Chapter 33

I'll Be Yours


Not once when we were together had Kevin been this forceful. Usually it was me who was the one being forceful with him. It was in his nature to be submissive and in mine to be overpowering him. That was how our relationship worked. But this time was like the polar oppisite of what I remembered Kevin to be. His eyes burned with anger and lust. I was scared. I was scared he'd hurt me. I was scared he'd kiss me. I was scared he'd attempt to touch me. I was scared of him. His green eyes locked onto my lips and I saw his tongue his own. I began to shiver as he leaned in closer and closer. I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't. 
I quickly jabbed my left fist into his chest, causing him to gasp for air and curl up slightly. My other fist hit his cheek and with my leg I pushed him off of me. I began to silently thank Tao for teaching me some basic defense. I quickly sat myself up and grabbed for my phone. I commanded my phone to call Chanyeol. Kevin was still out of breath on the floor and I took the opportunity to run. I scooped Channie into my arms and commanded both Whiskers and Simon to follow me. As good cats, and thanks to my training, they obeyed and rushed after me, letting out disgruntled meows. After just two rings I heard someone's breathing on the line. 
"Ch-Chanyeol! Please! Come here! I need you!" I choked back sobs as I locked myself in my bedroom. My mother was away on business and I knew she wouldn't be coming home. I wouldn't be alone with Kevin. I couldn't. 
There was silence on the line and then I heard three words. "Where are you?" His voice was weak and I felt uneasy. However, all I wanted was to be able to be safe in his arms and away from Kevin. 
"My mothers house. It's about six blocks from the academy. There's a white car outside and a cherry blossom tree in the front yard. The spare key is in the flowerpot by the window. Please hurry Chanyeol!" I practically screamed into the phone. I heard the call disconnect and I let out a few sobs. Why was this happening? 
I rushed as fast as I could to get to her, not bothering too wait for the lights to allow me to cross the street safely. I wasn't sure which direction to go, so I followed my instincts to get to her. I could not leave her alone when she was in trouble. I know she wasn't cheating on me with her ex. She would never do that. But why was my heart aching when I heard his voice through her phone? Why did it suddenly feel as though I had been stabbed multiple times with a jagged edged knife? 
Where was she? Why did she leave the dorms? Why did she leave with him? This was my fault. I didn't get her text on time and I missed her. All because I couldn't be a complete jerk to Sunny. I wasn't like that. She annoyed me yes, she was aggrivating, yes. But I just couldn't be mean. When I didn't get to see Chaerae earlier I blew up in her face. But it was all my fault. I should have just left right away. 
I pounded on the door in frustration. Why did she run from me!? She used to run to me! I groaned out loud and continued to pound my fists on the door where I knew the girl I cared for and loved was cowering behind. I could hear gentle sobs and gasps of breath through the door. Why was she afraid? All I wanted was to kiss her, to kiss the way we used to. To be able to say that the beautiful girl in my arms was mine once again. She completed me. I'd just been too stupid and hormone driven to realize this in the first place. She made me smile when I was in no mood to. She could make me laugh over the smallest thing. She could tease me so badly that I wanted her to no end. Her attraction to Asian culture was what intrigued me as well. She'd been learning Japanese all by herself and had even started trying to learn Mandarin Chinese. It was incredible that she attempted to achieve so much. Not only that, she could sing. And sing beautifully. He voice lulled me to sleep and made my heart race with the emotion she put into her singing. She sang to me one day, the first time she ever sang for anyone, and I fell in love with her even more. 
Her dancing... Oh god her dancing. I had only seen it only twice. The first was a few months after we broke up. She had a habit of dancing to the song she was listening to and I had watched her move as she walked with her best friend Danielle to class. That day she never left my mind. The second time was at our schools annual talent show. She was dancing in a group that included Sara, Kristan, Danielle, Daisy, and two other girls. The hip hop was choreographed by her, where the contemporary choreography was done by Sara. It was quite a contrast on stage. The flowing movements by Sara, which were a bit awkward since she was so shy, were outshone by Michelle's precise and fluid movements. I could remember her dragging my eye every time she moved. Even when she was in the back or to the far side, I watched her. It was like she had seduced me. And I was happy with that. I'm a terrible person. 
"Michelle... Please come out of there... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." I begged into the door and slumped down so that I was kneeling. It became silent and all I could hear was the sound of Michelle's phone ringing. She answered it only after a second and her voice shook. 
"Chanyeol..." Silence. Why was he calling!? Oh that's right... He's her boyfriend now. 
"I-I'm okay... I'm not hurt. It's Kevin... I will explain when you get here." I heard my name. Was she talking about me to him? 
"Yes, you're only a block away. Please hurry..." After that she was silent, save for the occasional sniffle. After just a minute I heard the sound of the security system beep. Someone was inside. I stood abruptly and made my way to the living room I has been in just previously. My eyes met the sight of the incredibly tall guy I'd seen Chaerae with before. This must be Chanyeol. 
"Get. Out. Before. I. Hurt. You." He spoke each word menacingly and the deep sound that was his voice frightened me. How could his face have that voice!! I felt my hands curl into fists as my blood began to boil. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it instead. I'd end up hurting her wouldn't I? I in my breath and grabbed my jacket, keys, and phone. The tall guy kept his eyes fixated on every one of my moves. As I walked to the door he grabbed my collar and pushed me into the wall with such force I lost all the breath I'd had. I coughed roughly an struggled against his grip. "I don't want you coming near her ever again. Go back to America." With that he released me, causing me to fall to the ground. He stepped past me as I struggled to get oxygen into my system once again. 
As soon as I heard Chanyeol enter the house I pressed myself against the door of the bathroom. I heard his voice but I couldn't understand what he said. After a bit I heard some rustling and a loud bang. Startled, I fumbled with the door knob and opened the door slowly. What I saw surprised me. Chanyeol had Kevin pressed against the wall with a menacing look in his eyes. It was something I was not used to when it came to my ball of sunshine Chanyeol. Chanyeol mumbled a few words to him but I couldn't hear over my pounding heart. After a second he finally noticed me, his eyes softening as he looked me up and down. In a second he dropped Kevin to the floor and rushed over to me. My eyes were on Kevin as he coughed and slowly stood, leaning against the wall to stand. Then Chanyeol blocked my view. His large, warm, comforting hands gently cupped my face and he turned me around inspecting every part of my body. 
As he turned me, I glanced back at Kevin. His eyes met mine, apologizing silently and sending me another message. But what was it? Our eyes stayed locked on each other for what seemed like forever but was probably only about three seconds. 
"You aren't hurt? Chaerae... Chaerae!" Chanyeol's gentle shakes and voice snapped my attention away from the retreating Kevin. My eyes met Chanyeol's and I just stared at him for a few seconds. I couldn't speak. What was it that wouldn't let me speak? "Are you hurt anywhere? No? Yes? Please answer me..." He leaned his head forward so it rested on my shoulder where his hands were still tightly clasped. I felt my shoulder grow wet and my eyes widened. Was he crying? Was he this worried? My hand s up and my fingers found their way to his curly locks, where they twined themselves. My other hand found its way to his back and pulled him as close as possible. Without knowing, tears streamed down my face and began to collect with his on the cold floor. 
"I'm okay..." I choked out the words and that's when I started bawling into his neck. His hands slid down and cradled my waist, one reaching up to strike my head. I could feel his chest heaving, as though he'd been running for miles on end. And his heart pounding, almost causing my head to bounce each time it beat. He began to coo at me, to which I responded by nuzzling his neck. Without warning, he scooped me up into his arms with ease and carried me of to what he believed was my bedroom. I clung to his neck with the little energy I had. As soon as he set me onto the softness that was my bed, I was asleep. 




i am sorry I haven't been able to update every Sunday. This whole week is state testing for me. However, I'm off on Friday so I'll start chapter 34 then. I got behind on writing because of tests and band activities. And I'm applying for a job soon so the updates might become more scattered. To those waiting for my second fanfic with Zelo as the main role, it might take me a couple months because I'm gathering my thoughts. If I make it exactly like how my life is going it would be incomplete. My crush is leavin in June! >_<  


anyway, please enjoy the chapter! Hello to my new readers! Please don't be silent! And my current readers, that means you too! Until next time! ^^

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EXO_ChanBaek #1
Chapter 5: O yeah , also this chapter made me laugh coz i realized that troublemaker is ά dangerous mv , u know wat i mean hahahahh trouble trouble trouble trouble makerrr
EXO_ChanBaek #2
Chapter 2: Wat the hell with dat sudden "chu" she was like 1-2 hours know yeolyeol and they kissed , yea you're so straightforward ahahha @authornimmm<3 chuchuchu i love schoolromance
HappinesssDelight #3
Chapter 5: Omo~ *blushing*
HappinesssDelight #4
Chapter 2: What? A sudden kiss? Oh goodness
Hello, your story has also been published on Wattpad by a user named Frosty Aegyo. I suggest you report it because many other stories on AFF have been stolen too by her.
goldqueen7 #6
Chapter 50: Such a beautiful story! I was glad with the switch-up ;) Missed the chanyeol <3
Chapter 50: Nice story author nim~! Daebak!
_-Taeminnie-_ #8
Chapter 44: Amazing story, Author-nim :'3 The story was cute and sometimes little bit scary (Kevin :p).I really liked this and I'll read this again. Sometime, when school doesn't take all of my time :D How can you write so well!? I mean, my own english and I'm not very good story-writer too ;3 But yeah, This Story Was Awesome <3 Write more stories and I'll promise that i'll read them first! Hwaiting! 사강합니다! <3 <3 <3
Mary_EXOtic #9
Chapter 50: NO NO NO NO NO! whyyy?? don't finish's too good ....please make a sequel :) it would be sooo cool ! :D anywaysss... you did a very good job!i absolutely loved your story and it's very cool ....don't stop writing fanfics because you're really good :D you have my support!