Fix You


Luhan is an artist. Not a stalker. So why was he following a boy he doesn't know to the other side of town?



An exiled prince sat on a single chair amidst a vaste wasteland.


He reached out to no one. No one reached for him.


He was alone, content. 


He was





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sonya96 #1
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!!! It's a really great story!
kaixin #2
Chapter 3: "“You’re actually pretty good,” Sehun made a small ‘o’ with his lips as he looked closer at the sketch."
dude I love the small characteristics you slip in like this :D

"Luhan raised an eyebrow. “Why do you always say ‘a mom’? Your mom doesn’t do this for you?”
Sehun sleepily shook his head, burying his face further into the pillow."
this easily goes under list of moments when I want to hug a fictitious character

good luck with writing even though we're all busy with classes now T__T I actually made an acc on here so I can comment WOOO FEEL SPECIAL.
kaixin #3
Chapter 2: "“Oh, right! I’ll show you the room,” Luhan spun around in a circle for a few seconds before leading the way to the empty bedroom."
you characterized his lovable ditziness so well :p

"“What? I’m a first year.” Sehun kept focused on his book."
I want to meet a first year who looks like sehun wat

"“Key,” Sehun said the word loudly and drawn out. “I need a key.”"
when I read the first word I was like wait key is in this story now? IS THIS SOME CROSSOVER THAT I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT

"P.S. The way you sleep is really embarrassing."

"Luhan shook his head. “No, it’s just, at your work you’re all...” He did his best replica of Sehun’s charming smile.
“But in reality, you’re like...” He frowned with his eyebrows and scowled.
“Are you making fun of me?” Sehun blinked, keeping his testy glare.
Luhan laughed. “I guess I am.”"
:3 awwww this was a nice way to end the chapter, it's light-hearted but shows plot movement heh
kaixin #4
Chapter 1: "looking for a tenant to rent out the unused second bedroom in his apartment"
ooooo could this be…FORESHADOWING?

"Sehun didn’t look up from his multivariable calculus book as he answered."
moody teen sehun --> smart scholar sehun replacing scholarly lay /GASP/ (also, I like how he called luhan a "blonde thing" HAHA that is adorable)

‘They made me use tongue’
HAHAHA IDK WHY THIS MADE ME LAUGH because it's like uSE IT OR ELSE (but jk)

"I’ve had weirder, Jongin thought. Try having a customer who tells you to quit your job every day... right after paying you."
this line seemed to have such underlying sadness D:

"Looking for a tenant to rent out 2nd bedroom
I’m very clean & respectful
Call the number if you are interested
Or just come up, I’m usually in there ^ ^
Room 117"
I love the ^ ^ smiley bahahaha (ALSO, I KNEW IT.)

yaaay onto the next chapters :D
Chapter 2: Love the story already~
Fighting author-nim~!
Chapter 2: It was interesting~ ;D waiting for update too!! :D
Chapter 1: Wow, I like this story already.
Sehun as a host club!!!!!!!!!!!!
hunhan!!! i love your first chapter already!
it is fated for them to be together lol
i can't wait for them to be housemate