Chapter 2: Back in Time

Grim Virtues


Onew watched as she took slow, but thankfully even breaths; his eyebrows knit together as all the memories he had kept locked up flooded his mind, breaking through the walls he had built around them. Kim Yun Mi. It had been three years now. He didn’t know if he cursed the day he met her or thanked whoever was watching for the short period of joy she had brought into his life. A little bit of both he guessed.

Back then he would have never thought it possible. At twenty five, Onew knew nothing about love. Sure he’d met beautiful women; some smart and some funny too. But someone he would fall in love with? He didn’t think the phenomenon existed. Besides, in between his patients and night shifts, he hardly had the time to indulge himself in such mindless frivolities.



3 years ago…

“If you don’t turn up, Lee Jinki I will personally see to it that the wedding happens right in your backyard. Do you hear me?” Kibum had warned Onew on the phone, and knowing what he did about his childhood friend, Onew was certain he meant every word of what he said.

The lake-side hotel that Jonghyun had spent God knew how much on booking was thriving with guests, caterers, wedding-planners and such. “My sister’s getting married to my best friend!” Jonghyun had reasoned at dinner. “What more could I ask for?” Key got to his feet and hugged his best man while Minho and Taemin egged them on to drink more. Onew smiled at his friends. He had to admit he had missed this. He was glad he came.

Eventually drunk out of their wits, they finally retired to their rooms. Onew himself wasn’t as drunk as the rest of them; he could always hold his drink, much to his friends’ chagrin. Once he had reached his room, he made to slide the electronic key card to unlock the door when it slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground. He would have blamed his currently intoxicated mind for it, but it probably had more to do with his general clumsiness. Shuffling to pick it up he accidently pushed the card forward and managed to send it sliding right under the door and into the room, rendering Onew completely incapable of entering his room. He cursed under his breath trying to see if he could somehow get the key back, but to no avail.

Letting out a resigned sigh, he made his way to the reception, deciding he’d make sure he got himself an extra key so a repeat performance of what had just happened would be avoided.

“Just a moment sir,” the attractive receptionist flashed him a smile before getting to work on making new key cards for Onew as he gave the elaborately decorated lobby a lookover.

“Eomma I really don’t want to wear a hanbok!” a childish whine drew Onew’s attention. A lanky young girl was walking in through the hotel doors following a couple who Onew assumed were her parents. The girl’s mother sighed in exasperation before sternly telling her that there was no arguing. “But it’s a Christian wedding! I will look downright ridiculous!”

Onew chuckled at the pouting girl, her hair messily tied up in a ponytail. She blew stray strands of her dishevelled hair with a moody huff. “Sir your keys…” The receptionist’s voice interrupted him and he gratefully took them from her and left for his room.

The next day had begun with the loud ringing of Onew’s cell phone. Jonghyun had called everyone for an ‘emergency meeting’ as he had suddenly decided to throw the groom a bachelor’s party and Onew had no choice but to attend it. “Which room number again?” Onew asked, nodding to himself, reaching for the pencil on the bed-side table while simultaneously hanging up. As he made to jot down the number Jonghyun had just given him, the pencil slipped from Onew’s fingers. Cursing, Onew picked it up and sleepily scribbled the number onto a notepad before forcing himself out of bed to take a shower.

“Rom 302…” Onew muttered to himself as he passed the numerous doors in the hallway. Finally finding the room he had been looking for, he rang the doorbell and waited. When there was no answer, he rang the bell two more times before he realized that the metal protrusion of the lock was stopping the door from closing entirely. Assuming that Jonghyun was being his lazy self and keeping the door open so he wouldn’t have to walk all the way to open the it himself; Onew pushed the door open and stepped in.

Closing the door behind him properly Onew looked around at the empty room wondering where everyone was. While he stood there puzzling over the absence of his friends, a vaguely familiar voice broke his train of thought. He looked toward the voice in shock as the owner stepped out of the bathroom dressed in nothing more than a thin, flimsy little towel wrapped around her slight frame.

“Was the dress in your bag mom?” The girl froze mid step when she saw that it wasn’t her mother who was standing in the room with her but a complete stranger. Onew himself was rooted to the spot, too shocked to move or react. The sight of the girl from last night in the state she was in did nothing to better his situation as he stared open-mouthed at her, water droplets adorning her delicate young shoulders and wet strands of hair sticking to the smooth white expanse of her slender neck.

The rational part in him thankfully arose just then and he turned around, facing way from the girl that he had practically been assaulting with his eyes. “I – I’m sorry…” Onew stuttered, trying to blink away the image of the girl and her long alluring legs. “I’ll just… let myself out then…” he muttered before taking careful steps back to the door, making sure he never faced the girl. Turning the knob and swinging the door open, he took a step forward, ready to run the hell out, when he was stopped by a very bewildered looking lady whose finger was just hovering over the doorbell.

Excusing himself, Onew side stepped the woman who he recognized as the girl’s mother and walked away as quickly as he could without running, mentally swearing at Jonghyun.


Not exactly angsty (Far from it)... I'm sorry :(
Please let me know what you think though! Thanks ^_^

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SHINinglove #1
Chapter 9: This is also very beautiful cant wait for the next chapter
acasia #2
Chapter 9: This has got to be one of the best written fics that I've read! Brilliant! Thank you for sharing and making me fall for Onew harder! ;-)
Chapter 9: I miss this story!!XP cant wait to read the ending >.<'
Chapter 9: wow the last chapter is really hot and this fic is so good omg, really one of my favorites <3
I've already read two of your other fics and i think i'll start with the two others because everything was so good to read *___*
moiira #5
Chapter 9: I had a mini-heart attack reading this... The entire chapter is really... y! I mean, Onew being careful and unsure then the next minute, he's gone wild. I think it's y. LOL. I don't even know how to describe it apart from being y. OTL

But, you're ending it? Didn't see that coming. T__T I want more of this fic.
Anyway, it's up to you so I guess I have to wait if it's really going to end. Hee. :DD
Chapter 9: finally you updated. I really loved this chapter. I really really loved it. aww is it going to end? thats so soon. btw loved it. i hope your exams are going well. hwaiting<3<3
Chapter 9: dude.... OH MY FLIPPIN GAWD O//////////////////O I'm dead. No like literally...that was...hooo shizzzzz >/////<'
I was starting to listen to TVXQ- Good Night and started reading this at the same time and woahhhhh idk but set it all up together lol
There was something about this scene, the feeling to it, I really don't know how to put it out in words but I guess compare to others I read before it was just so lovey and full of passion then just straight up you know s*x. without really any feeling?... >///////<' Idk if I made sense or giving it too much though T/////T' lol
But honestly I think this was well done, I got the shivers Lol. And ahahahaha I see you did, I don't know I was just throwing it out there and I really didn't think you would but yeah xDD Sad that it's coming to an end D: but seriously this was really good!! Do keep it up!! Can't wait to read more from you!! Hwaiting~!! :D
moiira #8
This fic gives me a lot of Onew feels. Onew's character here is so different from the other fics that I've read. I'm glad I stumbled upon this story. I like it so far. Keep it up! :))
Another update *___*
I'll read it tomorrow (I need to sleep now ^^) and I'll tell you what I think :D
Chapter 8: ____!!! her mother is just ____. seriously. and onew and yun mi's moments were so adorable! loved it! and thanks for update :)