
For All the Lovers and Believers


thor!au; thor!siwon & loki!kyuhyun


“If you lay a hand on her,” Siwon hears himself say, breath twisting hot in his lungs, “I’m going to kill you.”

That the threat fails to serve its purpose is only too obvious when Kyuhyun all-too-nonchalantly steps into his personal space. “I wonder.” He pauses, head tilted to one side, and all Siwon can think of is that night when he stole a kiss from those beautiful, beautiful lips. “Is that because it will be me—and not you—who touches her, or because I will be touching her—and not you?”

Siwon freezes, the words caressing him like poison. Somewhere outside, there is a world that needs a hero, and yet he is caught here, in this place and moment, watching the light shift in Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Kyuhyun smiles. “My foolish elder brother,” he murmurs, trailing a finger along the curve of Siwon’s jaw. Then he leans in and destroys all pretence of distance between them.

The press of his lips on Siwon’s own tastes like ice—and burns like fire.

When Siwon opens his eyes, the ground is unravelling beneath his feet and neither his brother nor hammer is anywhere to be seen.


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girliself #1
Chapter 10: Kyu will be Kyu, huh. :D
Wonkyu FTW~
bl4ckm4lice #2
Chapter 10: OK, SO.

my favs are: politics!au (because kyu gets his way oh yes), thor!au (BECAUSE IT'S THOR AND KYU'S LOKI), client-e (good amount of angst), and then... SCREW THIS I LIKE THEM ALL.
J880203 #3
Chapter 10: daaaammn your fanfics always sensualy hot!!!!
ugh never fails to amaze me..

and yes please expand the last chapter..
waiting for more wonkyu from you <3
Chapter 1: WonKyu being spies enemies... that was so great <3 <3 <3 how to get Wonnie busy xD with a damn kiss :D I really love it <3 <3 <3
Saravy #5
Chapter 10: OMG! When you wrote Kyu as Rufus, my immediate first thought was FFVII, and then I read the rest and was like, "OMG!! She did not! Oh yes she did!!! ASLDASDASDHFKSH!!" Not one of my finer moments, but yeah. XDDD I really loved FFVII.

So this is fabulous. Dark Siwon is my downfall...>.< You do Dark!Siwon so well, but I've told you this before. This is great and thank you for being proactive and letting us know that you'll be expanding this epicness. ^^ Good luck with your time and can do it!! XD
Cutekyufan1996 #6
Chapter 10: Omg yes expand it^^ can't wait!
kenxdavid #7
Chapter 10: "and as hotly jealous as the tell-tale warmth trickling down his thighs."

Shisus, how do you write with such eloquence????
kenxdavid #8
Chapter 6: OMG THE "the little things" WAS SO FLUFFY AND SWEET I ALMOST DIED!!!!!
Alaris #9
Chapter 10: *Melts from the heat of this update and is unable to type a coherent comment*
Chapter 10: OMG continue this please ^^