Found Out.

You Are The Only One (SEQUEL)


1 week ago.


"Hyerim noona, its been three weeks, she cant probably just have a high fever that last that long right?" Baekhyun sat on the chair infront of your doctor's desk.


Hyerim stopped scribbling the things she wrote on the paper and sat up straight. " Some fevers does last that long Baekhyun.." 
"but something isnt right...remember the last time she has been warded? A few months ago? You told me something was wrong with her..but you never really told me what" Baekhyun gave a serious look.
"W-what do you mean?" Hyerim was caught off guard.
"Hyerim noona...there's something you're not telling me..." Baekhyun leaned nearer onto the desk.
"w-what do you mean?" Hyerim leaned back.
"Noona, isnt it weird? Why arent me and Sohyun allow to see her? Even though you told us that she's having a high me that's a bit weird.." Baekhyun squints his eyes at Hyerim.
"Baekhyun, i'm kind of busy right now.. I got to go" Hyerim quickly get up from her seat, ready to head for the door.
"NOONA! You're keeping secrets for me...please...i know something isnt right..the last time she's been warded, she stayed for weeks in the hospital and you told me something is wrong with her but noona you're not telling me anything!" Baekhyun stood infront of Hyerim, blocking her way.
"Baekhyun, i'm sorry i got to go.." Hyerim quickly let herself out the door leaving a frustrated Baekhyun in the room.
Present time
" oppa, wae? You've been standing here for almost an hour.." Sohyun came and hook her arm into Baekhyun who was standing against the railings.
"Sohyun...dont you think something isnt right?" Baekhyun asked her without even taking a glance at her.
"what do you mean?" Sohyun looked up to Baekhyun.
"its about ~~~~~..." Baekhyun turned around and leaned his back against the railing. "something isnt right.."
"she looks fine to me though.." Sohyun answered.
"i went to the hospital a week ago..and..never mind its okay, its getting late, dont you think your parents will be worried about you getting home?" Baekhyun finally had his eyes on Sohyun.
"oh..oh yeah, i should head home.." Sohyun went inside the room and get her belongings.
"i'll send you home, its not safe for a girl to go home by herself at night" Baekhyun smiled. "come on"
"omma, i'm sending Sohyun home alright" Baekhyun called out to his mom before him and Sohyun left the house.
"Sohyun-ah, i really think something isnt right........" Baekhyun helf Sohyun by the wrist to stop her from continuing on walking.
"what do you mean?" Sohyun gave a confused look.
"i mean..dont you think something isnt quite right about ~~~~~?" Baekhyun told her.
Sohyun thought for a moment and then shook her head. "she looks perfectly fine to me.." Sohyun smiled.
*but i dont think she's fine....*
"you're graduating in afew days right?" Baekhyun asked her.
"yup!" She beamed. "i cant wait to get out from the school!" 
"what about ~~~~~? she still has one more year..." Baekhyun told her.
"oh yeah, sometimes i forgot i'm older than her because i'm too used to her not calling me onnie" Sohyun laughed. 
"but Sohyun-ah, dont you think it was weird that she's wearing glasses at home?" Baekhyun asked her.
"you know ~~~~~, she always likes to do these things" Sohyun laughed. "she's fine oppa, dont worry..come on, the bus should be arriving by now" Sohyun pulled him along with her.
*she's right, maybe nothing is wrong with ~~~~~ but...deep inside i cant help but replay the scene with Hyerim noona..~~~~~ isnt alright..* 
Baekhyun gave out a long sigh and thought of you. *are you really alright?* 
*coughs**coughs* "OMMA! It hurts!" You screamed from your room, hands covering your head. 
You tried to reach for your lamp to the lights but you remembered you couldnt see the moment you opened your eyes. 
You started to cry and the pain you were feeling werent helping either. *i hate my life now, its ...why didnt i just die?* 
Your mom came running in the room and held you in her arms. Swaying you from side to side. "its alright, its alright, it'll go off soon..." 
Soon the pain became bearable and it went away but tears wouldnt stop streaming down your cheeks. "omma...." you called your mom.
"wae?" your mom had her chin ontop of your head, cradling you in her arms.
"why didnt i just died instead?" You said softly.
"~~~~~~~,  you should be thankful that god gave you the chance to live" your mom replied.
you removed yourself away from your mom and sat in front of her. "I cant see...omma, do you how much that kills me?" Your mom face softened.
"I want to see the beautiful colours of the world, faces of different people but i cant..i cant anymore." You cried
"sometimes god gives us second chances to live in different ways, just know you are come on, its late you should have some sleep, we'll talk about this next time" She got up from your bed.
You positioned yourself in your bed and your mom tucked you in. "goodnight my dear, everything's all right" she kissed your forehead before allowing herself out your room.
*i know about what happened during the operation that caused me to be like this...but why me? Why did i have to go through such fate?*
You suddenly thought of Baekhyun. *i could no longer see his handsome face or that beautiful smile...what's the point of living now?*
*just when i thought, i could forget him....being like this hurts more. The need of wanting to see his face so badly kills me..* 
Baekhyun who was in his room was tossing and turning on his bed, unable to sleep because his mind was clouded by the thoughts of you.
2years ago.
"OPPAAAAAAA!!!" you waved at him when he was on stage receiving his certificate for graduating high school.
He smiled at you and you did a heart sign. 
Baekhyun had his eyes on Sohyun even though it was you who was the feeling all excited. 
"why isnt she looking at me?" Baekhyun asked himself.
"OPPA!!! CONGRATZ!" You ran up to him the moment the ceremony was over, hugging him tightly.
You were smiling so brightly while hugging him but all he said was, " Where's Sohyun?" 
"she's there oppa!" you pointed behind you and Baekhyun lets go of you and waved towards Sohyun.
She walked towards the both of you and shook hands with Baekhyun but Baekhyun pulled her into a hug. "why so formal with hands shaking? Why not go for a hug?" he laughed.
Sohyun was blushing but your smile slowly faded and Baekhyun noticed it but just decided to ignore it.
"I'm going to get some food at the back there~" You told them.
*ends flashback*
Baekhyun immediately sat upright from his bed the moment the flashback ends. *~~~~~,why was she..why did she reacted that way?* 
He tried to think of different ways and different reasons as to why were your face so disappointed during that moment.
Out of a blue, another flashback came into his mind. 
oppa, if you werent friends with me, will you date me?" you asked Baekhyun while the both of you were having a drink inside a cafe after school. 
Baekhyun suddenly choked on his drink and laughed out loud. "you got to be joking ~~~~~~, i cant picture you even being my girlfriend! "and he laughed louder. 
"w-wae?" your eyes widened and a sad look appeared on your face.
"~~~~~, to me you'll always be my little dongsaeng" he give you a big smile. 
"yeah little dongsaeng! My cute dongsaeng!" He pinched your cheek. "come on where is Sohyun?" 
*ends of flashback*
*The look on her face. That sad look when i laughed at her...that disappointment.. She wasnt actually laughing with me, she was actually disappointed with my answer..*
* cant be...~~~~~ is someone who i treat like a little sister, ani, its cant be...* Baekhyun's eyes widened in shocked.
Then he came to a conclusion that shocked him even more. "~~~~~ likes me" Baekhyun said out loud.
A few days later,
*knock knock* 
Your mom went over to the door to see who it was. "oh hi, what are you two doing here?" your mom said with a smile on her face.
"hi omonim, we want to visit ~~~~~" Sohyun told your mom.
"oh, she's upstairs~ come inside, i'll call her down" 
"thank you!" Sohyun and Baekhyun let themselves in. 
Your mom knocked onto your door. "~~~~~, Sohyun and Baekhyun is here" She said softly.
You were standing near the window with the sun shining on you, you could feel the sunlight on you but you couldnt really see how bright it is. 
"i'm coming.." You carefully made your way to the door and opened it. 
"come on dear," your mom held you by the shoulders. 
"omma, could you help me get my shades?" You tapped her hand. 
"sure dear, wait here" And soon later your mom came to you with your shades. "here"
"thank you," you took a deep breath and slowly walked down the staircase with your mom helping you.
"~~~~~~!" Sohyun walked up to you. 
"Annyeong~" You said to her and removed yourself away from your mom's grip.
"i can do this by myself" You whispered to your mom.
"alright dear, i'll be in the kitchen" she told you.
"you're still having sore eyes? Awwwww my little ~~~~~~" Sohyun came and gave you a hug which caught you by surprised.
You laughed a little, "its alright, i'm getting better soon, where's Baekhyun oppa?" 
"i'm here.." the moment you heard his voice, the pain you felt seems to resurfaced. 
"oh, hi oppa.." you said to him, "Sohyun-ah, you're graduating in a few days right?" 
"Yup! Aigooo, finally i'm getting out of that school" She said out loud.
"i still have a year.." you pouted.
"come to my-" Sohyun was about to continue what she was saying but was cut short by a phone call. "neh omma, right now? I'm still at ~~~~~'s house..alright then" 
"i'm really sorry, i got to go something important came up" Sohyun apologized to you. "i'll come again soon alright?" 
"its fine, go on~" you smiled at her.
"i should get going to," Baekhyun said. 
"ani, you should stay here, you havent talk to ~~~~~ for a while right? I'll call you later, Alright then, Goodbye everyone~i'll come by next time~" with that Sohyun left the house. 
"well...why are you standing there little dongsaeng? Come and sit here" He called out to you.
*little dongsaeng?* you tiled your head to your side. He had never called you that before.
You slowly made your way to the sofa, you made it without any help because you had practiced and remembered where it was in the last few days. 
"oppa, you really could have just gone with Sohyun, i'm fine here" you told him.
"its alright, i'm sure this little dongsaeng wants to see her favourite oppa!" Baekhyun ruffled your hair.
*Oppa, why are you acting like this?* 
"here, have some drinks" Your mom came over and placed some drinks on the table.
You slowly guide your hand to the table to grab hold of the glass of water. 
You had forgotten that Baekhyun didnt know you were unable to see and your hands was still searching for that glass of water.
Baekhyun was watching you and his eyes widened in surprised to see you having a hard time trying to grab the glass. 
*why cant she just take the glass of water? Isnt it in front of her?* 
Suddenly you felt someone had place a glass of water on your hand."here" 
"t-thank you" You said to him.
you took a sip and instead of placing the glass back on the table, you decided to hold it in order to prevent Baekhyun from realizing something.
*something is wrong here...and i'm sure of it*
Baekhyun was about to wave his hand in front of you when you suddenly spoke, " You could have just left with Sohyun you know.." 
He clasped his hands together underneath the table and looked at you, "its alright. I'm fine here"  
"oh.." was all that you said.
You took a sip of your water and the silence fills the room again.
*its awkward i dont know why, why am i so awkward with him now..* 
Baekhyun once again tried to wave a hand infront of you, slowly he raised his hand and wave it infront of you.
To his surprised, you didnt even flinched or anything. It was as if you didnt even see anything.
Baekhyun's eyes widened in shocked and he almost wanted to shout but closed his mouth just in time before he did. 
He tries again and wave another hand infront of you and again you didnt even seem to see it. "~~~~~," he called out to you, his voice shaky.
You slowly turned to face him, "hmm?" 
Baekhyun didnt know if he wanted to cry or just stare at you and scream of shock. "i..i'll be r-right back.." he told you.
"oh..okay," you were confused but you decided to just let it be. 
Meanwhile, Baekhyun was too shock to believe it, he didnt want to believe it, maybe his eyes was playing a trick on him.
But he got to make sure of it. He got to confirm it. 
"omonim? Can i talk to you for a minute?" Baekhyun stood in front of the kitchen and called your mom out.
"alright, sure dear.." your mom smiled.
"not here, maybe outside?" Baekhyun asked and your mom was confused at first but decided to just follow along.
"~~~~~, omma and Baekhyun will be outside for awhile, dont move around too much while we are not around.." Your mom told you.
Baekhyun flinched at those words "dont move around too much.." *it cant be, no i refuse to believe it*
"nae..." you told your mom while playing with the glass in your hands.
Once Baekhyun and your mom were outside, Baekhyun was nervous but he got to know and confirm it. 
"omonim, i have something to ask you..." his voice shaky.
"what is it?" your mom asked.
Baekhyun took a deep breath, "its about ~~~~~, those glasses are not because she has sore eyes isnt it?" 
Your mom just stood there, not knowing what to say.
"tell me it is...and tell me that she was just pretending she couldnt see the glass that was in front of her.." Baekhyun looked almost as if he was going to cry soon. "that she was just pretending she couldnt see me waving my hand infront of her.."
"omonim, why arent you answering my questions?" Baekhyun eyes was getting filled with hot tears. "please, tell me that she just did all those because she was just joking..."
"omonim?" A tear fell down his cheeks when he realized that your mom was already sitting down on one of the chairs outside, crying. 
*no, dont tell me, my assumptions were right, jebal....* 
"she's....~~~~~ is...." Your mom started to speak out.
 *dont say it...* 
"she had lost her eye sight, my precious little daughter..." Your mom cried harder. 
Baekhyun immediately fell to the ground, shocked by the words that came out of your mom's mouth.
*no it really cant, cant be....* Tears came streaming down his cheeks.
He crawled to your mom's side and held her arm, "you're just joking right? Please, tell me that it isnt true.." 
Your mom just shook her head and cried. "ani, its the truth.. Something went wrong during the operation even though it was successful..." 
*wait..wait operation? What operation??* "W-what do you mean operation?" Baekhyun asked.
"~~~~~~ didnt tell you?" your mom wiped away her tears away and told baekhyun everything and by everything, it really means every single thing even how you feel about him. 
"she loves you Baekhyun, she really does...but every single day she comes back crying because she knows she doesnt have a chance with you.." 
"i know my daughter, she always prefer to keep things to herself and suffer from it, in order to let the other person feels happy.." 
"that's why she went through the operation, she wanted to forget you..she knew no matter how much she prayed that you will fall in love with her, it wouldnt happened because you have Sohyun.." 
"and i hope you realized it sooner Baekhyun, she has been in love with you since the first time she met you.." And then your mom left Baekhyun sitting down on the ground by himself.
*i'm sorry.........really sorry ~~~~~-ah...* he kept repeating those words with tears streaming down his cheeks. 
"oppa....why are you crying?" Baekhyun eyes suddenly shot opened.  
Hi there dear readers^-^
omg, really 70++ subscribers? I am so thankful and grateful for all of you!
*bows* for waiting for my update! now that my major exams are over! finally <3
(seriously, didnt expect you guys to really wait for my updates T_T)
I want to thank all of you one by one but i guess i will do that after i finish my sequel right? 
hehehe, anyway, i've decided to make a three-shot, so i'll have one more chapter to go before it ends..
Hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did while writing it(:
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Chapter 5: I love it so much
I love the ending so much.
amisya #2
Chapter 4: Daebakkkkkk T_T
Chapter 4: First fanfic that make me tearing up. :""" author-nim daebak!
Chapter 4: T.T it also ends in a happy ending :)
Chapter 4: OH MY GOSH. Re-reading this again ;~; sobbing . This fic gave me so many emotions.
dudukuma #6
Chapter 4: wow.... i finish this in just 30 minutes...
Faidy15 #7
Chapter 4: Great story thanks! =)
haynakujosh #8
Chapter 4: T_T...tear jerking love story..a work of art's so good..i'm not the type to like this genre but this piece? its so earn my praise author-nim..continue it..God Bless
Chapter 4: omo , so beautiful T^T
Chapter 5: hey guys a new one-shot/two shot! ^-^ do support my newfic <3