No Man is Good Enough For A Daughter's Father

A Thousand Years


I have sense that there’s something wrong with her the day she had her focus more on her phone than her books, even her friends like she usually did, but I still couldn’t believe it, until she really brought that punk with dork grin home. -____-

Soojung-ie said he actually has a degree on business and law major, but currently taking over his father’s law firm while being a co-associates in a company where he and his friend built together, and my wife even said that I might need his help in my firm because we have a lack of business law expert..

AS IF! =_=

Because he looks ridiculous to me! He has tattoos, he got more than one piercing on his ears, and he dare to enter MY family zone, even claimed MY daughter as his GIRLFRIEND! I do not trust him! And I did not say this only based on my dislikes on him, but based on a deep thought and observations!

First, I doubt he can be a loyal person because he can’t even be loyal to only one of his school major!

Second, I doubt he can be a decisive person because he can’t even decide which profession he likes more, hence he took all, greedy!

Third, I doubt he can be a trusted person, because I DO NOT BELIEVE HIM!

“How are you Mr.Jung?”

“Destroyed, as soon as you stepped into my house” What’s with the dork grin! =_=

“David!” great, even my wife against my philosophy of protecting our daughter from this kind of punk!  “Don’t mind Krystal’s father A.J dear, he just have a hard time dealing with his age”

“I do not! Being bald is what I find it hard to face once you are getting old!”

“Actually I understand your fear Mr.Jung, my dad also has the same fear of losing his hairs”

“I have nothing to do and refused to be equated with you and anyone else related to you! And I am not afraid!” =_= seriously this kid, acting like we knew each other for so long, we do not, and I do not want to!


“Yes dear..” I am not whipped, I’m just trying to be a good husband for my wife okay? For your information.

“Would you like to drink something A.J dear?”


“David! We need to talk, N.O.W, NOW!”



“Yes dear..” this is all because of that punk! I am making a ‘I’m watching you’ hand gesture to him as I followed my wife into our bedroom upstairs, he’s lucky my wife is around, if not, HE DIE! =_=

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” that and massive smacks on my shoulder is what I get as soon as my wife closed our bedroom door, and that is what I get for being a good father for my daughter T_T I hate that punk TT__TT nobody loves daddy anymore TTT___TTT

“WHY do you keep doing this whenever there’s a good young man who shows their interest to our daughter?! FIRST Sooyeon, NOW Soojung?! Can’t you just let them live their life, or you’ll prefer them to be FOREVER single?! For god sake!”

“What did I do? Where did I do wrong? I was just trying to protect our daughter from that..”

“HIS name, is A.J, David, A.J! And NO, he is NOT a punk!”

“Fine, then what does kids these days calling someone who has tattoos and piercing on their body which is unnecessary? We’ll call him that” Nice logic right? I Know, I am the master of logic B)

“David!” at some certain moment, it feels great to hear my wife calling my name like this.. IF you know what I mean, hehehehehehe


“ARE YOU LISTENING?!” bad timing to think about such thing! TTTTT______TTTTT and there is when we heard someone knocked on our bedroom door.

“Mom, Dad, could you guys come out for a second, A.J want to talk about something”

“In a minute dear”

“What’s that dork want to talk about?”

“David! Whatever he wanted to talk to us about, just listen! Do not interrupting before he finished what he supposed to say, or else..” If glares could kill, I’m dead right here right now, enough said.

“Yes dear” but somehow, I feel something is not right with his intention to speak with us. Hem.. I think this bad feeling is kind of familiar before, but I can’t really point it out straightly, I wonder..

“First of all, Mr. and Mrs.Jung, I would like to apologized that I have disturbed your rest time, with my visits this evening”



“What? He’s done talking? You are done talking are you?”

“Daddy, please?” Aish, I just can’t say no to my wife and daughter.. Glares..

“Go on dear” my wife, so biased =_=

“Thank you Mrs.Jung.. I.. I would like to invite both of you” and why is he looking at me like that? O_o  “Especially you Mr. Jung, to have a dinner, tomorrow night”

This scene..

“And why would you think that I will attend your so called invitation?”


“Silent! I am talking here”

“Be… Because.. I.. I would..”

“Look at me, and talk straight young man!”

This feeling..

“There’s something I would like to show you sir, and you too Mrs.Jung”

“And why can’t you show it now?”

“Because I want to make it special sir, for someone who is special to me”

This moment..

 “I know your family well young man, me and your dad were college mate, works together on some occasion, and went out together along with the other friends in our group of close friends. But you have to know, it doesn’t mean that I like you as much as I like being your parents friend, especially when it concerns about my daughter’s life”

“Daddy.. Please..”

“I’ll see what you can do tomorrow, but once again I’m telling you, it doesn’t mean that I will like it, and that I, will let you to be with my daughter more than you already-unacceptably by me-are now, do you understand?”

I can see that my wife and daughter are against the way I act at this time, but I already lost one, I do not wish to lose another one.

Even if I have to, I need to be sure.

At the very moment, I don’t.

Maybe I won’t.

Unless he could convince me.

A luck to know that Sooyeon’s husband turns out to be a good man once they got married, but it doesn’t mean that I have to lower my guard, when it comes to make sure of my daughter happiness, to a man who wants to be in a serious relationship with her, which on this case, to the next level, marriage.

And heck I will not let him get what he wanted that easily!





Or.. At least, that was what I’m planning to do? ._.









No man, is good enough for a daughter’s father..

That’s why I am being like this..

If only they could understand.. :( 



a/n: the story has developed into an "i dont even know what am i trying to write" theme, muwahaha, well to be honest, i'm doing this for fun with inserting some other people thoughts about kryber relationship, as for this, their parents, especially from father side, and i am having fun with my random mind, i'm terribly sorry if in the end it made you all who have been willingly subscribing confused, i'm confused myself ._. so, any idea to fill up my random mind for this? anyway, though i'm not sure you'll enjoy this, but, enjoy *_*

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laperlateehee2 #1
Chapter 7: Hahaha nice story,LDW, as usual. Papa Jung is so funny.

kryberrrrrr is cominggggggg wheeeee
dede123 #2
Chapter 7: I can't wait for KRYBER! :)
Mr. Jung is so funny. Haha.
Thanks for the update. And Please do update soon. :D
DerpinJae #3
Chapter 7: i hope daddy jung wouldn't do something to aj that will hurt his daughter so much.. he would want his daughter to be hurt because of him right? hahaha
Chapter 7: Nyahahahahahahahahahaha.. Daddy david and Mommy Meridith........

Ohh okay..
Chapter 6: Tsk.. tsk.. tsk..

Bad daddy jung.. he's got bad plans.. Aj should watch out for his back..

Now I wonder what drama Daddy David will bring to our Kryber..
Chapter 6: WWWOW you updated.

Daddy Jung is up to no good,eh? Tssk tsssk
chandyto #7
Chapter 5: author your story was great...why didnt u update another chap?aishh....
27 streak #8
Chapter 5: woohh..i was thinking of my future while reading this.. being a father...Wow!! big word..
ace022 #9
Chapter 5: I love Momma Jung so much! She is jjang!!!!
Chapter 5: Hmmm....i hope i won't do be too ridiculous like Mr.Jung one day :D

thanks for the update