The new Jiyong

That XX

He walked to the café feeling like he owns the world. He was feeling confident, more then he has ever felt before. The was bright as the sky and he knew this would be the best thing he has ever done. Or at least he thinks so...

When he finally arrived the time was 11:03 AM. “Hey Jiyong, you look good! I love the hair.” said Dong-Sung when Jiyong entered the big café. “Thanks” he replied. Jiyong grabbed a cloth and started to polish the tables. It was a calm day, not a lot of costumers came in, maybe they were all too busy to visit. He didn’t care about anyone, because the only thing on Jiyongs mind was Jenny... He wanted to show her the new and confident Jiyong, the bad boy side of him.

“Sit down” said Dong-Sung, “Let’s talk abit”. Jiyong put down the cloth and polishing bottle on the brown table and took the strawberry bubble tea Dong-Sung handed over.
“I know you have new clothes, looking fresh and everything, but... you probably also need some lessons about talking to women”. Jiyong took a sip of the tea and continued to listen. “When she cracks a joke, PRETEND to laugh. Act more manly, talk less about your days and more about dating, get your groove on man. She won’t be wanting to have you as her boyfriend if you only talk about your days with each other.....”. They continued talking since it didn’t seem like any costumer would come any time soon...

They heard the door bell from the entrance and checked who it was. They saw Jenny stepping on the checkered floor with her long high heels. Jiyong whistled at her beauty, something he hasn’t done before. “Jenny you are looking fine~” Jiyong said while she went to join them. “Hi guys, how has your day been” she said while noticing Jiyongs new look. “It’s been pretty calm” Jiyong replied. Dong-Sung slowly raised up and walked away from them.

“Jiyong, I couldn’t help but noticing your new outfit and hair style. What happened with the old ones” she said to Jiyong while blushing. “It’s in the trash” he replied with a cocky voice. Jenny giggled adding a disappointed sigh in the end. Jiyong acted like he didn’t hear the sigh and continued. “I thought I needed some new clothes, and some hair on top of that. I look good don’t I”. She wanted to ask why he changed, but he interrupted her. “And I was thinking that... You and me, should go tomorrow to Geum, a 5 star restaurant”. “Uhm...okay.. If you really want to” she replied while sighing.

She didn’t really seem to like the new Jiyong, but she went along with his ‘new personality’ and looks. “Meet me at 8 PM outside my dorm okay honey” he said. “Oh okay.. I gotta go now though, gonna go back to work, it was nice talking to you again” she replied while heading out of the café. “It was nice talking to you and your new self” she mumbled and sighed to herself.

“Uhm Jiyong, you can head home now if you want” said Dong-Sung since since he wanted Jiyong to get prepared for the date. Jiyong took his jacket and told Dong-Sung good bye and headed out. Today was a special day for Jiyong, he chaged his looks, became ‘bad ’ and asked the girl of his dreams out. He picked up his shiny smart phone, called a taxi and waited for it to come...

“Today is the day Jenny will become MY girl” he thought to himself while looking up to the sky, smiling.

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