In the Night



In the Night

When it comes to you, everything becomes so shoddy, and unnatural. I have tried to talk to you; I’ve tried to come to you. What should I do to make you believe in me? If you don’t understand my silence, how will you understand my words? Can you say that you love the way I was born?




author's note: this is a drabble for my friend's birthday, Feiruru. Hope you enjoy it c:



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Feiruru #1
Chapter 1: /haven't ended yet/

Do you know why I don’t want to let you go? Because I don’t think you love me enough to come back.

I love you!
Feiruru #2
Chapter 1: At first I was like..."WTF MIR YOU CHEAT ON ME afghdjjag" but in the end I was like...'-'
"lemme die!"

OMG this is so great ;A; you can make me hate and then love him again in less than 10 minutes.-. Why are you doing this to me? /sobs/

Feiruru #3
OMG I see my name ;A; Thank you.

Okay I'm starting to read.