Chapter 2

Fix You


“You’re that weird kid who followed me to work,” Sehun pointed at the boy standing on the other side of the door. This is terrible, he thought. Of all people...

“T-that’s rude! You should be honored that I wanted to sketch you,” Luhan retorted.

“You followed me for a thirty minute bus ride to the other side of town,” sehun shook his head and turned around. “Forget this. I’ll find somewhere else to live.”

Luhan panicked, almost tripping over his feet before grabbing the sleeve of the boy’s blazer. “Wait, don’t go!”

“Why? Let go of me!” Sehun tried yanking his sleeve away from the boy, who just grabbed his wrist instead.

“Please stay here! I really need to rent out that room or I’ll go broke...”

Sehun sighed before turning back around, jerking his arm away. 

“Fine, only because this is the cheapest rent for a decent room I’ve found.” He straightened up, adjusting his blazer. “But if I catch you pulling any creepy , I’m out.”

He cursed... Luhan blinked, remembering the charming, gentle boy he had met the night before.

“I’m Luhan,” he held out his hand, realizing they had never truly introduced themselves. The boy scowled at him before reluctantly shaking his hand.

“I’m Sehun.” His grip suddenly tightened. “I hate getting involved with customers, so don’t go blabbing to people where we actually met.”

Luhan nodded, taking his hand back from Sehun’s death grip. “To be fair, your alias isn’t very good...”

“I didn’t choose it... You piss me off!” Sehun barked, taking his shoes off and walking into the living room.

“You were taking too long to invite me inside,” he explained, seeing Luhan’s blank stare.

“Oh, right! I’ll show you the room,” Luhan spun around in a circle for a few seconds before leading the way to the empty bedroom.

“Here it is. Oh, the bed and table were already there when I moved in,” Luhan nodded towards the twin size bed and bedside table in the room. Sehun looked around the room, checking the closet space and the shared bathroom.

“You’re really an airhead, huh?” He finally said, while fixing his hair in front of the bathroom mirror.

“Huh!?” Luhan thought he should keep count of the times he’s been insulted today.

“I came into this thinking I’d have to buy a bed,” Sehun looked at Luhan with a sort of patronizing stare. “If you mentioned that the room was furnished, people would be more willing to rent it.”

He checked his phone for the time. “Well, this will do.”

He walked back into the living room and retrieved his messenger bag. He sat down at the dining table, taking out his calculus book.

Luhan, who had followed him there, noticed the book. “You’re a college student?”

“Yeah... You didn’t notice how close your apartment is to the campus?” Sehun replied while reading.

“How long do you have left?” Luhan sat down across from him.

“What? I’m a first year.” Sehun kept focused on his book.

“Really? But... you work at that bar...” Luhan became a bit concerned. 

“It’s not like it’s illegal. None of your business anyway.”

“But you must be only eighteen... Is it really okay to be working at a place like that?”

Sehun slammed his book closed. “I’m leaving for work. You’re too distracting.”

He got up and stormed to the door, grabbing his things. He spun around as he was about to leave and held out his hand to Luhan.

Luhan cocked his head to the side, thinking he was experiencing déja vu. He slowly reached for his wallet, wondering how far the past would repeat itself.

“Key,” Sehun said the word loudly and drawn out. “I need a key.”

Luhan scrambled to his desk and fished the spare key out of a drawer.

“You know, I thought we were close in age,” Luhan dropped the key into Sehun’s open hand. “If you’re that young, I don’t think you should be working at a place like that.”

“I don’t want to be hearing that from a guy over twenty who still looks like a middle schooler,” Sehun pocketed the key, scowling. He opened the door.

“I’m... gonna let that one slide,” Luhan added another mental tally mark to his list of Sehun’s insults. “What would your parents think if they found out you work there?”

Sehun raised an eyebrow. “They wouldn’t care,” he said casually before shutting the door behind him.

Luhan sat down at his desk, staring at his sketches as he recounted the events of the last half hour. He ran his finger along the drawn lines of Sehun’s smile in the sketch.

I should be kind of irritated right now, shouldn’t I? Luhan recalled that Sehun had called him weird, creepy, an airhead, and a middle schooler just within this half hour.

None of that stuck, though. What stuck was the thought that an eighteen year old’s parents could possibly not worry about their child working at a host bar.

Exactly what kind of life do you have, Sehun?


Sehun saw Jongin as he entered the bar and held up his hand as greeting. Jongin smiled, crinkling his nose and giving his unique ‘squeezing the air’ greeting.

“I found a place to live,” Sehun said once he was next to Jongin.

Jongin raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at his lips. “You don’t sound so happy about that.”

“I am, but I’m not,” Sehun sighed, vein threatening to show on his forehead. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

“Okay,” Jongin chuckled. “I’ll help you move in tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” Sehun nodded and noticed Jongin start to walk towards the exit. “You’re leaving already?”

“Yeah, uh... I want to leave before Kyungsoo gets here,” Jongin scratched his head with a somewhat apologetic look.

“What? But you meet here every day.” Sehun was under the impression that Jongin enjoyed having a daily customer.

“I know, but it makes me feel kind of... guilty,” Jongin frowned. “It’s not just that I want a break. I also want to give him a break.”

Sehun blinked, remembering something Jongin had said about Kyungsoo continuously telling him to quit his job as a host. I wonder if Kyungsoo is purely concerned, or maybe just... jealous?

“To put it frankly, I’m tired of it,” Jongin laughed and waved, turning around and walking out the door.

Sehun waved back. I guess even Jongin has his own problems.

The rest of that night followed pretty much in routine. Sehun put on a charming smile for his customers, shared drinks, complied to his customers’ other wishes, which included things ranging from playing with their hair to making out with them in the corner booth. It was all humdrum to Sehun, just his job. He went through the motions, fooled his customers, and collected the money.

By the time he returned to the apartment, all the lights had been switched off.

That baby’s already sleeping, he joked inwardly. He walked quietly into his bedroom, setting his phone and wallet down noiselessly on the night stand. Removing his blazer and walking into the connected bathroom to take a shower, he noticed the door to Luhan’s room left open. Sehun glanced inside, finding a sprawled out, mouth open Luhan sleeping comfortably.

At least sleep like an adult... Sehun closed the door.


Luhan awoke and checked the clock next to his bed, which read 10:07 a.m. He sat up, yawning and blinking his eyes fully awake. Scratching his head, he walked slowly to the bathroom. He stared at the closed door connecting the bathroom to Sehun’s room. Feeling curious, he turned the doorknob gingerly and cracked it open to peek inside. The room was empty and Sehun’s bed was done.

Did he even come home last night? Luhan wondered as he brushed his teeth. He trudged into the living room and found a note on the dining table.

My friend and I are coming around 1 pm to move the rest of my stuff. Is that okay? Here’s my cell if not: xxx-xxxx

P.S. The way you sleep is really embarrassing.

So he did come home. Luhan thought he might be able to burn the note if he glared at it menacingly enough.


“So what’s wrong with the place you found?” Jongin asked as he helped Sehun pack up all of his things from the dorm.

“Uh, it’s my roommate,” Sehun continued folding his clothes into a suitcase. “He’s small, blonde, an artist...”

Jongin burst out laughing. “You’re kidding, right? What happened to not getting involved with customers?”

“The rent is the best price I’ve found,” Sehun bargained. “And it’s close to campus. Plus, the room was already furnished.”

Jongin shook his head, smiling. “You don’t have to convince me, Sehun. I just think it’s funny.”

He zipped up the other suitcase filled with Sehun’s belongings. “Ready?”

Sehun nodded and stood up.


Luhan looked up from his lunch as Sehun and another boy, dark hair and tan skin, came in with two suitcases.

“This is Jongin,” Sehun pointed to the other boy before moving his suitcase into his bedroom.

Luhan furrowed his brow, scratching his jaw as he thought the boy looked familiar.

Jongin laughed. “I work with Sehun, so you might have seen me that night. We go to the same college, so he’s been crashing at my place until moving here.”

“Ah,” Luhan’s eyes widened slightly and he nodded at the clarification. He watched Jongin follow Sehun into his bedroom and heard the muffled sounds of their conversation. After finishing his lunch, Luhan decided to be courteous and offer to help.

He arrived to Sehun’s bedroom to find the two boys filling the closet with Sehun’s clothes.

“Need any help?” Luhan watched as Sehun hung up a white dress shirt.

“Good timing,” Jongin got up. “I’ve got a class soon. See you later, Sehun.” He paused and looked to Luhan. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

“Oh!” Luhan blushed, immediately embarrassed for forgetting to introduce himself. “I’m Luhan.”

“Later, Luhan,” Jongin grinned and showed himself to the door. At the sound of the door closing, Sehun rolled his eyes.

“You’re such an airhead,” he shook his head as he placed a jacket around the shoulders of a hanger.

Completely ignoring the insult, Luhan sat down on Sehun’s bed next to his open suitcase and Sehun, who was standing.

“What time did you get home last night?” Luhan kicked his feet like children do and picked up one of Sehun’s shirts from the suitcase.

“Are you a mom or something?” Sehun raised his eyebrow, glancing at Luhan. “Around two thirty. My shift ended at two. And I had class in the morning.”

Luhan nodded, satisfied, and hung up the shirt he had been holding. He continued helping Sehun hang his clothes up for a few minutes.

“Your personality is so different than I expected,” Luhan spoke his thoughts.

“You got a problem with that?” Sehun shot a glare Luhan’s way.

Luhan shook his head. “No, it’s just, at your work you’re all...” He did his best replica of Sehun’s charming smile.

“But in reality, you’re like...” He frowned with his eyebrows and scowled.

“Are you making fun of me?” Sehun blinked, keeping his testy glare.

Luhan laughed. “I guess I am.”









A/N: hehehe c:

i’m having so much fun with luhan’s airheaded... ness

and sehun’s grouchiness

also i didn’t know how to describe kai’s y grabbing thing.. you guys got it right?

thanks for reading as always <3

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sonya96 #1
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!!! It's a really great story!
kaixin #2
Chapter 3: "“You’re actually pretty good,” Sehun made a small ‘o’ with his lips as he looked closer at the sketch."
dude I love the small characteristics you slip in like this :D

"Luhan raised an eyebrow. “Why do you always say ‘a mom’? Your mom doesn’t do this for you?”
Sehun sleepily shook his head, burying his face further into the pillow."
this easily goes under list of moments when I want to hug a fictitious character

good luck with writing even though we're all busy with classes now T__T I actually made an acc on here so I can comment WOOO FEEL SPECIAL.
kaixin #3
Chapter 2: "“Oh, right! I’ll show you the room,” Luhan spun around in a circle for a few seconds before leading the way to the empty bedroom."
you characterized his lovable ditziness so well :p

"“What? I’m a first year.” Sehun kept focused on his book."
I want to meet a first year who looks like sehun wat

"“Key,” Sehun said the word loudly and drawn out. “I need a key.”"
when I read the first word I was like wait key is in this story now? IS THIS SOME CROSSOVER THAT I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT

"P.S. The way you sleep is really embarrassing."

"Luhan shook his head. “No, it’s just, at your work you’re all...” He did his best replica of Sehun’s charming smile.
“But in reality, you’re like...” He frowned with his eyebrows and scowled.
“Are you making fun of me?” Sehun blinked, keeping his testy glare.
Luhan laughed. “I guess I am.”"
:3 awwww this was a nice way to end the chapter, it's light-hearted but shows plot movement heh
kaixin #4
Chapter 1: "looking for a tenant to rent out the unused second bedroom in his apartment"
ooooo could this be…FORESHADOWING?

"Sehun didn’t look up from his multivariable calculus book as he answered."
moody teen sehun --> smart scholar sehun replacing scholarly lay /GASP/ (also, I like how he called luhan a "blonde thing" HAHA that is adorable)

‘They made me use tongue’
HAHAHA IDK WHY THIS MADE ME LAUGH because it's like uSE IT OR ELSE (but jk)

"I’ve had weirder, Jongin thought. Try having a customer who tells you to quit your job every day... right after paying you."
this line seemed to have such underlying sadness D:

"Looking for a tenant to rent out 2nd bedroom
I’m very clean & respectful
Call the number if you are interested
Or just come up, I’m usually in there ^ ^
Room 117"
I love the ^ ^ smiley bahahaha (ALSO, I KNEW IT.)

yaaay onto the next chapters :D
Chapter 2: Love the story already~
Fighting author-nim~!
Chapter 2: It was interesting~ ;D waiting for update too!! :D
Chapter 1: Wow, I like this story already.
Sehun as a host club!!!!!!!!!!!!
hunhan!!! i love your first chapter already!
it is fated for them to be together lol
i can't wait for them to be housemate