

‘It’s going to be a dark Monday morning again if I keep on thinking about her and look back to the past.’ I took a day off from work today. I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I took a warm bath. The memories of the wedding day flashed on my mind again.




February 14 - 2012

I stared at myself through the mirror. ‘Do I look good? Do I ready yet? This is perfect right? Oh my god.’ I kept on thinking how the wedding will work. “Hyung! Stop checking yourself and be ready!” one of my best friends, Daehyun shouted.

“Hey. Where is Minnie?” I asked Daehyun. He shrugged and I approached the others. “Where’s Minnie?” I asked the same question. “She’s with Jiyeon. Jiyeon helped her hair-do.” Himchan answered. “Oh really? I’m wondering how she looks in her white dress. I swear she will be the prettiest princess that ever existed!”

“Save it later hyung. You will walk to the altar in five minutes” Himchan said and I nodded. I tried to remove all of my nervousness.

“Go now hyung. Good luck!” Daehyun shouted with a low voice. I smiled and mouthed ‘thanks’ to him. I walked carefully. I was still nervous. But all the nervousness gone when I saw Minnie with her smile. I smiled back and walked confidently.

"I, Bang Yong Guk, take thee Lee Min Young to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth.”

“I Lee Min Young, take thee Bang Yong Guk to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to be bonny and buxom at bed and at board, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth.”

 “I now announce you as man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I leaned closer to her. I cupped her face and gave her a passionate kiss.

Everyone clapped their hands. I saw our parents let out tears of joy. I was so happy. Nothing is better than this.

We smiled to each other. It was so beautiful.




I sighed. People would send me to the asylum if I kept on doing this. ‘I have to move on.’ I told myself.

But then the memories about our honeymoon roamed over my mind. It was naught yet cute.

I found myself smiling.




February 17 - 2012

“Oppa? Have we arrived yet?” Minnie asked

“Aigoo… You can’t wait to make a baby, right?” she blushed and I chuckled. I pinched her cheeks and let her sleep on my shoulder.

We were going to have our honeymoon in China. She said she wanted to see the cute panda. Oh wait. People call me panda too.

“We are landing in 5 minutes, Minnie…” I tried to wake her up.

“Oh really? I can’t wait to see pandas!” she said excitedly

“You have seen one.” I joked


“In front of you, is the cutest panda”

“Oh that’s right! You are my panda!” I smiled and we were landing. We walked to the airport and took our luggage. We waited for my personal driver.

“Mr. and Ms. Bang. Please get in.” Mr. Lee bowed and we nodded. He drove us to the hotel that I reserved weeks ago.

“I have reserved the room 205” I said to the receptionist.

“Your name, mister?”

“Bang Yong Guk” I showed her my ID card and she nodded

“This is the key, mister.” She gave me the key and some staffs helped us to bring the luggage

“Anything else, sir?” one of the staffs asked. I shook my head and smiled

“Just press the ‘0’ button if you need something. Thank you.” They bowed and left

“Whoa! I love this room!” Minnie said and lied down on the bed

“Same with me. I will take a shower first.” She nodded and I walked to the bathroom. I made it quick since I can’t wait for ‘it’

“Minnie… I’m done. You turn.” She grabbed the towel and left to the bathroom while I dried my hair and watched the TV. Minutes later, she came out with her wet hair. She was so… hot. I my lips accidentally.

“Yah ert!”

“What?” I smirked

I walked to her and hugged her from behind. I led her to the bed and lied her down. She didn’t resist. I took that chance and undid her towel.

I stared at her, asking for permission. She smiled and nodded.

Moans were everywhere. It was music to my ears. And with that, I was inside her, she was inside me. We were one.




I wrapped my towel around my body and putted on comfortable clothes.

I took my car’s key in the drawer. I stopped as I saw her photo with me in the hospital.




March 25 - 2012

I squeezed her hands, trying to calm her down. “Are you feeling better?” She was sick. Something happened to her stomach. She shouldn’t eat the pancake that I made.

“Oh, please take a seat Mr. Bang.” Doctor Jang said

I waited for Mr. Jang to check Minnie.

“Congratulation Mr. Bang. She’s pregnant.” Doctor Jang smiled and I ran to hug Minnie.

“Oh my god! I can’t wait to see our child!”




It was also painful when she cheated, right before my birthday




5 days later, March 30 - 2012

I was on my way to Daehyun’s house. I was really bored since Minnie told me she was going to her parents.

“Is Daehyun home?” I asked his maid but she shook her head.

“He just out 15 minutes ago.” She answered

“Um, do you know where does he go?” I asked

“I don’t know. But I heard he phoned his friend that he’s going to Strabucks Coffee Café near here.”

“Okay thanks.”

I drove off to the café and parked my car. I tried to find him. ‘Oh it’s him!’

“Dae-“ I stopped as I saw he was with a girl. He was holding her hand. To my disappointment, it was Min.

I walked home with my wet eyes.




I ignored the thought and walked out of my small apartment. I drove my car to one of my closest friends, Himchan.

I pressed the doorbell. He immediately opened the door and smiled.

“Hey! I was about to go to your house but you came here first. Come in!”

I walked in and asked, “Why do you want to go to my house?”

“Did you forget if today is your birthday?”

I took my phone and checked the calendar. March 31, 2014. How did I forget such an important day?

“Oh. I totally forgot.”

“Gosh. I invited some friends by the way.”


“Yes. And they are coming now.”



“They are here.”

He opened the door. They entered his house one by one. It was my friends, B.A.P

It means, there’s Daehyun too?


He was there


“Hi hyung. Happy birthday by the way” He greeted me.

“Oh… Hi… Thanks.” I smiled awkwardly

“Oppa-“ that familiar voice

I turned to make sure, to find her in front of me.


“Yongguk oppa…” she whispered.

There was silent between us. All of us.

“Hey hyung! Happy birthday!” Zelo said suddenly, try to break the silence.

“Oh thank you.” I smiled and ruffled his hair

We had some games and the last one was dinner. Himchan said he made them all. I love the kimchi soup that he made.

I walked to the balcony of Himchan’s room. The wind blew my hair, and my mind

“She was here…” I mumbled.

I drank my juice.

Then I felt someone was walking here.


I was shocked. She was in front of me.

“Oh hey Min.”

“How are you?”

“I’m fine. You?”

“Fine as well…”

I felt the awkward atmosphere.

“I missed you…” I didn’t know. I was sure I misheard it.

“What did you say?”

But I didn’t. “I missed you…” she repeated and looked at me

I was speechless. She walked closer and touched my face. “Don’t”

“Yongguk-oppa…” she said softly

I held her hand and stared at her


“I missed you oppa…”

You couldn’t trick me anymore. I don’t want to fall into your trap again. I immediately removed her hand from my face and looked away.

“Oppa… Please… I missed you so much. Just for this time…” she hugged me from behind. I tried to remove her arms on my waist but I was weak. I admitted that I missed her too

She sobbed. “Oppa… Why you didn’t let me explain?”

“I don’t need you explanation, Minyoung. It’s obvious that you-“

“I’m not cheating! I’m not a cheater!” she shouted

“You told me you wanted to go to your parents’ house but you were actually meeting Daehyun!”

“Do you know why did I lie? It’s because I wanted to give you a surprise! The day after that day was your birthday right? I planned it with Daehyun!” she confessed

Should I believe her?

“Oppa… You have to believe me…”

“Why did he hold your hand?”

“I just broke the glasses, then I helped the waiter to picked the broken glass but I hurt my finger. He helped me to wipe the blood. Is that wrong? Is he wrong? Am I wrong?”

She was frustrated. Am I really that stupid?


I turned to her. My mom told me if eyes can’t lie. I stared at her deeply. I cupped her face and kept on staring

“Oppa… You have to believe me…” she whispered.

My body was moving by itself. I hugged her. I embraced her. I won’t let anyone touch her. I won’t let anyone have her. I won’t let her go.

I hugged her tightly and we sobbed between the hug.

“I’m sorry…”

“I’m sorry…”

I repeated those words. I was really sorry.

“Minnie… I’m sorry…”

“Oppa, it’s okay… as long as you believe me…” she smiled and I gave her the passionate kiss. It’s been awhile I didn’t capture her lips.

Minnie… I promise you I will give you the happy ending like the princesses in a fairy tale but the different is, it’s not just fairy tale. It’s going to be true. I’m going to give her a happily ever after love story.


Just one more chap! Stay tuned :D Hope you read this Min-unnie ouo primroses unnie xD

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I think I still wanna add more chaps. what do you think? comment please


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4everhite #1
Chapter 3: Aww so cute, Nice story and cool I want to read those rp now lol.
Chapter 3: So, they have son, Yongmin -> Yongguk & Min Young
Chukkae for both of you and you too Author-nim ^^
Engaged, keukeu~
Chapter 2: It has been two years and they were together again, or did you type it wrong?? It's written March 30 2012 when she was "cheating" and his birthday is on March 31 2014. They should have kid
Chapter 1: Yonggukie is so sweet babo~! XD >///< His words when he confessed and proposed... *melt*
She's cheating? No! Like in the movie, apparently she's not cheating at all - -
Chapter 3: I love it so much... Yongguk and Min couple is so cute... I like them so much... Can you make more story about this couple?? I just can't help to fall in love with this cute couple... xoxoxo
i love this T.T
Yeah, please more chapters
Coniii #7
Chapter 3: cute <3
Chapter 2: harharharharhar
i'm just gonna passing by here c':
Chapter 1: So min cheated ?;___;
Aww man.
AnStHa #10
Chapter 1: Except for the minor grammatical errors, this is so good... You have gained a new subscriber. I hope you update soon! :)