dress holding onto a small black and white cat. I chuckled. “You’ve always been a cat person, huh?” Just then I felt warmth around my legs. I looked down to be met with the sight of a familiar cat.


“That’s Channie.” I looked up to find Chaerae carrying a tray to the sofa. I looked back down at the cat and smiled. This was the cat that we found together. I pat his head and then walked to the sofa. She smiled at me and then handed me the cup of tea. I took it and drank it slowly. She did the same as she sat next to me. There was a bit of an awkward air between us and I knew that if I didn’t say anything it would stay this way.


“So what is it? What’s bothering you?” I looked at her and she used her hair to cover her face. I became worried and grabbed a hold of her hand. “It is okay. You can tell me anything.” I gave her one of my usual smiles and watched as she gradually smiled. She let out a breath and then began.


“We have to tell the company about our relationship. Jueun is talking over this with Baekhyun as we speak. I just thought that we could figure out what we should do about it. And it’s been worrying me for some time. I don’t want our contracts to be terminated over this.” I thought for a minute. I honestly had not been worried about this at all. All that I really cared about was finding her again and being able to hug and kiss her again. I had missed her terribly for a year and a half. “If we don’t tell them we might be gotten rid of. Or they could force us apart…” When I found her again… I told myself that I would never let go. I won’t let her go.


“I will talk to our manager. He can arrange a meeting for all of us. Don’t worry so much… We can get through this.” I pecked her cheek and it lightly. She smiled a bit and nodded.


“Okay… Thank you.” I grinned and pinched her cheek. “By the way,” She hummed and leaned into my shoulder. “You were so cute as a child.” Her eyes widened and she looked up at me. I chuckled and pointed to the picture frame on the wall.


“My mother and her pictures…” She growled playfully and then punched my side. “So were you.” I raised an eyebrow, confused. “I still watch the fanpages and accounts on tumblr and facebook. You were cute in those bear overalls.” She took her phone from her pocket and showed me her wallpaper. My face went red and she laughed.


“Well now I know we will have cute babies.” My remark made her blush and I stole a kiss before enveloping her in my arms and giving her neck a playful bite. “I love you, Jung Chaerae.”


“I love you, too. Park Chanyeol.”



Finally updated again! I am sorry it took so long! I have been watching some pretty cool sci-fi movies that have recently given me ideas t write new fanfics. And so I have been writing like four different stories at once. Also, this story will be coming to an end very soon! Please prepare for that!


Until next time! Don't forget to drop a comment down in the comment area! Thanks for reading! ^^





Here is the picture mentioned in the chapter! Isn't little Channie just the most adorable thing in the universe? XD



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EXO_ChanBaek #1
Chapter 5: O yeah , also this chapter made me laugh coz i realized that troublemaker is ά dangerous mv , u know wat i mean hahahahh trouble trouble trouble trouble makerrr
EXO_ChanBaek #2
Chapter 2: Wat the hell with dat sudden "chu" she was like 1-2 hours know yeolyeol and they kissed , yea you're so straightforward ahahha @authornimmm<3 chuchuchu i love schoolromance
HappinesssDelight #3
Chapter 5: Omo~ *blushing*
HappinesssDelight #4
Chapter 2: What? A sudden kiss? Oh goodness
Hello, your story has also been published on Wattpad by a user named Frosty Aegyo. I suggest you report it because many other stories on AFF have been stolen too by her.
goldqueen7 #6
Chapter 50: Such a beautiful story! I was glad with the switch-up ;) Missed the chanyeol <3
Chapter 50: Nice story author nim~! Daebak!
_-Taeminnie-_ #8
Chapter 44: Amazing story, Author-nim :'3 The story was cute and sometimes little bit scary (Kevin :p).I really liked this and I'll read this again. Sometime, when school doesn't take all of my time :D How can you write so well!? I mean, my own english and I'm not very good story-writer too ;3 But yeah, This Story Was Awesome <3 Write more stories and I'll promise that i'll read them first! Hwaiting! 사강합니다! <3 <3 <3
Mary_EXOtic #9
Chapter 50: NO NO NO NO NO! whyyy?? don't finish's too good ....please make a sequel :) it would be sooo cool ! :D anywaysss... you did a very good job!i absolutely loved your story and it's very cool ....don't stop writing fanfics because you're really good :D you have my support!