The End...?

The Rain and The Fairytale





Letting out a deep breath Daehyun walked to the stage when his name was called. He fixed his tux along the way and when he reached the stage the emcee allowed him to sit in the middle. He sat on the chair, get ready with his guitar, and take another deep breath to calm his nerves down. Then he let out his phone, dialed a number, and put it on the small table by the chair. He then adjusted the microphone and strummed a chord with his guitar.

"Err... thank you for the opportunity and I'm sorry if I'd mess up cause it's my first time doing this in front of so many people and I'm being a nervous wreck right now."

The audience laughed at his remark and Daehyun's tension lessened a bit. He smiled a bit and continued.

"So here's the first song from me, I'm in Love."

While he sang the song, his memories when he first met Youngjae until he realized that Youngjae's already a big part of his life replayed inside his mind. The song is what he wanted to tell Youngjae, cause he haven't told him what he felt about him directly. Both of them never talked about it, because they know each other's presence was more than enough. When the song was over the audience clapped their hands from him, which Daehyun replied with a sheepish smile and a small bow.

"The next song... I bet everyone knows this song by heart, so it'd be a good help if everyone can sing this together."

Daehyun grinned a bit and started to play the intro of the song, leaving the audience wondering what song it could be. Then on the first lyric they noticed it right away; it was Gee from Girls’ Generation. They laughed in joy at Daehyun’s wit and sang along. Especially the ‘no no no no!” part, the children who came practically shouting their hearts away, making Daehyun laughed a bit and tripped over the song. But he managed to save himself some dignity, turning it into an adlib, and continued the song flawlessly. The song ended in applause and wide smiles. They shouted “Encore! Encore!” together and Daehyun laughed shyly.

“Well I do have another song for tonight, don’t worry.”

The audience clapped, and Daehyun continued when it has died down.

“This song is… well, this is my first time writing a song and sing it in public. I write this song with a person in mind… actually because of that person I experienced so many things for the first time… and I learned how to treasure every little thing in life. That person is a warrior, a fighter, and that person’s in a battle right now and that person’s in the losing end. We all know it would happen sooner or later, but that person still fights with all his might, to still live life to the fullest.”

Daehyun took a deep breath and blinked back the tears, but keep on continuing.

“I was ignorant, uptight, and I never see things in its positive light… but that’s before I meet this person. Because this person makes me looking at life in a different way and I realized that life is very beautiful. That person has done so much for me, but I never repay him back… I could never repay him back. I don’t know how to repay all of my debts to him. So this song is for that person, for him to keep on fighting until the end. Ladies and Gentlemen, the last song from me; Fairytale.”


I've forgotten how long it's been

Since I saw your bright smile for the last time

I've thought for a very long time

I know life’s harsh and it’s unfair

But deep inside I know, I hope

That fate will spare you once more

I don’t wanna wake up no more

If it means I won’t see you there

So many things I’ve yet to do

So many words I’ve yet to say

Regret comes after

But now I’ll try it for you

I'm willing to be
The angel who will save you in the fairytale
I'll open my arms wide
And turn them into wings to protect you
You must believe
Believe that we will be like the fairytale
With happy ever after as the ending


Everyone in the room was in silence. There’s something inside this song, both the lyric and the melody, which made it so heartbreakingly beautiful. The way the young man on the stage, who was just entering his adulthood, singing with all his emotion and heart… And they were feeling what he was feeling right now; the man was irrevocably in love.


It will be hard day by day
To live without you
To be without you
There's no way I can be your prince charming
And you’re no princess to save
But do you know? Inside my mind
This fairy tale will last in me


I'm willing to be
The angel who will save you in the fairytale
I'll open my arms wide
And turn them into wings to protect you
You must believe
Believe that we will be like the fairytale
With happy ever after as the ending


Daehyun sang with all his soul poured to the song, to the man who was now lying on his bed with tears striking down his pale face, with a phone clutched tightly in his hand. He was weak, so weak that Junhong won’t let him see Daehyun’s performance, so Jongup proposed the idea of Youngjae hearing Daehyun live via the phone. But since Youngjae didn’t have one, Junhong volunteered to stay behind and let his hyung using his phone in loudspeaker, to do the last promise his hyung had made to himself. Because he knew that it’s nearing, that his hyung will leave him, so he stayed behind. He was there to be with his hyung, listening to Daehyun’s song with a silent pray… That life won’t take away the happy ending of his hyungs’ fairytale.

I want to be

The angel who will save you in the fairytale

Cause you’ve been so much more

And there’s no life without you

Tears won’t change a thing

But this fairytale we made together

Will last till forever and more

Daehyun’s voice broke and tears caught his voice in his throat. He tried to fight it back but it flowed down to his cheek shamelessly. He had to finish this song. He had to make Youngjae proud. He had to be strong for Youngjae. So he swallowed his tears and sang once more.


I'm willing to be

The angel who will save you in the fairytale

Even though we’ll be miles apart

Or even worlds apart

I’ll keep on believing that you and I

Even though we’re not perfect

Even though we have no future to be

But this fairytale of us two

Will last till forever and more


Together, someday, we'll have our happy ending


The last note echoed as Daehyun’s breath was getting shallower, his head down to save himself some dignity. He can’t face everyone with red eyes and wet cheeks, because this was supposed to be a happy occasion and yet he ruined it. No sound can be heard aside from his sniffs and his drumming heart on his ears.


But then, suddenly, a myriad of hands clapping rang through the room and Daehyun looked up to see almost everyone in the room stood and gave him countless applause. A standing ovation. For him. For Youngjae. And new tears brimmed on his eyes again, making his sight blurred, and he choked out a “thank you” along with a deep bow. The tears were out of both relief and grief. Relieved because he had fulfilled his promise to Youngjae, but he knew that the time has up and the magic is over. The spell won’t last more than this. So when he exited the stage and heard Junhong’s voice shouting his warrior’s name through the phone in his hand (he forgot to end the call because there’s just too much thoughts running), he knew the inevitable was happening. And the things that were running endlessly in his mind stopped. That numb feeling came. Swallowing him whole without mercy.


And the first thought that came to Daehyun’s mind was how, like a short broken fairytale, everything he had ever fight for had to end soon.





this . i'm sorry. just let me know what you think, i might edit a few parts later.

and the song above is Tong Hua sung by Guang Liang.

The lyric of the song is not purely translated from the song 100%. i made up some and alter some parts to make it related to the story. so i'm sorry for the oh-so-very-y lyric oTL


well, till the next update



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Chapter 13: Can we upvote this story 100 times? Because I feel it deserves them all T.T the story is so sad, tragic and inspirational at the same time. Sorry that only now did I find out about this story T.T it is really precious T.T
Chapter 13: I try not to cry but when i read chap 12..that it!!!i cries river..waterfall at that...gahhhh Σ (゚Д゚;)..
n i literally hope chap 13 will be happy ending with daejae..huhu..its so beautiful...
im so ing emo right now..
dun cha touch me( TДT)..
Anyway,thank u for making these authornim..u re amazing i tell ya d=(´▽`)=b
Chapter 13: I cried..
You make me cried..
How dare you..
Make something this beautifull..
O God..
I'll keep this story on my list..
You are awesome..
Chapter 13: Im crying
ing crying
MySnowCheonsa #5
Chapter 9: Chapter 9... I'm crying... this is so good AND THANK YOU FIR MAKING CHAPTERS THAT DONT TAKE 20000 YEARS TO READ ILY
Soojoon #7
Chapter 13: This is one of my most favorite daejae fics the ending was a bit choppy but was a great story! Keep on writing daejae fics. Daejae fighting!
Chapter 9: it was sooooooo sweet and beautiful ;__;
I even broke into tears bc of the ending, This's heartbreaking DX
emptyseat #9
Chapter 13: HOLY MOTHER OF EARTH I'M ROLLING ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING LIKE A DYING WHALE YOU'RE SO MEAN;;;; i died at the few last chapters AND YES THE EPILOGUE!!!!;u; God this is just too painfully beautiful.. Sobs i dont want jae to die i want him to be there with daehyun forever, laughing cuddling growing up together (im so weird i know k)
Youre amazing! I hate you <3333
this is so sweet yet so sad ;___;