You Are The Only One

You Are The Only One (SEQUEL)

"baekhyun oppa....oppa? Are you alright?" You took a step closer and eventually found your way to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun quickly wiped away his tears and cleared his throat. "ani, i wasnt crying, i was just practising how to cry, i'm auditioning to become an actor" 
He tried to laugh but on the inside it hurts him. It hurts him deep inside at what had happened to you. 
"oh, is that so.." You smiled."cool! Could i see some of your acting now?" 
* cant even see it..can you?* Baekhyun's face softened. 
Then he stood up and looked at your face.  He slowly placed his hands on your shoulder. He caressed your cheeks and your hair using his thumb.
You were surprised towards his unexpected actions. You became frozen on the spot. On the other hand, Baekhyun was trying not to cry again. "O-oppa, w-wae?" Your voice stammering.
*i'm sorry, really really sorry...* Baekhyun then hugs you.
You just stood there, not knowing what to do. "Oppa....." you called out to him.
"dont move, let's just stay like this alright?" he told you and hugged you tightly against him. 
You kept quiet and let him hugged you, after a while he finally lets go of you. Baekhyun took a deep breath before looking at you, "come on, let's go in.." 
He placed a hand on your back and led you in, a tear wanted to escape his eyes but he quickly wiped it away before it could fall.
"i got to go..." Baekhyun said the moment he brought you in the house. 
"oh...alright then, let me walk you out" you smiled. 
He wanted to just ask you to stay and he'll leave by himself but you grabbed hold of his wrist. You were still holding onto it until the door. 
You brushed your fingers against the door to find the doorknob and finally you found it. "goodbye oppa..." 
"y-yeah goodbye, i'll call you soon" He told you and you nodded. "take care" 
You gave him a little smile and soon you heard his footsteps getting further and further away until you couldnt hear it
The moment you closed the door, you took out your shades and slid your back down the door, tears started streaming down your eyes. 
You cried and cried until your mom came to your side, "it's alright dear.." She placed her arms around you.
" he wouldnt even want to be with me..." you said in between your sobs. "omma, he knows..and its all your fault!" 
You stood up and struggled to find your way towards the staircase whch eventually caused you to fall. *now, oppa will just think i'm useless......* 
"~~~~~~!" your mom called out the moment she saw you fall. 
"omma, dont come near'll only make me feel worse..." You told her, helping yourself up. "i can do this on my own" 
You let your hands wonder around the walls beside you, trying to navigate your way to the staircase. Which took you a while before finally getting hold of the railing and you carefully made your way to your room.
You had memorized how your room looked like, so you remembered where everything is which makes it easier for you to move around. 
You went and sat on top of your bed. *i hate my life now, i hate being in the dark everytime when i know others could see the light that i cant..and now he knows....which adds on to the reason why he wont even want me, i mean who will want someone blind like me?* 
*i'm useless now...i'm just going to be a burden to everyone else....* 
3 years later, 
Baekhyun was sitting infront of his work desk. He was now the CEO of his dad's company. He was asked by his dad to run the company now that he was old enough. 
Baekhyun was busy signing all the forms that was asked by his secretary when something caught his eye. It was a picture of the three of you. You, him and Sohyun all smiling into the camera. He stopped signing.
*how did we become like this?* He asked himself and picked up the photo frame. 
"i'm sorry...i cant do this..." Sohyun looked at him straight in the eye.
"what do you mean Sohyun-ah..." baekhyun tried to reach out for her hand across the table but she dragged her hand closer to her.
"let's break up," Sohyun said loud enough for him to hear. 
Baekhyun's eyes widened in shock at the words that had came out from Sohyun's mouth. "w-what..Sohyun-ah...." Baekhyun searched her face to checked if she's just joking. "you're joking right?"
Tears filled up her eyes as she looked up to Baekhyun, "ani, oppa...things are just not working out for us.." 
"but Sohyun-ah...i love you" Baekhyun tried to grasped her hand yet again. 
Tears was streaming down her pink cheeks now, "Oppa, are you sure? I dont think it is....i can see it in your eyes oppa..there's love but that love isnt for me anymore.." 
"we've been together for a year now but ever since that day when we last met with ~~~~~, you've changed or maybe you didnt really change at all, its just that i've never notice it.." 
"what do you mean Sohyun-ah??" Baekhyun was getting curious yet he felt his heart breaking on the inside.
"you're in love with someone else, oppa..." Sohyun finally said after much hesitation.
Baekhyun pulled his hand back slowly from Sohyun and looked at Sohyun with much confusion, "you're in love with ~~~~~~, not always was from the very beginning but you just didnt even realise it at all..i did" 
Baekhyun was too shocked to even say anything. He looked elsewhere except Sohyun. "remember when ~~~~~ was admitted to the hospital? You got all worried that you couldnt even sleep? Or when she fainted in school, you were the first one to rush to her class even though you were having your test?"
"Oppa, you knew deep down inside you're in love with her but you were in denial of yourself because you thought that she'll just be like a little sister to you thats why you keep telling yourself that you're in love with me when in actual fact, its her not me..,"More tears was falling down her cheeks but she continued on.
"oppa, that's why i'm letting you go, dont waste your time on me when you love hurts here," she placed her hand on her chest where her heart is and let out a sad laugh,"but i want you to be truly happy with her, so go to her oppa before its too late..goodbye," she was about to leave when Baekhyun grab her wrist.
He took a deep breath before asking, "what about you?" he didnt looked at her at all. 
Sohyun wiped away her tears and let out a small smile, "i'm going to paris with my parents..i'm going to study there, so dont find me..goodbye oppa" and then she left. 
End of flashback.
"now what am i suppose to do?" He asked himself. "3 long years has past..."
A sudden flashback came,
A week before he confessed to Sohyun, 3 years ago.
You were sitting next to him at your usual place, behind the cafeteria, near the big old tree. 
"Oppa, who will you pick?" you asked him while plucking the small leaves on the ground.
"huh? What do you mean?" He looked towards you.
You stopped plucking and lifted your head to face him, "me or Sohyun?" 
Baekhyun was caught off guard. It was such a sudden question coming from you. He didnt know what to answer but he eventually did. "Sohyun of course! ~~~~~~, you're like my little sister.." he laughed but something in his heart didnt feel right when he said that. 
Your shoulders deflated and you let your back lean against the tree, "oh....of course...silly me.." you smiled sadly. 
"wae?" Baekhyun scooted nearer to you. 
You just shook your head, "its nothing..i was just wondering who will you save if both of us was drowning in the sea, who will save first" 
*you* he thought to himself. He didnt know why he suddenly thought of that but he didnt say anything instead he just closed his eyes and sat the same position as you.
End of flashback. 
"what did i thought of her when i was so sure i was in love with Sohyun.." Baekhyun mumbled to himself. "why didnt i realized it before?" 
*~~~~~~, its been 3 years, how are you coping with your life now? I miss you..i really do* He closed his eyes and leaned back against his chair. 
Then his phone started to ring, "hello?" he answered it. "alright, i'll be there in an hour" 
Baekhyun ended the call, grabbed his coat and left the office. 
"omma! I'm off, i'll call you once i finished my lectures~" you grabbed your bag and was on your way to college. 
You breathe in the fresh air and looked up to the bright blue sky with a smile on your face. "Thank you whoever you are~ my world is now filled back with colours because of you" you muttered to yourself. 
You got off from the bus and checked what time it was, you had more than enough time to spare so you decided to get some caramel frappe at the cafe near your college. 
"good afternoon and welcome," the waiter greeted you. 
"nae, good afternoon to you too, i will like one caramel frappe please" you told him and he nod his head. 
You were standing next to the counter while tapping your fingers against it when you heard a very familar voice behind you, " one ice mocha please" 
You found the voice very familiar to you but you decided to shake it off. It was just your mind playing tricks on you.
"here you go, one caramel frappe" You quickly grabbed your drink and was about to leave when your eyes accidentally made in contact with that someone and that someone is none other than Byun Baekhyun. 
Your eyes widened and you let out a loud gasped, your cup of drink slipped from your fingers and made in contact with the ground. *it cant be.....* 
Both of you just stared at each other without saying anything for quite a while until you broke the contact, "i'm so sorry, really sorry" you bent down and picked up your cup of drink" 
"ani, ani gwenchana.." one of the waiters came over to clean the area up. You said thanks to him and immediately walk straight towards the door. 
"w-wait!" you heard Baekhyun calling out to you. 
You quickly got out and walked as fast as you could. "oppa...why did you have to appear?" you whispered to yourself.
"~~~~~~! ~~~~~!" you heard him calling you from behind and that's when you decided to run. Run away from him. 
*aniya, i dont wish to see him..Its been years, why now?* 
You ran as fast as you could, you tried to make yourself blend in with the crowd in the crowded area so that he wouldnt see you but how wrong were you because the next thing you knew you were being held by the wrist by someone. 
"yah, yah! Let me go!!" you tried to free yourself from his grip.
His grip was too strong for you and it started to hurt. You winced at the pain which Baekhyun finally realizes and lets go immediately. 
You quickly held your wrist and glared at him. "YAH!" You screamed at his face. 
Baekhyun took a step back and looked at you. *pretend you dont know him, yes pretend* "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" you shouted again. 
Baekhyun looked at you, confused. "~~~~~~...your can see....your eyesight..." 
"OF COURSE I CAN SEE! Now, i'm late for school, i need to go whoever you are, goodbye" You glared at him one more time before turning around to leave when he suddenly stood in front of you. 
"you dont know me?" Baekhyun said out loud.
*of course i know you....* you shook your head, "i'm sorry, i really got to go maybe you got the wrong person" You walked past him but he catched up with you. 
"I'm really running late!" You stared at him with your eyebrows knitted close together. 
"wait a moment, i dont think i got the wrong person, you're ~~~~~! i'm sure of it.." Baekhyun said. 
"i'm not, i really think you got the wrong person. I'm sorry to disappoint you but i got to go" You told him and walked away.
"WHY DID YOU RUNAWAY WHEN YOU SAW ME AT THE CAFE EARLIER IF YOU'RE NOT ~~~~~~?!" he shouted and you could feel eyes staring at you. 
You froze, unable to move. You didnt know what to say. You could hear his footsteps walking nearer to you. You wanted to runaway like you did earlier but your legs didnt let you. 
"you're ~~~~~, dont try to deny it.." Baekhyun came and stood right in front of you. 
You looked down to the ground not wanting to make eye contact. "i-i need to g-go.." You said but before you could escape, Baekhyun grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him. 
"yah! Yah! Let me go! Let me go!" you hit his hand but he wouldnt even release you. 
You could see people around you giving those weird looks but Baekhyun didnt seem to care. He didnt seem to even want to let go of you and continued on walking.
He brought you to his car and pushed you in gently before driving off. "YAH! Dont you get it? I dont know you and this is kidnapping!" you screamed in the car. 
Baekhyun just kept on smiling and drove off but you on the other hand was getting a little irritated. "i'm going to call the police!" you rummaged through your bag for your phone but Baekhyun was fast enough and grabbed your phone. 
"i'm keeping this for today~" He placed it inside his pocket. "you're really going to be indenial arent you?"
You gave up and leaned back on your seat. 
Finally the car came to a stop, Baekhyun got off the car and pulled you out from the seat. For the very first time, you wanted to wipe off the smirk on his face. 
"YAH BYUN BAEKHYUN!" there you finally said it out loud. 
Baekhyun stopped walking and turned around to face you before letting go of your wrist. He leaned in closer to you,"finally but that's abit informal dont you think?" and then he smirked. "what about Baekhyun oppa?" 
You backed away and realized that he had brought you to the very place where you usually hang out with him, which was years ago. 
You looked around, nothing had changed. The tree was still there. You didnt come back to this place ever since you lost your eyesight and when you regained them, you never wanted to come back here again. 
"w-why...did you bring me here?" you stuttered and your heart, it started to ache when you remembered that particular memory. 
This place was also the very place whereby Baekhyun confessed to Sohyun. That painful memory. The memory you thought had disappeared but it never really did. It was still there. it was as though it was being imprinted in your brain. 
"we used to come here alot didnt we...?" He stood next to you. 
You didnt answer him. You could feel hot tears forming up at the cormer of your eyes. "aigoo~ its still the same though, nothing changed~ you always sit by that tree and then me and-" 
"h-how can you still act so normal?" you finally spoke. 
You turned your body around and walked closer towards him, "its been 3 years since i last saw can you act so normal? Nothing changed you say? Everything changed!" 
"you disappeared after the very day you came to my house, you knew i lost my eyesight didnt you?was that why you suddenly disappeared? You were the first person i wanted to see when i finally regained my eyesight but you werent there.."
"~~~~~...." he called out to you softly, his eyes suddenly filled with guilt.
"did you ever know how i feel? Life was a total darkness for me for months and months, do you know how lonely it feels? Everyday, i asked myself, why didnt i just die during the operation? It would have been much better and the pain i've been feeling would be gone, that very pain, it was worse enough to have a one sided love but being blind all of a sudden? That was just too much for a 16 year old to take isnt it?"
"it hurts even more to know that everyone else could see the things i wanted to see and you know what i really wanted to see? It was you..your face..i wanted to see it so badly, but i know i couldnt..i realized i was being selfish, i shouldnt be feeling that way, it was are Sohyun's boyfriend..."
"but i couldnt help it, each day,i was getting desperate to see just see your face..But my mind kept on telling me, you were Sohyun's not mine, i shouldnt be doing this...i shouldnt be feeling like this" 
You looked down to the ground and the tears came streaming down your cheeks, "but you know what? How can i stop this feeling when i've been in love with you for so long? 8 years....crazy arent i? Pabo" you let out a sad laugh. 
"i wanted to forget you, i didnt want to go through any of this anymore. I couldnt stand looking at how sweet the both of you look together, did you know my heart broke so many times because of you?"
"Did you know how many tears i wasted because of you? I felt like someone stabbed me with a knife when i asked you if you would date me but you said i was just like a sister to you..It hurts, seriously it hurts..too much" 
"why did i runaway from you earlier? I didnt want to see you anymore..i gave up, i knew i couldnt get you, i knew you wouldnt even want're'll never be mine no matter how much i wished and prayed" your tears came streing down non-stop.
"Everything changed, every single thing did and you dare said nothing changed? You basta-" you were about to knock him on the chest when he pulled you close to him and wrapped his arms around you.
You cried onto his chest. "i'm sorry, i'm really sorry....forgive me..i wish i could have a time machine and rewind back time, i made a mistake..i'm sorry" Baekhyun carassed your hair.
"i was too focus on other things that i didnt realized that you had been in front of me all along..I was in love in you from the start but i didnt even realized it until Sohyun told me herself..i was being indenial, i told myself countless of times, the one i love was Sohyun when in actual fact, the one who i was truly in love with was you.."
You stopped crying, your eyes full of shocked from his confession. You didnt expected that. *was he lying....but he never lies to me..Baekhyun oppa never lies to me that's what made me love him.* 
You pulled yourself away. You lifted your head up and your eyes met his, he was crying. There were tears in his eyes. "i'm really sorry," he said and lean his head to the crook of your neck. 
"i've hurt you over and over again without me knowing, i'm a bad person arent i? Hurting someone that i love from the beginning..breaking her heart, making her cry everynight..i'm honestly the worst person you ever met..yet, why are you still in love with this person ~~~~~~?" 
You placed your hands beside his face and pulled him up gently, he didnt want to make any eye contact with you. You could see his tears falling down his cheeks. You lifted his chin with your finger and made him face you. 
*i'm not doing anything wrong am i?* You cupped the side of his face and leaned in, your lips made contact with his. It felt so warm and sweet. You didnt know why you did that but it just feels so right yet so wrong at the same time. 
*Sohyun...i shouldnt be doing this..* You told yourself.  You pulled yourself away, embarassed at what you had just done and you wanted to walk away when Baekhyun pulled you back before crashing his lips to yours. 
Your eyes widened, *we shouldnt be doing this..but why isnt my body reacting..its not even trying to push you away* Your eyelids slowly closed and you kissed him back. 
Baekhyun cupped your face using both his hands and your hands found its way to wrapped it around his neck pulling him closer to you. *i wish time would stop right now* Baekhyun thought to himself. The kiss was gentle yet electrifying. 
Baekhyun was the first one to pull away from the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours. You slowly opened your eyes and found him just inches from you. You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. 
Baekhyun searched your eyes while his fingers carassed your cheeks. Ever so slowly he leaned in and kissed both your eyelids before leaning his forehead on yours again. "how does it feel to be able to see me again?" 
"O-oppa.." Then the realization hits you. Was he still with Sohyun? "we shouldnt be doing this..." 
He pulled away, a confused look plastered on his face. "what do you mean?" 
"it's all so so wrong.." You backed away. "you're with Sohyun...what if she found it..i'm not that type of friend who will do this to her best friend..its all wrong and everything is just-" 
"we broke up" he said in a low tone. 
Your body jerked a little, *was i the cause of it?* "Its because of me wasnt it? you too oppa.." 
"but i'm in love with you.." He told you as he took a step close to you. 
"but Sohyun.." you said to him. "she really loves you" 
Baekhyun grabbed hold of your shoulders. "~~~~~," 
"i can't do this to my best friend.." your eyes was filled with tears once again and you almost dropped to the ground but Baekhyun pulled you up.
"she broke up with me...she was the one who asked me to go to you..." Baekhyun said to you."~~~~~, she's having a happy life now, in Paris.. She send me a postcard a week ago, she's really happy there" 
*baekhyun oppa never lies..* 
"i see.....but she was hurt too wasnt she?" You whispered. 
"~~~~~, this is the thing about you, you care too much about others that you dont even seem to care about yourself! You're hurt too arent i right? But you kept it to yourself too much and now that i'm here right in front of you, all you care about is others.." Baekhyun's tone of voice changed. 
You looked at him in the eye, Baekhyun could see that you were scared by the tone of his voice, he softened, "i'm sorry..i shouldnt have said that" 
"its alright, you're right..and she's having a happy life isnt she? That's good to hear..i miss her.." You told him. 
"i miss her too" He replied. "but i miss you more.."
"dont run away from me again, i didnt plan on disappearing ~~~~~,  when i turned 19, dad asked me to take over the company, i had to leave...i had no choice, i was too caught up with work, i didnt have time for anything" 
"i suffered too ~~~~~,it hurts here too" he placed his hand on his chest. "i tried to call you a year ago, but i guess your phone number changed..i tried to look for you, i guess you moved out..i couldnt find you, i had no one else ~~~~~" 
"now that i finally see you, it doesnt hurt anymore instead i've never felt so contented in my life, i feel so much warmth.." 
Baekhyun was smiling yet his eyes seems so sad. You closed the gap between the two of you and wiped away a tear that had fallen from his eye, "i'm not running away, i'm here...i'm always here" 
His smile seems happier now, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled as close as possible," thank you, for not giving up on me and giving me a chance.." 
You too started smiling and hugged him back, "i love you" he whispered in your ear. It sends tingles down your spine.
When you didnt respond, he lets you go and looked at you in the eye,"i love you too Baekhyun oppa" you said before leaning in and kissed him on the lips, 
You could feel him smiling against the kiss, you couldnt help but smile back and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
*you're finally mine...........and i'm yours* 
*i'm not going to hurt you ever again..i'm never going to be the one you cry about every night, i'm going to make you smile because seeing you smile is the most beautiful picture i ever seen, be with me, we could start anew cant we? and i promise i wouldnt never let you go because you are the only one, my only love, my first love* 
hi there little ones ^-^
i'm so so sorry i took such a long while to freaking updated this :'(
but i'm really grateful towards all of you for waiting and still subcribing to it^^
hehehe, well i hope i didnt disappoint you for the ending ><
but thank you all so much for reading it~
i think i miss out on some :(((( do tell me, i' m so sorry if i did but
do know i still love you my dear subscriber ^_^ <3
i didnt even expect it to have so many subscribers really 
and do follow my twitter acc, its @baekchanhun_  hehe, i made a new acc, 
as the other acc i used to have, is just too depressing huhuhuhuh anyway,
should i make a new one-shot ? hmmmm.....any suggestions?  and 
i really do want to reply to your comments soon, well one day i will ^^
i would love to make another one-shot or two-shot, do tell me hehehe :p 
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Chapter 5: I love it so much
I love the ending so much.
amisya #2
Chapter 4: Daebakkkkkk T_T
Chapter 4: First fanfic that make me tearing up. :""" author-nim daebak!
Chapter 4: T.T it also ends in a happy ending :)
Chapter 4: OH MY GOSH. Re-reading this again ;~; sobbing . This fic gave me so many emotions.
dudukuma #6
Chapter 4: wow.... i finish this in just 30 minutes...
Faidy15 #7
Chapter 4: Great story thanks! =)
haynakujosh #8
Chapter 4: T_T...tear jerking love story..a work of art's so good..i'm not the type to like this genre but this piece? its so earn my praise author-nim..continue it..God Bless
Chapter 4: omo , so beautiful T^T
Chapter 5: hey guys a new one-shot/two shot! ^-^ do support my newfic <3