
An Amazing Day

IU - Peach

Byul woke up the next morning with a delicious aroma in the air. She immediately left to find where the smell was coming from. The smell was so good, she forgot to take her walking stick with her. Realizing that she doesn’t have her walking stick, she went to the wall as a guide. Following the smell, she bumped into someone.

“Opps, sorry. I didn’t see you there,” a deep voice said.

“No, it’s okay, Yongguk-ssi,” Byul said.

“Wah, h-how did you know? Are you sure you’re not blind?” he asked.

“I think anyone will know. Your voice is so deep,” she answered.

He blushed at what she said. Noticing that he’s not saying anything, she asked him,

“Is there anyone cooking?”

“Y-yeah. Himchan is cooking breakfast for us.”

“Ohh… he can cook?”

“Yeah, he’s like the umma of the group.”

“What time is it?”

“6:40, why?”

“Oh my gosh! I’m going to be late for school.” Byul started to panic.

“Don’t worry,” he picked her up bridal style. “Where do you want to go?”

Byul blushed as she answered,

“T-the b-bathr-room.”

He carried her to the bathroom and walked out so she could do her morning routine. Once she was placed on the floor, she tried her best to do everything fast. It was hard since she couldn’t see where the items were, but she was used to where everything was. In twenty minutes, she finished and came out of the bathroom. Yongguk must have been waiting for her since she was lifted as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom. She blushed at their contact once again. He took her somewhere she didn’t know since she’s in the air. After a few seconds, she was placed on a chair.

“You have to finish your breakfast before you go to school today. I don’t care if you’re late.” Byul assumed the person speaking was Himchan.

“Okay Himchan-ssi,” she replied.

“Is she getting used to our voices already?” she heard a person timidly and softly asked from behind her.

“I think so, but it’s cool!”

Judging from the voices, it would be Jongup who asked the question and Zelo who excitedly answer.

 Byul quickly chugged the food down so she wouldn’t be late for school. She didn’t have time to eat it slowly and taste it. It was delicious just from chugging it down, but it would’ve been better if she took her time eating the food.

Finished with the food, she stood up, only to be lifted again. She held tightly onto Yongguk.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“6:55,” he answered.

“I’m going to be late for school,” she breathed out.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get to school on time.”

“It’ll take at least ten minutes to get there.”

“We’re here! Now, go, before you get tardy.”

He placed her down and handed her her walking stick. Byul was surprised to hear that she was already at school.

“Hurry, you don’t want to be late, do you?”

Byul finally came back to Earth.

“T-thank you, Yongguk-ssi-“

“Call me oppa next time. I’m leaving now, okay? Be safe.”

Yongguk patted her head softly before leaving and Byul smiled at his kindness. She made her way to her classroom with much difficulty, but she wasn’t late.

School went by fast. It was already over. Byul was surprised at how time went by so fast. She couldn’t wait to see the boys though. Just thinking about them made her happy. She got out of school and shoulder bump someone.

“Opps sorry,” she said.

“It’s okay Byul. Come on, I’m going to take you home!” a cheerful voice said.

“Z-zelo-ssi? What are you doing here?”

“I told you already. I’m here to take you home. Come on, hyungs are waiting for us.”

Girls around them could be heard. They squealed at how cute Zelo was or asked themselves why Zelo was with the blind girl.

“Come on, let’s go. I don’t like the girls. They scare me,” he said as he took her hand.

He dragged her out of the school. Byul blushed at their contact. Zelo blushed too, but she couldn’t see it so he was a bit relieved of that. They walked for minutes, and soon the minutes turned into an hour.

“Zelo-ssi, where are we going?” she asked.

“I wanted to take you to a park, but I think I lost my way. I’m so sorry,” he began to cry.

“Don’t worry, we can ask people around for help. Are there anyone around?”

“Y-yeah, th-there’s one person.”

“Then let’s go and ask that person. Where is the person standing?”

“Over here.” He led Byul to the person.

“Excuse me, but can you help us? We’re a bit lost,” Byul said to the person.

“Sure, what can I help you with?” it was a female.

“Can you tell us how to get to TS High School?”

“Sure, but I want something in return.”

“What will that be?”

“I would like that boy to be my daughter’s future husband. He’s not your boyfriend, is he?”

“N-no, but he’s too young to get married.

“My daughter wants to get married as soon as possible, but she can’t find a boy who is willing to marry her at a young age. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take this young man to her after I show you the way to TS High School.”

“Y-you can’t!”

Silence filled the air.

“I-I mean, h-he’s already married to someone.”

“But you just said that he was too young to get married.”

“I know, but I said it, hoping you’ll let him go, but that didn’t work out so well.”

“Are you sure about this? May I ask who he is married to?”

“Ummm… he’s married to….”

“I’m married to her,” Zelo said, making the two of them look at him.

He went behind Byul and back hugged her, resting his head on her shoulder.

“I’m already taken by this girl,” he said in a low, soft voice, but loud enough for the older woman to hear.

“B-but she’s blind!”

“That doesn’t change anything. I love her for her. Just because she’s blind doesn’t mean anything.”

Zelo’s eyes soften as he blushed, holding her like this. Byul was touched by his words. She also blushed at his hug.

“Well, I guess I can’t say anything. Follow me, I’ll show you the way.”

The woman led them back to TS High School and this time, they made their way home.

Himchan was beyond furious when they came home.

“Where have you guys been? Do you know what time it is? It’s already so late! I knew we shouldn’t have let Zelo pick her up. But no! Zelo had to use his freaking aegyo on us! Byul must’ve been so scared being with him. Byul! Oh my gosh! Bylu, are you okay?! Zelo didn’t do anything stupid, did he?”

Himchan ran to her and checked to see if she was okay.

“I-I’m okay, Himchan-ssi. We just got a bit lost, but we found our way back.”


“YONGGUK HYUNG!!!! I WANNA SWITCH GENERALS!!!!” Zelo screamed as he ran away from Himchan.

Byul laughed at their silliness. It felt nice to have people in her house. Her house was always quiet and lonely with only her. A few seconds later, Himchan came back to Byul.

“Dinner’s ready. Eat up, I’m sure you’re hungry from all of the walking you did with Zelo,” he said.

“Okay. Let me put my stuff away first.”

Byul walked away to her room and placed everything on the floor next to her. She had homework, but she’ll have to do it later. Himchan won’t let her do her homework until she finished his cooking. She went to the kitchen and ate her food. B.A.P came in later. All of them were happily laughing and talking. Byul liked hearing some noise in her house. She felt happy and comfortable.

After dinner ended, everyone said their goodnights and went to sleep. Byul couldn’t go to sleep though. She still had homework she needed to do. She went to her room and started on her homework. In an hour, she finished her homework. The homework was easy because her teachers, just like the students, thought she was helpless just because she couldn’t see. Of course, she hated it, but nothing will change their minds about her. She will forever be a helpless, blind girl in their eyes. A knock came from behind the door.

“Who is it?” Byul asked.

“It’s me, Himchan. Can I come in?” he asked.


Himchan came in her room with some snacks.

“I thought all of you guys were already asleep,” Byul said.

“I’m the only one awake. I guess everyone’s tired today.”

“Why? What did you guys do?”

“We were getting used to living on Earth. It’s not as easy as it seems. Everything you earthlings do are so different from what we do on our planet.”

Himchan handed her a strawberry.

“I heard that these things are called strawberries and that they’re sweet. Zelo really likes cherry tomatoes. All of us tried a yellow thing called a lemon and every one of us, except Youngjae, almost died from the sour taste. It tastes so horrible!! I don’t even know how humans can it.”

“Hahaha.. silly, you don’t eat it just like that. You make some things with the lemon to make the food taste better and healthier for you.”

She took a bit out of the strawberry and smiled in delight. The sweetness from the strawberry made her smile.

“Do you like strawberries?” he asked.

She nodded happily while chewing the strawberry. He lightly chuckled at how cute she was. They continued talking about random things. They were getting comfortable with each other and laughed until they couldn’t breathe anymore. Byul liked having his company.

When they were finished with the strawberries, Byul went to the bathroom to wash up and Himchan went to the kitchen. Byul couldn’t help but feel all happy and felt butterflies inside. She liked having the boys around her. They made her feel special and important. They made her feel normal for once.

Once she was done washing up, she lay on her bed. Slowly, her eyes became drowsy and heavy. Within a few seconds, she fell asleep. Himchan came in a minute later. He still wanted to talk to her, but seeing that she’s already asleep, he decided to go to sleep too. Just when he was about to go out the door, he stopped. His heart stepped a beat when he stared at her peaceful, sleeping face. He came closer to her. He brushed her bangs away from her face so he could continue looking at her beautiful face. He memorized each and every detail on her face. He leaned in and their lips were about to touch, but she stirred in her sleep, snapping him out of his thoughts. He blushed like crazy and backed away from her. He put the blanket over her before leaving her room. He power walked to his room, still blushing. He lay on his bed and tried going to sleep. He could hear his own heartbeat rising with each thought of her. He turned to his side and thought,

“Byul, what have you done to me?”


I'm so sorry for not updating this chapter last week Saturday or Sunday. I mind wasn't working and I had two other stories I had to write. Since I'm on fall break right now, I'm going to try to update as much as I can. Next chapter will be about Daehyun, Youngjae, and Jongup!!! :3
If I have any errors, please don't mind them. I will try to update tonight if I have time, if not, then it'll be updated tomorrow. Well... I don't think I have anything else to say... Bye~


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Chapter 5: Waaaaeee???
Please write a sequelll...I mean...I want that Byul chooses between that six aliens XD

ps. i wonder how that mato aliens brush their teeth XD
Chapter 2: This is an interesting beginning :D