The Fall

The Rain and The Fairytale



After the incident on the garden Daehyun started to treat Youngjae differently, as if Youngjae would break in the slightest touch and Youngjae started to talk (or write) to him less and less, and Daehyun didn't even know what the hell have he done wrong. It's for his own safety! He's sick, ill, and fragile, he needs protection and Daehyun would do anything to protect him.

But lately Junhong came by frequently (if not more) and took Youngjae's attention more than Daehyun. And in those times (as if they wanna limit Daehyun from their conversation) Youngjae talked in gestures by his hands that Daehyun can't comprehend, and Junhong replied it with another alien sign. Daehyun made a mental note to learn sign language right away. But from Youngjae's stern expression and Junhong's pleading one right now he figured out that they're probably in some kind of argument... And every so often one of them would glance in either hatred or innocent look, so Daehyun can conclude that maybe they were arguing about him.

Youngjae suddenly threw his hands up in frustration and pointed at Daehyun, with a glare that can kill to Junhong, who the latter replied with a defeated sigh and asked Daehyun to talk outside with him.

"So... Well.."

"So he's mad at me."

Junhong looked surprised and shook his head frantically.

"No no!! It's not that!!"

"Then what? He avoids me for god's sake."


Daehyun caught the taller boy mumbled but can't figure out the coherent sentence in one go.


"I mean..." he sighed, "Youngjae hyung's only frustrated."

"Frusta... What? Why?"

"Hyung you practically treats him like a porcelain doll that can break in the slightest touch, he hates to be treated that way."

" I didn't."

"Yes you did. You won't even hold his hand, I know things hyung! You can't even keep your hands off hyung before."

A slight blush flew across Daehyun’s face even though he tried to hold it down.

"Th-that doesn't explains anything."

Junhong messed up his hair and sit on one of the bench by the corridor, motioning Daehyun to sit beside him.

"Youngjae Hyung's... He hates to be treated as if he's different because he himself knows he is. It's hard for him hyung, to act like everything's okay, when he himself knew it's not. So if people treat him like he's normal, it will make him happier because people understand what he has to go through by it. He needs it the most from you hyung. You took a big part of him already, don't leave him."

Daehyun was speechless. He thought he was protecting Yongjae but what he did only made things worse. And to hear it from Junhong... He knew he had to believe him.

"He used to lock himself up you know? It took me a full year to be close with hyung."

"You're kidding, you look like brothers!"

Junhong laughed and nodded.

"Mom and dad took hyung home from the orphanage. We're not related by blood."

"I never know... Much like Jongup and I then?"

Now it's Daehyun's turn to laugh lightly, and Junhong reddened when a certain name was said. But he turned back to his sad expression again.

"Hyung's used to be alone since he was young. And maybe he looked like he's not; he has many friends, he looks happy... But he's not. Even if he puts on a smile he always builds a wall around him and not letting anyone in. He's afraid to get hurt, he thinks he's useless. And now with the sickness inside the equation..."

Junhong glanced warily at his hyung's door, but turned back to smile at Daehyun.

"That's why I'm beyond thrilled to hear hyung talks about you so much; finally he founds someone that he's willing to open up to. So don't treat him differently hyung, he needs you that much."

By that the younger patted his shoulder, went inside to take his bag and left the hospital. Not finding the courage to enter Daehyun stayed on the bench for a while, and after he made up his mind he opened the door to see Youngjae in the same position like when he saw him from the first time. It was raining too, and Daehyun didn't even realize it because he's too busy with his own thoughts. After taking a deep breath he called Youngjae.


The blonde slowly faced him with his eyes glazed, and Daehyun's heart was breaking at the sight. He rushed to Youngjae and hugged him. He felt the younger clasped his hands around his waist, returning the hug.

"I'm sorry for what I've done, I don't know it hurts you that much... I'm sorry for everything Jae."

Youngjae shook his head and hugged him tighter, as if saying that it's not Daehyun's fault.

"No, I'm sorry. It's my fault, I never see it in your perspective... I'll try to be better, I'll try to make you happy."

Daehyun cupped Youngjae's cheek and tilted the blonde haired man's head up to meet his eyes. Youngjae smiled at him and nodded, mouthing "thank you" to him. And then he pressed his lips to Daehyun's and pulled back after a few moments. They shared a knowing look and grinned at each other, lips meeting each other again in a parade soft kisses. Then Daehyun felt something wet accross his lips and cheek.

Youngjae broke the kiss and looked at Daehyun's nose and cheek that's smeared by red, then checked his nose. It bleeds again. He then smiled an apologetic smile at Daehyun, wiping the blood on Daehyun's face then wiped his nose. While he did so he took his sketchbook and scribbled something down.

Sorry to ruin the moment.

"No it's okay... It happens... Right?"

Deep inside he knew his smile must've look so fake to Youngjae when he said it. 

I hope you won't change after this Dae. It's hard, but I can get through this. Will you help me?

"Of course Jae, of course."


"I promise."

And that's the first time in his life that he made a promise so sincere, to the point that he'll sacrifice his soul if it's needed, that he'll be there forever for another person's sake. That's also the first time he realized that he loves Yoo Youngjae and he'll do anything for him. Jung Daehyun was falling in love, and he was falling hard.


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Chapter 13: Can we upvote this story 100 times? Because I feel it deserves them all T.T the story is so sad, tragic and inspirational at the same time. Sorry that only now did I find out about this story T.T it is really precious T.T
Chapter 13: I try not to cry but when i read chap 12..that it!!!i cries river..waterfall at that...gahhhh Σ (゚Д゚;)..
n i literally hope chap 13 will be happy ending with daejae..huhu..its so beautiful...
im so ing emo right now..
dun cha touch me( TДT)..
Anyway,thank u for making these authornim..u re amazing i tell ya d=(´▽`)=b
Chapter 13: I cried..
You make me cried..
How dare you..
Make something this beautifull..
O God..
I'll keep this story on my list..
You are awesome..
Chapter 13: Im crying
ing crying
MySnowCheonsa #5
Chapter 9: Chapter 9... I'm crying... this is so good AND THANK YOU FIR MAKING CHAPTERS THAT DONT TAKE 20000 YEARS TO READ ILY
Soojoon #7
Chapter 13: This is one of my most favorite daejae fics the ending was a bit choppy but was a great story! Keep on writing daejae fics. Daejae fighting!
Chapter 9: it was sooooooo sweet and beautiful ;__;
I even broke into tears bc of the ending, This's heartbreaking DX
emptyseat #9
Chapter 13: HOLY MOTHER OF EARTH I'M ROLLING ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING LIKE A DYING WHALE YOU'RE SO MEAN;;;; i died at the few last chapters AND YES THE EPILOGUE!!!!;u; God this is just too painfully beautiful.. Sobs i dont want jae to die i want him to be there with daehyun forever, laughing cuddling growing up together (im so weird i know k)
Youre amazing! I hate you <3333
this is so sweet yet so sad ;___;