A Journey Back To Paradise

I pulled Myungsoo along to get a better view of what was behind the window. All that was running through my head was the thought that we might be stuck in here forever; the thought that the paradise behind these dreadful walls might be impossible to reach. As we were getting closer, the light was getting brighter and brighter. My heart was beating faster and faster. My anxiety was increasing by the second. My whole body was filled with questions flowing through my blood.

Where is that light coming from? Has the sun risen? Will we never be able to get out? Is it over?

Just one more step and I would find out the answer to all these questions. I took a deep breath and proceeded forward. Taking a step which requires no more than one second felt like it was taking eternity.

After eternity passed, I saw what was behind the bars; nothing. Nothing but an open field with the sun shining on it. We didn’t make it. We didn’t make it Before The Dawn.

My breathing became heavy and the battle I had with my tears ended in my loss. Each tear which fell out of my eye held nothing but sadness. It flowed down my cheek and onto my neck and in my shirt. The tears covered my body in sadness. I was now covered in sadness inside and out. I kicked the wall in anger.


My heart didn’t want to beat anymore. It was tired and heavy. It carried the weight of all my emotions; anger, agony, sadness, despair and much worse emotions.

My body no longer wanted to carry the weight of my heart. It was too much for it. It wanted to escape as did my heart. No part of me wanted to be here anymore. But, I had to face reality. I missed the last chance I had to leave this place. It’s over.

Narrator p.o.v.

The sun began to rise as it always would. The bright rays hit the surface of the earth. The light shined through windows. The warmth hit objects that had become cool in the night.

In front of a large window lay 3 boys in separate beds. In sync, they all opened their eyes but quickly squinted due to the bright light. One of the boys, Sungyeol, rose and walked towards the window.

“Hyung, Sungjong-ah, the sun rose,” he said quietly. His voice was didn’t come out as trembling but you could sense he was heartbroken. He spoke so quietly, as if we didn’t want to state the fact loud because he would have to hear the words clearly then. Those words that broke his world apart.

“We….we didn’t make it,” said Sungjong as his voice shook. He walked over to the Sungyeol to see the proof for himself.

“We’re stuck in here forever!” yelled Sungyeol as he kicked the wall ferociously. Sungjong began to weep and fell to the ground.

Sunggyu sat on his bed with his head down as he silently cried. The room was filled with the sounds of weeping and it carried the feeling of despair.


The sun rose! D:

One last chapter~

It'll be very short like this one.

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I'm just changing up some stuff. Sorry if it comes up as an update


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sweetypiee #1
miyoon_kim #2
Chapter 11: YAH!! please make a sequel..
I want the rest of the INFINITE escape.
This story make me cry badly. :'(
Chapter 11: yah! yah! yaH! please make a sequel.. please make the rest of infinite escape too!! it's freaking sad you know?? i'm crying, seriously! ~ ))":
Chapter 8: Plus the math answer is 25.5. Not 13
Chapter 7: This is almost masochitic. Why torture infinite? I aint a fan but wow. Very unique plot though quite painful to read because of the way they suffer without explanations.
flabbycow #6
Chapter 11: Why. Are. You. Doing. This. To. Me?
Chapter 11: Awwww they didn't make it D:
Chapter 11: Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungyeol, L, Sungjong D: NOOOO! But YAYY FOR HOYA AND DONGWOO~ I liked the ending ;)
Chapter 10: Please update new chapter Dx :D Pretty please? xD 감사합니다 ^^