
An Amazing Day

DBSK - Taxi

The days passed by quickly, that turned to weeks, then months. They were happy and there was not a single day of sadness. The relationship between them grew, and their feelings for each other just deepened with each passing day. Byul loved their company, and they loved hers. Sadly, their happiness was going to end soon.

One day, in the middle of the night, Yongguk got a phone call from their headquarters.

“Hello?” he asked in his hoarse voice.

“Yongguk?” a girl voice asked.

“Noona? What’s wrong?” Yongguk immediately became awake.

“Yongguk, I know that you had your mission changed, but we need you and your group to go back to your original plan. The group we sent out isn’t doing well. We already sent back up, but we’re not sure if they will be able to hold. You guys need to evacuate Earth right now. They’re coming to Earth in search for you guys.”

Yongguk froze in shock. Only silence was present in the air.

“Y-Yongguk? Are you there?”


“What is it?”

“Can we stay for one more day?”

“What?!! No you can’t! I told you, we don’t know if the backup will hold for that long! Hurry and escape right now-“

“I know already! I-I know, but… but can we just have one more day here. We want to say our goodbyes first.”

Noticing that Yongguk’s voice shaking, the girl softens. It’s not every day when you hear a leader breaking down.

“Okay, but only for one day. No more,” she said.

“Thank you noona.”

Sensing that someone was at the door, Yongguk told him to come in.

“H-hyung, are we really going to leave Byul?” Himchan asked.

Yongguk didn’t answer. He didn’t want to answer that question.

“H-hyung, we’re not leaving her, right?”

Again, he didn’t answer him. The silence already told him the answer, but he didn’t want to believe it. He didn’t want to leave Byul.

“Hyung, we can’t leave her. Sh-she needs us, an-and we need her.”

Himchan was breaking down. He couldn’t bear leaving her. She would go back to the life she always wanted to escape. They couldn’t leave her, they just couldn’t.

“Himchan-ah, we’ll talk about this when everyone’s awake,” Yongguk said trying to go back to sleep.

Himchan wanted to say more, but knowing that it would be no use, he decided to keep quiet and went back to his room. Both of them didn’t go to sleep though. They just lay on their bed, waiting for the sunrise.

At 5, everyone was awake, except Byul.

“Hyung, why did you wake us up so early?” Daehyun asked still half asleep.

“What’s wrong with you guys? You don’t look so pleasant,” Youngjae asked, noticing that both of their hyungs darken expression. It’s normal for Yongguk to have a dark expression, but when Himchan has a dark expression along with him, they know something’s up.

Everything was silence. The silence was dense and heavy. The four younger ones wanted someone to break it, but they didn’t know how.

“H-hyung, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you guys saying anything?” Daehyun asked, breaking the silence.

Yongguk closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath.

“We have to leave Earth tomorrow.”

Himchan closed his eyes to prevent his tears from dripping. The four younger boys froze and just stared at him.

“Yo-you’re lying, right? H-hyung, tell me it’s just a lie, right?” Daehyun asked.

Again, silence filled the room. From the looks on Himchan and Yongguk’s faces, it doesn’t seem like they are lying. The silence was killing them. Himchan was avoiding any eye contact with any of them and Yongguk just kept his head low.

“We have to say our goodbyes to Byul soon,” Yongguk said.

“Why?!” Jongup asked.

“Our enemies will be approaching Earth if we don’t leave.”

“But I thought the headquarters already sent another group to do our mission.”

“They’re not doing well. Backup was sent to them, but they’re not going to hold up for long.”

“We’ll see her again, right?” Zelo asked.

“I’m not sure, Zelo. I’m not sure.”

After their conversation, they put on an act so Byul wouldn’t know that something’s wrong. It was now evening and everyone was bored.

“Byul-ah, let’s go to the park today. We don’t have school today and I haven’t showed you the park yet,” Zelo said.

“Okay, let’s ask oppas first. I want them to go with us too,” Byul said.

Byul and Zelo went to the living room where the others were.

“Hyung, can we go to the park today? There’s nothing to do, and I’m bored,” Zelo complained.

“Okay, there’s nothing to do here anyways. Guys, get ready,” Yongguk ordered.

“It’s a bit cold today, isn’t it?” Himchan asked. “Here, put this on and this too.”

He gave Byul a jacket, then a scarf and a hat and mittens. He put them on her and he continued putting layers on her. She began to feel warm from all of the layers.

“Himchan hyung, I think you’re putting too much on her,” Jongup said.

“But I don’t want her to catch a cold. She needs to be healthy.”

“But that’s overdoing it. It’s not even winter yet and you’re already putting a hat, scarf, and mittens on her.”


“Take some layers off of her. She’s going to suffocate from all the heat.”

Himchan started tearing up. He didn’t want to leave Byul all alone in this world. Himchan went away before he could cry in front of her. Jongup took his place instead and fixed her.

“Jongup? Where’s Himchan?” Byul asked.

Jongup thought he would be able to hold his tears in, but when she spoke, he couldn’t hold it in.

“He went to get ready,” he tried saying it in a normal voice.

“Oh, okay.”

Everyone was now ready, and they made their way to the park. They took their time. One part was because Byul walked slow, the other was because they wanted the moment to last. The group wasn’t cheerful as it was before. It was quiet and it felt weird for her.

“Why aren’t you guys talking?” she asked.

Silence was all she could hear. Feeling scared, she started to panic.

“G-guys? This isn’t funny. Cut this out. Where are you guys?” she shouted.

She moved her walking stick around her, but she couldn’t feel anything around her. Tears began forming in her eyes. The boys watched her from afar. Zelo wanted to go to her and say an excuse, but Yongguk stopped him. Jongup couldn’t look at her. Himchan’s heart was slowly breaking. Daehyun wanted to hug her, but Youngjae was holding him back.

A minute later, the boys came back to her. Knowing that they were back, she hugged the one closest to her. Tears began flowing down her cheeks. She started shaking under his embrace.

“Were did you guys go? You guys are so mean. You didn’t even tell me where you guys went. You just left. Do you know how scared I was? I thought you guys left me,” she continued to sob.

The person petted her head. Immediately she knew it was Yongguk.

“I’m sorry,” he said in a whisper. He too, was crying.

After that, they continued the day. The weather was gloomy, but it fitted exactly with what they were feeling. They made it to the park and they played in the playground. Byul sat on the swings and she just listened to the boys play around. She liked listening to them play.

Then, she was lifted from where she was sitting and was taken to another place. She held tight on the person as he carried her.

“Jongup?” she asked.

“Sorry, but you seemed a bit lonely just sitting on the swing.”

She laughed. He placed her on the slide and pushed her down. It’s been a long time since she went to the playground. She could hear Daehyun’s loud voice yelling at the younger ones, and Himchan and Youngjae laughing like there’s no tomorrow. The time they spent at the playground went by quickly. Before they knew it, it was already night time. Byul couldn’t see what time it was, but she could feel the temperature dropping.

“Guys, is it already night time?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Yongguk answered.

“Then let’s go back. It’s getting cold.”


They walked back slowly, trying to hold the moment. Slowly, one by one, they start tearing up. Byul couldn’t see them though, so she thought they were just quiet. They made it home and Himchan suddenly hugged her.

“Himchan? What are you doing?” she asked.

“Just… just don’t move,” he said into her ear.

She was confused at his action, but she did as she was told. When he let her go, she asked,

“Guys, what’s going on? Why are you guys so strange today?”

Silence filled the room. She hated the silence.

“G-guys, you’re here right?”

She moved a bit and felt someone. Zelo was standing in front of her. She sighed in relief.

“Answer me. Don’t just ignore me.”

“Byul-ah,” Zelo started but couldn’t finish.

She could sense that something was wrong. She was scared of what it might be.

“Zelo? Wh-what’s wrong? Why are you and oppas acting so weird? Tell me. Zelo?”

She couldn’t hear anything. She was about to ask him again, but she stopped. Crying. Zelo was silently crying. The cheerful maknae was crying in front of her. She began feeling scared. She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t help the fear rose in her body.

“Z-zelo? Why are you crying? Is something wrong?” she asked. “Wh-where’s Yongguk and Himchan? Where’re the others?”

Zelo didn’t answer any of her questions. Instead he just continued to sob louder. Someone took Byul’s hand and made her sit on the couch.

“Byul-ah, we need to tell you something,” Yongguk said.

Byul relaxed a bit, knowing that Yongguk was still here. But she froze when she heard his next line.

“We’re leaving tomorrow.”

Byul didn’t know what to say. She wanted to ask so many questions, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask them.

“Our headquarters told us to go back before our enemies come here. It’ll be dangerous for you, so we have to leave.”

“Why… why did you tell me this earlier?”

“We just found out today.”

Byul kept her head low. She didn’t want them to leave. They meant so much to her. She wanted to beg them not to leave her alone, but she knew that was selfish. If she did that, thousands of people’s lives would be in danger. Her eyes stung and her face began to get warm. She lifted her head and asked,

“Can you guys leave after I fall asleep?”


All of the boys lay down on her bed next to her. Their body kept her warm and protected. She shut her eyes as tears squeezed out from her eyes. The next morning would be like it was before she met them. It’ll be just like a dream. She tried to stay up, but her eyes soon got heavy and she went to sleep. The next morning, the warmth she felt last night was gone. She tried searching for them. She went to each of their bed rooms and said their names and touched their beds to see if they were lying on their bed. Air was just on the beds. They really left her. The same emptiness she felt came back. She started sobbing. She was going to be lonely again. The happiness in the house and her life was now gone.



Kehehehe.... it's not done yet XP

































































































































































































5 Years Later

Byul looked at the different types of cake. She now works as a teacher at an Elementary school. She had surgery done on her eyes so she could now see. She was deciding on which cake to buy. She wanted the chocolate cake, but she also wanted the vanilla with strawberries. Of course, she picked the vanilla because of the strawberries. She happily walked out of the store with the cake in her hands.

“You still like strawberries don’t you, Byul-ah?”

She stopped her tracks. The voice was all too familiar. She wanted to turn aorund and see if it was really him, but she might be hearing their voices again.

“Wifey, aren’t you going to turn around?”

Tears started forming in her eyes. Slowly, she turned around and saw them, in front of her stood her six aliens. She walked to them, then she began running. They were surprised to see her running, but they welcomed her with an embrace. Again, she cried, happy to see her aliens again.


Now it's done :DD I'm so happy I completed one of my stories!! Now I just need to focus on two stories. This chapter was supposed to be really sad, but I wasn't in the mood. The original ending for the story was to just end with B.A.P gone, but because I didn't want a sad ending, I just added the 5 years later thing. I'm guessing Unknown will be the next story to be finished, so I'm going to work on that one more than the other one. Bye~

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Chapter 5: Waaaaeee???
Please write a sequelll...I mean...I want that Byul chooses between that six aliens XD

ps. i wonder how that mato aliens brush their teeth XD
Chapter 2: This is an interesting beginning :D